how to remove course on schoology

by Malika Morissette 9 min read

– Schoology Support

  • Click Courses at the top.
  • Click My Courses.
  • Click the gear icon to the right of a section you'd like to delete. If no gear appears, click the course’s name. A list of blue section titles ...
  • Click Delete .

Click My Courses.
Click the gear icon to the right of a section you'd like to delete. If no gear appears, click the course's name. A list of blue section titles should display below, each with the gear icon menu to the right. Click Delete.
Sep 4, 2020

Full Answer

How do I permanently delete a course?

Jun 27, 2014 · If you would like to leave a course, the teacher (course admin) must remove you from the course. Please contact the teacher in person, or send him/her a message through …

How to backup and restore a Schoology course?

Sometimes you want to just create a course play around with and want to delete it later on. Here is how you delete a course or group: 1) Logged in to schoology click on the Courses tab and …

How to reorder your Schoology courses?

In the Course Builder, select the Settings tab; Scroll down and click Delete this course; Confirm by selecting Yes, delete this course. Delete This Course will not be available if there have been …

How can I Delete my progress in a course?

· If you would like to leave a course, the teacher (course admin) must remove you from the course. Please contact the teacher in person, or send him/her a message through Schoology. …

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Using the Delete Tab: Removing Courses ... - Schoology Support

Sections: Delete the sections in the exported spreadsheet that you do not wish to archive. Step 3—Import Courses and Sections Files.

How To Delete Schoology Course - XpCourse

If you would like to leave a course, the teacher (course admin) must remove you from the course. Please contact the teacher in person, or send him/her a message through Schoology. To find the course admin, click on the Members area on the left menu of the course profile. The member with the yellow shield to the right is the course admin.

Iorad - How to delete a course in Schoology

The first step is to open Capture Tutorial and click Courses. Click My Courses. Scroll down and click on the course to remove. Click toggle options.. Scroll down and click delete.

How do you remove yourself from a course? - Schoology Support

If you would like to leave a course, the teacher (course admin) must remove you from the course. Please contact the teacher in person, or send him/her a message through Schoology. To find the course admin, click on the Members area on the left menu of the course profile. The member with the yellow shield to the right is the course admin.

How To Leave A Course In Schoology - XpCourse

If you'd like to leave a course, the teacher (course admin) must remove you from the course. Please contact the teacher in-person, or send the course admin a message through Schoology. To find the course admin of the course, click Members from the left menu of the course profile. The member with the yellow shield is the course admin.

I'm a teacher. How do I leave a course ... - Schoology Support

If you a member-only of a course, the course administrator must remove you from the course. Please contact the course admin in-person, or send them a message through Schoology. To find the course admin of the course, click Members from the left menu of the course profile. The member with the yellow shield is the course admin.

How to save a course in Schoology?

To save individual course materials to your Schoology Resources. Select the course from the dropdown menu at the top of the Schoology window. Click the “gear” icon next to the folder or course material you want to save. Click “save to resources”.

What does schoology save?

Schoology saves all of your work, including materials, grades, and student interactions in a special Archived section of your Courses area. If your course "disappears," it's actually just 3 clicks away—safely archived for future reference. Click the Courses dropdown menu . More ›.

How to delete a section in a course?

To delete sections for a course: Click Courses at the top. Click My Courses. Click the gear icon to the right of a section you'd like to delete. If no gear appears, click the course ’s name. A list... Click Delete .

How to delete a course in Schoology?

How do I delete a course? – Schoology Support 1 Click Courses at the top. 2 Click My Courses. 3 Click the gear icon to the right of a section you'd like to delete. If no gear appears, click the course’s name. A list of blue section titles ... 4 Click Delete .

How to access schoology resources?

· How to Access your Schoology Resources for Simple Lesson Planning. Click the “resources” tab at the top of the Schoology window. Select the filing cabinet you want to access. Select “personal” to access your private cabinet of content. Select “ public” to access open-sources content shared by others ...

How to find course admin?

To find the course admin, click on the Members area on the left menu of the course profile. The member with the yellow shield to the right is the course admin. If you'd like to leave a course, the teacher (course admin) must remove you from the course.
