how to remove a course from canvas

by Elfrieda Rohan 10 min read

To delete all course content from your Canvas course: Navigate to the course with the content you wish to delete. From the course navigation menu, select Settings. In the "Settings" sidebar at the right, select Delete All Course Content. You will be prompted to confirm. To proceed, click Reset Course Content, or click Cancel to cancel.

Deleting a Course
  1. From your course home page, click the settings tab at the bottom of the course menu.
  2. Once in settings, there will be options for both deleting or ending the course on the menu on the right side of the page. Click whichever one to end or delete your course.

Full Answer

How do I delete a course on canvas?

Navigate to the course with the content you wish to delete. From the course navigation menu, select Settings. In the "Settings" sidebar at the right, select Delete All Course Content. You will be prompted to confirm.

How do I hide old courses in canvas?

In the Global Navigation menu (on left), click Courses and then All Courses. To favorite a course or courses, click the empty star next to each course name to add it to the Courses menu. To hide a course, click the filled star next to each course name to remove it from the Courses menu.

How do I delete a course in canvas admin?

To delete a course: Access the Manage Courses tool from your Admin menu. Search for the required course. Click on the Delete option within the three-dot menu. Click on the Yes, delete the course button in the validation window that pops up.

Can you archive courses in canvas?

When a course is archived, it will no longer appear on your Canvas Dashboard or in your All Courses List. If you do not wish to have a particular course archived, you may temporarily delay this process with the new Course Archive Manager tool.

How do I hide classes on canvas dashboard?

To move a course on your Dashboard in Canvas, simply click it and drag it to the new location. To hide the course it so it doesn't show on your Dashboard, click the 3 dots on it, click the Move tab, and select Unfavorite then click Submit.

How do I rename a canvas course?

Changing Your Course Name and Course Number in CanvasClick on "Settings" from the course navigation.Click on the "Course Details" tab across the top.Editing "Name" will edit the long name of the course.Editing the "Course Code" will edit the short name of the course that appears across to top of the course site.More items...•

What can Admin see on canvas?

Admins can: Add and remove course designers, observers, students, teachers, and teacher assistants to courses. Add, edit, and delete events on the course calendar.

How do you delete old courses on d2l?

Delete course offeringsFrom the Admin Tools menu, click Course Management.To find the course offering you want to delete, in the Offerings tab, enter a course name in the Search For field.Select the check boxes beside the course offerings you want deleted.Click Delete Selected.

How do I hide a section in canvas?

You can also click on the three dots to the right of the section (1) and select Move (2), then choose the desired place. To disable a section or hide it from student view, drag a section down to the hidden section at the bottom of the page (1).

How do you hide in canvas?

You can specify either 'hidden' (without value) or 'hidden="hidden"'. Both are valid. A hidden element is not visible, but it maintains its position on the page.

How do I customize my canvas dashboard?

3:174:09Canvas Quick Tips: Customizing Your Dashboard - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipClick the three dot menu in the top right corner of the course card to see your customization.MoreClick the three dot menu in the top right corner of the course card to see your customization. Options you can give the course a nickname to help you more easily identify.

How do I rename a course in canvas?

Click on the "Course Details" tab across the top. Editing "Name" will edit the long name of the course. Editing the "Course Code" will edit the short name of the course that appears across to top of the course site. Click "Update Course Details" at the bottom to save the changes.

What is Canvas Dashboard?

Your Canvas Dashboard displays your active courses. Active courses are courses that are published and that are within the course start and end dates. The Dashboard may display past courses that are still favorited as well as courses that have no specified end date.

How long does it take for Canvas to update enrollment status?

Additionally, if you have dropped a course, it may take up to 24 hours for your enrollment status to update in Canvas.

Can you remove enrollments from a course?

Removing enrollments is a course permission. If you cannot remove enrollments in your course, your institution has restricted this feature. Enrollments may be added by your institution's student information system (SIS). If an enrollment is created via SIS, only admins can remove an enrollment from the course.

Can you delete an enrollment in Canvas?

You may be able to remove an enrollment in your course within your course Settings in Canvas. Removing an enrollment deletes the enrollment from your account, but admins can view these enrollments as deleted enrollments in account-level reports.
