how to reference a college course

by Muhammad White IV 8 min read

  1. List the university or college first. You should use the full name of the university or college where you took the course.
  2. Indicate the year you took the course in parentheses. You don’t need the semester, just the year you took the course.
  3. Write the name of the course in italics. You should include the course name and number, as well as the full title of the course, in italics.
  4. Indicate that the source is a syllabus. If the title of your syllabus actually says “course syllabus,” you should include that in the name of the course.
  5. Write where the course took place. This should be the same place where you took the class. You can write the city, U.S. state (if applicable), and country.
  6. End with the name of your professor. After the colon after the location of the course, you need to indicate where you got the source from.
  7. Skip the location and author title if your syllabus was retrieved online. ...
  8. Indent any lines after the first. If you find that your citation takes up more than one line, you’ll need to indent any subsequent lines.

First name Last name of professor, “Title or Subject of the Lecture” (class lecture, Course Name, College Name, Location, Month Day, Year).

Full Answer

How do you write a reference for a college application?

Advice for Writing a College Reference Letter Focus on the particular school. Ask the student for information on the school where he or she is applying. Collect information. Ask the student for a copy of his or her resume, so that you can speak to the person’s experience. Mention how you know the student.

What are the different ways of giving references in academic publications?

Many different ways of giving references are used in academic publications. All systems are acceptable, provided they are applied consistently. For your guidance, we suggest the following, which is a simplified version of the Harvard system: 1. References may be given either in the main text of your essay, or in a footnote or endnote.

Should I include MY class on my reference list?

In APA style, your reference list is not just a way to show what sources you use; it is also a way for your reader to find your sources for their own information. Because of this, if you can't locate online notes or video corresponding to your class, you should not include your class on your reference list.

How do you cite a course without the instructor’s name?

For example, if you don’t have an instructor’s name on your works cited page, but you took the course at The University of Michigan, you would write “

How do you reference a course?

References: Author Surname, Initial(s) Year, Unit code Title of the study guide: subtitle, edn (if applicable). University Name, Place. Author Surname, Initial(s) Year, Unit code Title of the study guide: subtitle, edn, rev.

How do you cite a school course in APA?

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year of publication). Title of document. In A. Instructor (Ed.), Course number: Course title (pp.

How do you cite a college reference?

The in-text citation identifies the source and points the reader to the works cited list, found following the document. Generally, the in-text citation should include the author's last name and the pages of the cited information, and you should place it immediately after the quoted or paraphrased text.

How do I cite an online course in APA?

Online course or massive open online course (Mooc) Online courses, including Moocs, can be cited by providing the instructors, year of course creation (if known), title of the course, site that hosts the course, and URL.

How do I cite my professor's lecture in APA?

Citing a lecture in APA Style Instead, you should usually just cite the lecture as a personal communication in parentheses in the text. State the lecturer's name (initials and last name), the words “personal communication,” and the date of the lecture.

How do you cite a university lecture?

Reference: Author(s) Last name, Initial(s). (Year) 'Title of lecture/presentation' [Medium], Module Code: Module title. Institution/Venue. Day Month.

How do you cite a college website in MLA?

Cite web postings as you would a standard web entry. Provide the author of the work, the title of the posting in quotation marks, the web site name in italics, the publisher, and the posting date. Follow with the date of access. Include screen names as author names when author name is not known.

How do I cite an online lecture?

To cite an online lecture or speech, follow the MLA format template. List the name of the presenter, followed by the title of the lecture. Then list the name of the website as the title of the container, the date on which the lecture was posted, and the URL: Allende, Isabel.

How do you cite a class resource?

Class Handouts Author, A. A. (publication date). Title of handout [Class handout]. Place of Publication: Publisher.

How do you cite an online course Video?

General Format: First name Surname, “Title of source,” Course Code Brightspace at University name, Access Month Day Year, URL.

How many letters of recommendation do I need to get into college?

When a student applies for college, he or she will need at least one or two letters of recommendation from a high school teacher, or occasionally an employer. College admissions offices are looking for particular things in a student’s letters of recommendation. Read below for advice on how to write a persuasive letter of recommendation ...

What to do if you can't write a recommendation letter?

If you feel you cannot write the letter, you might also consider pointing the student towards a teacher or administrator who might be a better fit.

Where are in-text citations located?

In-text citations are located within the text of your paper and references are located in the references page at the end of your paper. References use a hanging indent. Click here for more information! References are double spaced . If your course material has more than one author, click here. If your course material is missing an author, date, ...

Is a reference double spaced?

Please note that according to APA formatting rules, references are double spaced in the References list (see rule 6.22 in the Publication Manual). Due to space limitations, examples of APA references provided below are single spaced.

How to reference an essay?

References are in brackets and take the form of the author's surname, followed by date of publication, followed (if appropriate) by page number (s), e.g. (Wiggins 1997, 251).

Do you need page numbers for a quote?

Note that all quotations must be supplied with page references, but if you are referring to an author's text in general terms, then of course page numbers are not required. 2. Full details of all the works to which you refer must be supplied in a list of references or bibliography at the end of your essay.

Can you use course materials as a source?

Course materials should generally not be used as a source for assignments. Try and find another source which makes a similar point to your course materials instead of using it as a source.

Can you cite a Brightspace book if you don't see the author?

If the audience can access the sources in Brightspace or other online learning system, you will cite according to the type of resource (book, journal, PowerPoint slides, etc.). If you do not see an author, you can use Southern New Hampshire University as the group author. If you do not see a date, you can use (n.d.).

How to cite an author's name in text?

If your works cited page citation includes an author’s name, use it for your in-text citation. Start with an open parenthesis, then the author’s last name, followed by a comma. For example, if your instructor’s name is Anita Smith, the first part of your citation should look like this: “ (Smith,”.

How to cite a syllabus in text?

There are 2 ways to cite a syllabus in-text. The first is by quoting the syllabus and then citing the source at the end of the sentence. You can also integrate your citation into what you’re saying. It’s a little more complicated to cite, but can make your writing flow better. Steps.

What is APA citation?

The American Psychological Association’s ( APA) citation style is commonly used by humanities and social science students. If you’re taking those type of courses, you might find that you have to cite your course syllabus using APA guidelines. The formatting of a works cited page is very important, so pay close attention to the formatting rules.

How to end an in text citation?

It might be 1 page or multiple pages, and that’s fine, as long as you list them all. Write a lower-case “p,” followed by a period, and then the page number. Then end the citation with a closed parenthesis.

How to write a history course?

Write the name of the course in italics. You should include the course name and number, as well as the full title of the course, in italics. Only the first letter of the first word of the title and subtitle should be capitalized. Then end the title with a period. Say that you’re taking a history course.

Do you need to write semester in a letter?

You don’t need the semester, just the year you took the course. Write the year in regular Roman letters (no italics) within parentheses and then add a period. For example, if you took the course in the fall of 2010, you would just write “ (2010).” after the name of the institution. ...

Do you need to cite the author's name?

Mention the author’s name in the text. If you’re integrating the citation into the text you’re writing, you’ll need the author’s name. There are quite a few ways to do this, and how you do it will depend on your own personal preference and the tone of your paper.

How to cite a lecture in text?

Revised on May 20, 2021. To cite a lecture or speech, you need an in-text citation and a corresponding reference listing the speaker, the title of the lecture, the date it took place, and details of the context (e.g. the name of the course or event and the institution).

How to cite a lecture as a personal communication?

Instead, you should usually just cite the lecture as a personal communication in parentheses in the text. State the lecturer’s name (initials and last name), the words “personal communication,” and the date of the lecture. Citing a lecture as a personal communication. (D. Jones, personal communication, September 28, 2011) ...

What is the most popular citation style?

APA Style is the most popular citation style, widely used in the social and behavioral sciences. MLA style is the second most popular, used mainly in the humanities. Chicago notes and bibliography style is also popular in the humanities, especially history. Chicago author-date style tends to be used in the sciences.

When to add a descriptive phrase at the end of a works cited entry?

When a lecture or speech is recorded or transcribed within another source (e.g. a website, a book ), you should follow the format for the relevant source type, adding a descriptive phrase at the end of the Works Cited entry to clarify what kind of source it is.

When citing a speech or lecture that you accessed as a recording or transcript, the format follows that of

When citing a speech or lecture that you accessed as a recording or transcript, the format follows that of the source type that contains the speech (e.g. book, website, newspaper ).

Do you need a formal citation for a lecture in APA?

In APA Style, you don’t provide a formal citation for a lecture unless it is recorded or documented in some way. This is based on the idea that it’s only useful to document sources your reader can actually access.

Do you count paragraph numbers in APA style?

You might use a heading or chapter number, e.g. (Smith, 2016, ch. 1) In APA Style, you can count the paragraph numbers in a text to identify a location by paragraph number. MLA and Chicago recommend that you only use paragraph numbers if they’re explicitly marked in the text.
