how do numbers work on course catalog uga

by Efren Kirlin I 9 min read

What do the UGA course numbers mean?

TITLE: Title of the course listed under SUBJECT and COURSE NO. Often abbreviated; see the current UGA Bulletin for full title and course description. DEPARTMENT: Lists the department to which the course belongs. CRN (Course Reference Number): The five-digit designation for a specific section of a course being offered.

How do I contact degreewk at UGA?

If further assistance is needed, send an email from your UGA student email address containing your name, UGA ID # and question to [email protected] .

What does 0250 0113 mean on the UGA campus map?

For example, 0250 0113 means room 113 in building 0250 (Joseph E. Brown Hall), located as shown on the Campus Map. CAMPUS: This listing specifies on which UGA campus the class is being held. Online indicates that the section meets online while Athens indicates the course meets on the Athens campus.

What does the range of numbers in the course information mean?

The range of numbers indicated the minimum and maximum credits available. When the minimum and maximum numbers are different, this indicates that the course is offered for variable credit hours. Students should check with the instructor and their advisor for the number of hours for which to register.

What is a C at UGA?

Evaluation and GradingLetter GradePointsA90-100B80-89C70-79D60-691 more row

What grade is an A at UGA?

4.0GradesGradePointsA4.0A-3.7B+3.3B3.015 more rows

What is considered an upper level course at UGA?

Courses numbered 3000 to 4999 are considered upper-level courses. Courses numbered 5000 to 5999 are considered professional-level courses. Courses numbered 6000 and above are considered graduate-level courses.

How do pass/fail classes affect GPA at UGA?

Pass/Fail courses will appear on the transcript with a grade of “S” or “U”. These grades do not count in the computation of the GPA. Only courses noted as “S” will receive credit.

Does UGA do a+?

If a transcript is required for professional/graduate school and scholarship applications, the official UGA transcript will be the transcript available for students to include in their applications. It will include any plus or minus grades earned. Why is there no A+ in the plus/minus grading system?

Is a 92 an A?

An A- letter grade is equivalent to a 3.7 GPA, or Grade Point Average, on a 4.0 GPA scale, and a percentage grade of 90–92....List of Common GPA Conversions.Letter GradePercent Grade4.0 GPA ScaleA+97–1004.0A93–964.0A-90–923.7B+87–893.38 more rows

Does UGA accept a 3 on an AP exam?

Most departments use the scores of 3, 4 and 5 for credit or placement. The AP policy is in effect for all undergraduate students entering UGA. Both resident and non-resident students are eligible to receive credit.

Can you double minor at UGA?

A student may have more than one minor.

Can one class satisfy two requirements UGA?

In most cases, yes. DegreeWorks is programmed to recognize that some courses can fulfill more than one requirement. If you have any questions, contact your advisor.

Is 89 AB or an A?

PercentLetter Grade94 - 100A90 - 93A-87 - 89B+83 - 86B8 more rows

What is the average GPA at UGA?

4Average GPA: 4 The average GPA at UGA is 4. (Most schools use a weighted GPA out of 4.0, though some report an unweighted GPA. With a GPA of 4, UGA requires you to be at the top of your class.

Is an 84 AB minus?

Most high schools (and colleges) report grades on a 4.0 scale. The top grade, an A, equals a 4.0....GPA Scale.Letter GradeGrade PointsNumerical GradeB3.084–86B-2.780–83C+2.377–79C2.074–769 more rows

How many hours of military science are there at UGA?

Credit awarded may include one credit hour of Basic Training, one credit hour of First Aid, and up to two credit hours of Military Science. Students wishing to receive credit for additional military experience may contact the UGA Department that controls the subject. To the Top.

What is the responsibility of students to select the appropriate courses for their degree program?

It is the responsibility of students to select the appropriate courses for their degree program. If students are uncertain as to their degree requirements, they should consult with their academic advisor/dean prior to scheduling. Students are expected to attend classes on a regular basis during the drop/add period.

What is course deletion?

A course deletion refers to an administrative process whereby the course is removed from the student's record after the designated drop/add period and, if appropriate, a refund is generated. In order to have a course deleted from the student's record, it must be determined that the University is responsible for the student being in the course in error.

How many hours is full tuition?

Fee Adjustments—Tuition is charged on a per semester hour basis for up to 12 hours. Full tuition is charged for 12 or more semester hours. If a schedule change results in an additional fee being due, the student should report to the Bursar's Office to pay additional fees.

How many hours of coursework do you need to take to get a pass/fail?

During the semester they enroll in a pass/fail course, students must also take a minimum of 12 additional hours (6 hours during summer) of graded (A-F) coursework at the University. Pass/fail courses will appear on the official transcript with a grade of "S" or "U.".

Does the Office of Student Care and Outreach excuse absences?

The Office of Student Care and Outreach does not excuse or verify routine absences. The decision to excuse an absence, allow make-up work, or reschedule or make up an exam is entirely at the discretion of each faculty member or instructor. Students who miss a significant amount of class (generally more than one week) and have documentation ...

Does UGA accept CLEP scores?

College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Tests. The University of Georgia academic departments do not accept CLEP scores for initial course credit or placement for students enrolling at UGA. Course work credit, based on CLEP scores and reflected on transcripts submitted by the applicant for transferable course work, may be accepted at UGA.

How many hours is Math 3200?

Course ID: MATH 3200. 3 hours. Course Title: Introduction to Higher Mathematics Course Description: Preparation in mathematical reasoning and proof-writing necessary for upper division course work in mathematics. Topics include logic, integers and induction, sets and relations, equivalence…

What is numerical solution?

Numerical solution of nonlinear equations in one and several variables, numerical methods for constrained and unconstrained optimization, numerical solution of linear systems, numerical methods for computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors, numerical solution of linear least squares problems,…

What is abstract algebra?

Abstract algebra, emphasizing geometric motivation and applications. Beginning with a careful study of integers, modular arithmetic, and the Euclidean algorithm, the course moves on to fields, isometries of the complex plane, polynomials, splitting fields, rings, homomorphisms, field extensions…

What is vector algebra?

Vector algebra and geometry, fundamental concepts of linear algebra, linear transformations, differential calculus of functions of several variables, solutions of linear systems and linear independence, extremum problems and projections. This course and its sequel give an integrated and more…

What are the applications of modern mathematics?

Applications of modern mathematics to management and decision making including the solution of optimization problems using network theory, methods for optimal scheduling, voting methods, game theory, and related strategies. Applications include planning of postal delivery routes, placement of…

What are the functions of two and three variables?

Calculus of functions of two and three variables: Parametric curves and applications to planetary motion. Derivatives, the gradient, Lagrange multipliers. Multiple integration, area, volume, and physical applications, polar, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates. Line and surface integrals,…


Course Challenging

  • All students challenging a course must: (1) not be currently enrolled in or withdrawn from the course to be challenged, nor have previously completed the course at any institution; (2) be currently enrolled in the University as a degree-seeking student; and (3) complete and file an official Course Challenge Form with the Registrar of the University...
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Course Changes

  • Students are expected to attend classes on a regular basis during the drop/add period. A student who incurs an excessive number of absences may be withdrawn from the class at the discretion of the professor. Students who find it necessary to make adjustments in their class schedules during the drop/add period must follow the procedures and adhere to the deadlines. No course …
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Course Deletions

  • Course deletion requires a written student petition followed by the review and approval of the instructor of thecourse, the department head/program director, and the dean. Questions concerning course deletion should be directed tothe dean's office of the student's school or college. This process is for the current term only. Requests for retroactive course deletions mus…
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Dropping Courses

  • No refund is available for a reduction in hours due to individual course withdrawals except when accomplished during the drop/add period. Students should be aware that a reduction in their hours may affect their Student Financial Aid, the HOPE scholarship, athletic and ticket eligibility, University housing accommodations, use of University resources and access to University facilit…
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Credit For Elementary-Level French and Spanish Language Courses

  • Students admitted to the University are expected to have met the College PreparatoryCurriculum (CPC) requirement of two units of one foreign language. Students who havenot met the CPC requirement may register for the elementary-level course to satisfythe requirement with the understanding that 1) the course will not satisfy degreerequirements, 2) the course and grade wi…
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Military Or Extra-Institutional Experience and Credit

  • Four hours of credit may be awarded from an American Council on Education (ACE) Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services. Any additional credit may be authorized by the appropriate department. Inquiries concerning in-service training are directed to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, and evaluations of such training are not made until such time as th…
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Withdrawal from Courses

  • Students may drop one, some, or all of their classes during the drop/add period. Courses dropped in this manner do not appear on a student’s transcript and are not considered as hours attempted for financial aid purposes. No grade is assigned for such courses. However, a student who wishes to withdraw from a course after the last day of the drop period for a term must withdraw throug…
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