how to promote your course

by Karlie Streich 6 min read

14 Stunning Ideas to Promote Your Course Online in 2021.

  • 1. Harness the Power of Social Media for Promoting Your Course. ‍ ‍. Social media is the most powerful tool in your digital marketing arsenal.
  • 2. Become a Podcast Guest for Course Promotion.
  • 3. Create a Promotional Video on YouTube.
  • 4. Publish the Course Through a Book on Amazon (Amazon Kindle)
  • 5. Create a Free Mini-Course to Give an Overview of the Full Course.

How to market your online course after it's published
  1. Promote your course on your blog. ...
  2. Start a YouTube channel. ...
  3. Publish a course promotion video on YouTube. ...
  4. Add student testimonials to your course sales page. ...
  5. Include a link to your course in your email signature. ...
  6. Add a course page to your main website. ...
  7. Build an email list.
Aug 23, 2021

Full Answer

How to promote your online course?

It is much better to pitch your idea for your online course to your target audience and find out they aren’t interested in it than to spend significant amounts of time and money creating an online course that no one buys. 6. Promote your course on your blog

What are the best ways to promote your training program?

Channels and activities you can use include: taster sessions (bite-size learning to give staff a feel for the training available). By expanding beyond simply emailing people and using channels that are much less crowded, you’ll increase your chances of reaching potential audiences.

How can I promote my classes to get more students?

You could offer brand new students a promo deal. Or you could create lists for people who have expressed interest in certain types of classes. Email marketing services like MailChimp allow you to create multiple contact lists for just this purpose.

How to promote training courses through blogging?

Blogging As A Tactic For Promoting Training Courses Companies interested in growing their brand awareness through search engines should be creating at least one new piece of blog content per week. And yes, this applies to any company, regardless of industry. Companies in the training industry are no different.

How can I promote my teachable course?

To sell your course on Teachable, all you need to do that is a sales page. The good news is that when you create a Teachable course, you'll get a sales page that is largely auto-generated. You can use the sales page to sell your course and also collect email addresses before launch.

How do I upsell my course?

Here are 5 tricks to upselling your online course and increasing your revenue:Create a Custom Thank You Page with an Upsell Offer. ... Show Similar Online Courses. ... Add a Limited Time Offer. ... Compare Your Premium Courses with Your Low-Cost Courses. ... Include Upsells in Add-to-Cart Popups.

How do you promote a class in college?

How to Market Your Online Course: 12 Tricks and StrategiesTreat Your Online Course Like a Product Launch (Because It Is) ... Talk About Your Course on Social Media. ... Start a Podcast to Hype Your Online Course. ... Run a Weekly Webinar to Connect With Potential Students. ... Pay for Ads to Promote Your Course.More items...•

How do you convince students for online classes?

5 tips to attract students for your online courseBe clear about your course. Nothing is most annoying than visit a site and didn't immediately find the information you seek. ... Provide infoproducts. ... Learn from your competitors. ... Take advantage of those who are already your student. ... Give something of value for free.

How do you promote online classes?

5 Coolest Strategies to Promote Your Online CoursePublish a course promotion video on YouTube. YouTube is the second largest search engine, with 30 million people visiting it every day. ... Build an email list. ... Start a podcast. ... Publish a book on Amazon. ... Host a live webinar.

How do you market an online course?

How to market your online course after it's publishedPromote your course on your blog. ... Start a YouTube channel. ... Publish a course promotion video on YouTube. ... Add student testimonials to your course sales page. ... Include a link to your course in your email signature. ... Add a course page to your main website. ... Build an email list.More items...•

What is course promotion?

Course promotions can boost sales as part of a strong overall marketing strategy. You can use course promotions any time your sales need a boost. However, promotions are often most successful when you tie them to a particular season or event, and when they are limited by time.

How do you promote?

The best ways to promote a new product or serviceOffer loyal customers an exclusive preview. ... Use a special introductory offer. ... Make use of Google My Business. ... Run a social media contest. ... Spread the word via email. ... Write a blog post. ... Host an event. ... Offer a complimentary upgrade.More items...•

How would you promote our courses to the prospect clients?

11 Effective Ways to Promote Your Online Courses in 2021Create Niche Courses.Create Content (Consistently)Offer Free Courses.Make 'Mother Content'Create Testimonials.Promote Your Instructors.Promote on Social Media.Use Google Advertising.More items...•

How can I attract more students?

More videos on YouTubeSocial Media Marketing.Instagram Marketing Activity.Stay in Touch with Students through Remarkable Presence of Different Social Networking Sites.Educational Events Attracts Students and Parents Altogether to Create Awareness about Education Environment.More items...

How do you attract students to your program?

A few effective college recruitment strategies include:Offer free webinars. ... Provide ebooks and other downloads. ... Send newsletters. ... Create and share infographics. ... Make information helpful and student-focused. ... Use clear call to actions.

How do you attract students for tuition?

Traditional AdsNewspaper Ads.Local TV ads.Distributing flyers to college students.Posters and banners displayed outside schools and colleges.Mailers and newspaper inserts.Word of mouth – get people you know to recommend you in their circles.

Why do you publish a course in a marketplace?

Publishing a course in an online course marketplace can be beneficial simply because of the exposure to thousands of potential customers that already buy courses from those marketplaces. Most online course marketplaces restrict you from promoting products and services that sell you outside of their marketplace, but they do allow you to link to your main website. Publishing a shorter version of your main course in a marketplace can be a great way to increase your exposure and direct visitors to your website, where they can learn more about your main course.

How to get in front of your target audience?

Local events and Meetup groups are a great way to get in front of your target audience. Do some research to find local events related to your topic and contact the hosts of those events. Mention that you have an online course, and would love to give a presentation to their audience.

How effective is a meetup group?

Starting a local Meetup group about your topic is a very effective way to get in front of your target market on a regular basis. It also helps to position you as a leader in your community. You can also invite other speakers to come and share their insights with your group. This strategy is definitely a lot of work, but in the long-run (as your Meetup group grows) it can be very effective.

Why is a blog important?

Your blog is a great place to promote your course, especially if you regularly publish free content related to your course topic. If you write articles about the same topic that you teach in your course, then every person who reads your blog is a potential student for your course.

What is a temporary price promotion?

Running a temporary price promotion is a great way to drive sales for your online course. You can even schedule your price promotions to coincide with widely recognized holidays such as Boxing Day or Black Friday. Waiting for specific holidays to discount your course is more effective than discounting it randomly and for no apparent reason. With Thinkific, you can create specific coupon codes to share with your audience whenever you want to run a price promotion.

Why is it important to publish a book?

Publishing a book can be a great way to add an additional revenue stream to your business, but your book will also help you attract more students for your online course. Be sure to mention your course in your book, and invite your readers to visit your website or course sales page to learn more about it.

Can you bundle courses together?

Once you’ve created multiple courses that are closely related by topic, you can bundle those courses together and sell them at a discounted. For example, if you have 3 courses that sell for $197 individually, you could sell all 3 courses together for $497 (resulting in a $94 discount for your customer). This provides an incentive for people to purchase multiple courses from you at once.

1. Auditing Templates

There are many ways a company might realize their need for your training solutions. Few of those ways are more effective than by giving them a template to conduct a self-audit. Creating auditing templates for prospective clients in Google Drive, Microsoft Office, or PDF format is an excellent way to:

2. Best Practice Guides and Tutorials

Employing content marketing—such as best practice guides or in-depth tutorials—allows you to showcase your organization as a thought leader.

3. Blogging As A Tactic For Promoting Training Courses

Companies interested in growing their brand awareness through search engines should be creating at least one new piece of blog content per week. And yes, this applies to any company, regardless of industry.

4. Case Studies To Promote Training Courses

Whether you provide training services to individuals or groups, what you do has an impact on the people you help level up. Let the results of your work speak for themselves by creating case studies to showcase your greatest successes.

5. Checklists and Worksheets

Checklists and worksheets are effective marketing assets to create. When they are optimized through SEO or supported through digital advertising, they can also be a high ROI item to drive sales leads into your pipeline.

6. Competitor Awareness

Whether you want to go toe-to-toe with an industry leader or you want to solidify your brand’s dominance, consider creating content about your competition. This is a high-value SEO and content marketing strategy for your brand if it classifies itself as a “challenger” in your industry.

8. Email Newsletter Sponsorship

Sponsoring email newsletters is a great way to infiltrate the inboxes of a significant number of highly targeted readers without the need to be CAN-SPAM compliant.

Why do people pay for online courses?

One of the biggest reasons why people pay for online courses is to find a better job. When promoting your online courses, it’s powerful to have your alumni talk to the camera about their journey and how your course helped them land a well-paying job. Turn your alumni into your marketers by offering them a referral fee.

When will online courses be available in 2020?

November 22, 2020. Promoting online courses is not an easy task — the competition is brutal. However, COVID-19 has leveled the playing field for small and big institutions providing online courses on topics ranging from software engineering and cybersecurity to cloud computing and digital marketing. If you don’t have unlimited resources ...

Why is it important to have a team page on your website?

It is important that you have an “Our Team” page on your website for prospective students to see who are going to be their instructors and how qualified they are. Also have them promote themselves on social media, especially on LinkedIn.

When you create content, should you have any expectations?

When you create content, you shouldn’t have any expectations. When you create and publish content with some kind of expectation, there is a higher chance that you will quit creating content when you don’t see “transactional” results — such as an increased number of students enrolling. 3. Offer Free Courses.

Can free courses be used as a sales funnel?

Promotional “free” courses that are designed to create a sales funnel won’t be as effective as if you do it to educate the public based on your expertise. Sales and increased business will eventually follow, but free courses shouldn’t be used as a “hook” to bring more students.

1. Publish a promotional video on YouTube

Youtube is the second most popular search engine receiving huge traction on a daily basis. A good portion of this audience may be interested in exploring content in the area of your courses. You may choose to create a YouTube channel and create promotional videos for your course content, and publish your videos here!

2. Create a Course Podcast

Publishing course content in a variety of different formats may be effective in catching certain audience segments who have a preference for how they would like to learn. Some people are visual learners, and some people prefer audio! For some tips on public speaking, check out our earlier blog.

3. Approach your courses as a product set

This means that you should be treating your course content as a product that you can build, promote and sell! Create a solid user interface for how your students will access your course content and be sure to use effective tools in promotion.

4. Use Social Media

Go ahead and announce, tease and promote your course content on a regular basis through social media. But, when it comes to social media, you should not let quantity trump quality. Yes, consistent posting is significant, but so is having the right social media strategy that will address the right kind of audience and deliver the correct content.

5. Create a webinar

A critical feature of online courses is to make them user-friendly. A key way to ensure that you course content and delivery is optimized is to engage with your audience. What better way to do that than to run routine webinars? You can also utilize these webinars to connect with potential students.

6. Create a Teaser Course

A freebie is always a good way to lure and capture an initial audience base. Let them see how great your course content is and stick with the rest! There is a reason many companies utilize free trials; it is because a lot of people tend to decide to buy a product after having a rehearsal run.

7. Create a sales page for your course

You should build a landing page that let’s your audience know you speak their language, can offer a value proposition with your course content, share a course proposal, and highlight a super catchy and user friendly call to action.

Who said marketing your courses effectively is essential if you want them to succeed?

Donald H Taylor was right – marketing your courses effectively is essential if you want them to succeed. But, by themselves, marketing communications can only do so much. Understanding how to market training courses is crucial, but it’s only one part of the puzzle.

What is the key to building a training course?

The key is to bridge the gap between your focus when building a training course and the key concerns of your audience: potential attendees. You’ve invested time and energy to make sure a course covers all the right things, so it’s only natural to focus on areas like the course’s content and its learning objectives.

Is it easy to adapt to internal promotional material?

It should be relatively easy for them to adapt that for your internal promotional material. If you mention this as a concern in the procurement process, they will be much more willing to go the extra mile to draft something for you as part of their training deal.

What is cross promotion?

Cross-promotion is a form of marketing where the seller owns different products or services and advertises them to each separate audience. For example, if you are an online course creator and are also selling an ebook on Amazon, you could advertise your online course to the customers who bought your book.

What does it mean to give a free mini course?

Giving out a mini-course for free means creating a quick course, sort of like a movie trailer, to tease your audience and offer them a taste of what your course can be.

Why do you need a live stream?

Creating a live stream is very simple and can be a great way to promote your course. A significant advantage of live streams is the human touch. Even though the events are hosted online, your audience can see you talk about your course in real-time, which gives you an opportunity to gain their trust.

How long does it take for a blog to make a difference?

For your blog to make a difference, you need to regularly publish qualitative content over a long period of time (most blogs take at least 6 months before ranking significantly for search terms on Google). For these reasons, many course creators choose to write guest blog posts as an additional marketing strategy.

How much will the eLearning market be in 2026?

A Complete Guide on How to Promote Your Online Course and Boost Sales. The Global E-Learning Market is expected to reach $336.98 billion by the year 2026 - according to Syngene research from 2019 . That's great news for creators like you!

Can Facebook friends be your target audience?

However, your Facebook friends might not be the perfect target audience for your course. When selecting the platform that will convert the most, it is critical to understand your audience and their interests. So there is no right or wrong answer to the question of ' where you should promote your online course '.

How to promote your classes on social media?

Here are a few more tips to best promote your classes on social media: 1 Customize the content you share on each platform. For instance, people tend to view Instagram on mobile phones, where excessive reading and scrolling is tedious. On that platform, keep your content to eye-catching photos, brief videos, and short, witty captions. LinkedIn, on the other hand, is a great forum for sharing long posts or articles. 2 Keep your posts short and sweet. Facebook may let you post a 63,206-character status update, but according to the marketing gurus at HubSpot, 40 characters is actually the ideal length. 3 Don’t miss the valuable marketing space of your profile page. Your Instagram bio should contain a link to a special offer or registration page — not just your homepage. Facebook and LinkedIn banner images are another valuable piece of real estate for your promotions.

How to promote yoga classes?

1. Define your brand. Whether you’re a yoga teacher competing in a crowded urban market, or an art teacher seeking creative toddlers, you can carve out a niche. How you position your classes to potential students is called your brand promise.

Why do you have to make a Facebook event?

It’s a best practice to make a Facebook Event for each of your classes to maximize your chance of showing up in followers’ (and their friends’) news feeds. This can have a drastic impact on your sales, especially if you let people register for your classes right on your Facebook Event Page.

Is LinkedIn a good forum?

On that platform, keep your content to eye-catching photos, brief videos, and short, witty captions. LinkedIn, on the other hand, is a great forum for sharing long posts or articles. Keep your posts short and sweet.

How much will the eLearning market be in 2025?

The global eLearning market is predicted to nearly triple from $107 billion in 2015 to $325 billion in 2025. Not only that, but TechJury gathered the following statistics that show how helpful eLearning can be for both companies and individuals: IBM saved roughly $200 million after switching to eLearning.

Do you need a code for a coming soon page?

No code needed. As you’re trying to figure out how to promote your online course, a coming soon page may not be your first thought. But it can be surprisingly effective. It’s also a great way to test if there’s a real need for your class, and it can be a good gauge for your market research.

Can you translate a course into another language?

This is an insanely valuable tip that not many course creators take advantage of. By translating your course into another language, you can effectively broaden your market to millions of other people.

Can you use social media to train your audience?

And yes, sometimes that content will come from sources other than you. By consistently posting quality content on social media, you’re training your audience to check in with you on a daily basis.

Is LearnPress free?

LearnPress is awesome for several reasons, one of which is that it’s totally free, and comes with everything you need to design and distribute your online course. Later, you can scale to the Pro Bundle edition of LearnPress, which creates certificates, content drips, and gives more management tools.
