how to produce online course training

by Gianni Crooks 4 min read

6 Tips To Create Memorable Online Training Courses

  • Know your audience. ...
  • Grab employees’ attention. ...
  • Create a powerful online training course structure. ...
  • Address employees’ emotions. ...
  • Make your online training course interactive and convenient. ...
  • Show employees the real world benefits of their online training. ...

How to Create Online Training Courses in 5 Incredibly Easy Steps
  1. Step 1: Define Your Online Training Goals and Learner Persona. ...
  2. Step 2: Create an Outline for Your Online Training. ...
  3. Step 3: Build the Content for the Online Training Courses. ...
  4. Step 4: Engage Your Learners. ...
  5. Step 5: Measure Meaningful Engagement Metrics.

Full Answer

How to create an online course for free?

Here’s how to create an online course for free in 10 steps: Choose Your Course Topic Identify the Target Audience Gather and Structure Your Knowledge Create an Online Course Outline Choose Your Online Course Software or Platform Create the Course Content Make Sure Your Content is Engaging Create a ...

How to create engaging online courses?

How To Create Engaging Online Courses. 1 1. Keep The Learning Modules Short. The attention span of learners is much shorter than most learning modules. Traditional education wrongly convinced ... 2 2. Use, But Don't Overuse, Video. 3 3. Keep It Simple. 4 4. Create Interactive Elements.

Should you create and sell online courses to make money?

These days, more people are looking for novel types of quality content to explore online, especially when it comes to learning new skills. One way to cater to this rising demand, while also generating revenue, is to create and sell an online course.

How to create online courses for your employee training program?

Take a deep dive into the 6 simple steps you should follow to create online courses for your employee training program. 1. Define Your Learning Goals Define clear and measurable learning goals. It will give your courses a purpose and a target for your staff to reach after they complete each course module.

How to make an online course more engaging?

What is the most important part of creating an online course?

What does it mean to get started teaching?

What is the target audience of an online course?

Do you have to create all the content for an online course?

Is it a waste of time to create an online course?

Do online courses require money?

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How do you create a training course?

How To Create an Effective Training Program: 8 Steps to SuccessStep 1: Perform a Training Needs Assessment. ... Step 2: Keep Adult Learning Principles in Mind. ... Step 3: Develop Learning Objectives. ... Step 4: Design Training Materials. ... Step 5: Develop Your Training Materials. ... Step 6: Implement the Training.More items...•

How can I create online training for free?

How to create an online course for freeThinkific: Software to create an online course for free. ... Canva: Free and low-cost design tool. ... Beaver Builder: affordable WordPress page builder. ... Camtasia: Cheap software for editing online course videos, with a free trial. ... Vimeo: Free video hosting.More items...•

Can you make money creating online courses?

Are Online Courses Profitable? Yes, they are. Online courses offer one of the best business models to digital entrepreneurs. The demand is rising and people are more than willing to pay for them, and they are one of the top ways to make money online.

How much does it cost to create an online course?

It can cost anywhere from $200 to $10,000 to create an online course. The main source of expenses is the labor involved, followed by the equipment and software. If you are creating the online course yourself and not paying someone else to do it, this means that other than your time there are very few expenses involved.

How to Create an Online Course: A Step-by-Step Guide

Utilize call-to-action buttons (CTAs) to invite visitors to sign up for free for your upcoming online course, or pre-purchase it to save a spot in your class. After promoting your website on various channels, like social media, newsletters, and more, you’ll be able to look over the data you collected and see if you have enough attendees and encouraging feedback.

How to Create an Online Course: The Official Udemy Course

Use our recommended best practices to plan, produce, and publish a well-designed, high quality Udemy course - Free Course

Create an online course in minutes using OpenLearning!

Create an online course that will engage and delight students around the world using OpenLearning. Whether you have 8 students or 8,000, OpenLearning has the scale, experience and flexibility to enable you to create and run a course for students worldwide.

10 Steps To Creating A Wildly Successful Online Course

Gone are the days when you could just ‘promise’ your prospects that you are worth investing in – now you have to PROVE it. And there is no better way of demonstrating your expertise than by creating an online course to sell.. By teaching your topic, you are leaving no shadow of a doubt that you know what you’re talking about, you’re good at what you do, and that you are an expert in ...

What should the topic of an online course be?

The topic for your online course should be either a subject that you’re already knowledgeable about or are willing to invest in learning thoroughly. Either way, you need to be passionate about the subject.

Why is online education important?

Therefore, fostering a community of learners around your course will greatly improve their experience, contributing to the overall success of your course. An active online community can help users share their learning process with a group of peers.

What does competition mean in a course?

Having competition means that people find the topic relevant and helpful for them. It’s also a good idea to create content that can comfortably fit into an existing, tried-and-tested space. Once you have a clear target audience in mind, you are best equipped for later creating and marketing the course.

What to do after a video is filmed?

After you’ve filmed your content, invest some time editing your raw footage. There are many free video editing software available, from iMovie, to Lightworks, and the Wix Video Maker. Try to craft a nice rhythm to your video by breaking it up into digestible bites.

How to teach a lesson?

Go in a logical order and try to make your ideas evolve naturally from one to the other , to ensure a smooth and frictionless learning process. Remember that teaching is about guiding your audience through an idea, step by step. To make this clear in your course outline, define an objective for each of your lessons.

Do you need to run a test before starting an online course?

Creating an online course requires a lot of hard work and effort on your part, so running a test before you begin will allow you to validate this online business idea as one that will pay itself off down the line.

Can you rent a lesson on a video by video basis?

Individual lessons for rent or purchase: Allow users to rent or purchase your online course on a video-by-video basis. When purchasing a video, users will enjoy unlimited streaming of the lesson they’ve purchased, so that they can go back and rewatch the content at all times.

How many types of online courses are there?

Eighteen types of Online Courses. Before you start creating an online course, it is good for you to know what type of course it is you want to create. We have researched several online courses and concluded to specific activity patterns, each of which correlates to a particular course type.

What is professional training?

Professional training courses serve in building knowledge, skills, and competence in a group of individuals or a team. Companies are used to promote job quality, efficiency, and effectiveness while also motivating employees to make a formal commitment to growing with the institution and being more productive. Corporate training is a main use case of professional training courses and this course outline template.

What is drip feed in a course?

With the drip-feed course, you can organize the timely release of your content (section by section) so that it doesn’t become available to your students all at once. For example, if you’re running a fixed time frame course, ten weeks, it makes sense to drip your content weekly to keep students engaged and moving through the course.

What is a demonstration course?

Demonstration courses consist of a series of videos where an instructor demonstrates specific skills to students online. Workshop courses usually fall in arts & crafts, painting, sewing, fitness, content creation, anything that shows the instructor demonstrating something new that students try to imitate through observation.

What is a mini course?

Mini-courses are short to consume summaries (teasers) of a full-sized course. Like presell and orientation courses, they serve as teasers that make students enroll in a course. However, in contrast to the other two categories, Mini-courses provide real educational value: A full summary of what will be taught in the full-sized course .

What is a presell course?

Presell courses serve as a storefront of an upcoming course. They can rapidly validate a course idea and start building an email list of your potential students before officially releasing a course.

How much will the elearning market be in 2025?

The whole elearning market is expected to exceed $300 Billion by 2025, and that includes both individuals and corporations spending more and more into online learning. There has never been a better time to join the growing industry of eLearning. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device.

1. Keep The Learning Modules Short

The attention span of learners is much shorter than most learning modules. Traditional education wrongly convinced us that students will pay attention for forty-five minutes or more. The truth is they were never paying attention, they just didn't have an "off" button.

2. Use, But Don't Overuse, Video

I've tried creating engaging content with audio over a presentation created in PowerPoint or Keynote. That works for a short time, but it isn't effective for an entire course. Another client had a very successful course, but he was intrigued by my claim that I could make it even more engaging. He accepted the challenge.

3. Keep It Simple

Professional videographers cringe when they hear me tell people to use their phones and a wired lapel microphone to record course videos. Professional videos do look better, but a simple video can get the job done. You can purchase a tripod mount, microphone, and extension for less than $50.

4. Create Interactive Elements

Most Learning Management Systems include various tools to facilitate interactivity. Simple quizzes are one option. By placing a single multiple choice question at the end of each lesson, you can evaluate student engagement. Of, course, you also can use some of the more advanced tools. The trick is to give learners something to do.

What is online course?

Online courses fit under the category of info products (or at least that's what we used to call them before watching videos online was even possible). Back then, you could choose from ebooks, big-box items, or live seminars.

Why do you base your script on the rough draft?

You base it on the rough draft because including visuals can easily change a script.

How long does it take to create a course?

Keep the 10-minute rule in mind, that is, any chapter (containing text, presentation, or video) should take only about 10 minutes for learners to complete.

Can you create a course without software?

Create online courses without any software installation. Courses are adaptable to different devices including laptops, smartphones, and desktops to facilitate ‘anytime’ and ‘anywhere’ accessibility. You can create a course in multiple languages. Configure over 100+ settings to develop secure courses online and provide private or public accessibility.

Can you create your own online training?

It’s never been easier to create your own online training, deliver it to your learners, track progress, or even sell your content. With CourseGenius, everything you need for online training is in one place.

Is CourseGenius easy to use?

CourseGenius is easy to use, with no technical experience required. You can create and publish your own online training courses, deliver these to your learners on any device, then track progress in real-time.

Can you revisit past online training?

Your learners will love the interactive, self-paced learning experience as well as the flexibility of completing their training and development on any device, anywhere and anytime. Learners can also revisit their past online training anytime to refresh their knowledge on any topic.

How to create an online training program?

1. Define Your Learning Goals. Define clear and measurable learning goals. It will give your courses a purpose and a target for your staff to reach after they complete each course module. Find out about your employee persona.

What is passive content?

You will make passive content if your employees have to understand concepts by only watching or listening. For this, you can use content like videos, notes, presentations, etc. But, for more complex learning goals where your staff has to be more engaged, you will need to use interactive elements and activities.

Why is online learning so popular?

Many prefer online courses because of the convenience while others note challenges for interactive and engaged learning. Before you start designing your course, it’s important to recognize the differences that will make lesson plans originally designed for an in-person class an ...

How to get students to get out of a course?

Determine learning objectives. Decide what you want students to get out of the course as a whole and out of each individual unit. These outcomes should be explicitly stated to the students and guide your development of the content. Start with objectives for individual units.

What are the limitations of online learning?

One of the most significant limitations of online learning is that students can’t interact with you or each other as directly. If you don’t include an interactive aspect of the course, the education students are receiving will be little better than if they simply bought a textbook and read it on their own.

Why should each unit include some kind of interactive assignment?

Each unit should include some kind of interactive assignment so that students are consistently engaged. This type of assignment may be more difficult for math or science course. However, you can use message boards to encourage students to explain how they worked out certain problems or applied formulas.

How to save yourself time in a class?

There is nothing wrong with borrowing or remixing material that other teachers have used for similar courses. You can save yourself a lot of time and maximize the quality of your content by reading other curriculums and adapting it to your class.

Is there an open source LMS?

If you have some software development skills, you may want to consider an open source LMS. These software are free to use and will allow you to manually change aspects of the code to tailor the LMS to your preference. The downside is that they usually don’t come with a customer support service.

What is quality online courses?

Quality online courses usually offer students a variety of content delivery methods such as text and video, which can take time to create. Users expect to be able to have the course in a format to access on their phone or laptop, with video and audio files so they can watch or listen on their daily commute, for example.

How much will online learning be in 2021?

Online learning is expected to reach more than $240 billion by 2021, according to Global Industry Analysts .

What is the nature of a course?

By the nature of a course, the content you provide should go deep into the topic and cover all important aspects. A course isn’t like a blog post, which often just skims the surface. To help organize your course, think in terms of modules and lessons.

Do you have to stick with one course?

There’s no rule that you have to stick with one course. If there are other courses you can teach related to your initial course, create those. You can then refer your students to these other courses . For example, if you offer a course on how to write a mystery, you can add a course on how to publish a book and/or how to market a book. You can also create new courses in completely different areas.

Can you have students from all over the world?

Additionally, because your course is online, you can have students from all over the world, in any time zone, without any additional effort. One of the creative ways to use an online course for marketing purposes is to use it as part of a funnel system to lead students to your coaching program or other services.

Can you create an online course on your own website?

Online courses can be time-consuming to create. Depending on the platform you choose, products may not be hosted on your own website. Courses are typically only successful if you target what's already selling. Finding the pricing sweet spot can be challenging.

Is it profitable to create an online course?

Creating and selling online courses can be quite lucrative if you’re able to provide a great course and reach your target marketing. Plus, with easier to use and more affordable resources to host your course, there’s no reason to avoid becoming an online instructor.

How to make an online course more engaging?

An easy way to make online courses more engaging is to stimulate the student visually. This means pictures and videos. The simplest method of using picture and videos in an online course would be constructing your online class more like a PowerPoint presentation:

What is the most important part of creating an online course?

One of the most important components of creating an online course is setting a learning goal for the course . However, there’s more to it. Every online course consists of various sections, and each individual section also needs to have a clear learning goal.

What does it mean to get started teaching?

Which means you need to get your knowledge together.

What is the target audience of an online course?

The target audience is the group of people to whom you are writing your course.

Do you have to create all the content for an online course?

That being said, you don’t need to create all of the content for your online course before you start selling it. It’s always better to start off with a smaller batch of content, as this will allow you to take in feedback from your students and make improvements accordingly.

Is it a waste of time to create an online course?

It’s crucial that you decide on a specific course subject in the beginning phase of creating your online course. Be as specific as possible.

Do online courses require money?

Contrary to popular belief, the process of creating online courses doesn’t require a large chunk of money. If you know what you are doing, you can develop profitable online courses at no cost whatsoever. Creating successful online courses is like building powerful magnets.


Keep The Learning Modules Short

  • The attention span of learners is much shorter than most learning modules. Traditional education wrongly convinced us that students will pay attention for forty-five minutes or more. The truth is they were never paying attention, they just didn't have an "off" button. With online learning, the option to turn off the presentation is readily available. No one has to keep watching and, if the c…
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Use, But Don't Overuse, Video

  • I've tried creating engaging content with audio over a presentation created in PowerPoint or Keynote. That works for a short time, but it isn't effective for an entire course. Another client had a very successful course, but he was intrigued by my claim that I could make it even more engaging. He accepted the challenge. Upon review of his successful course, I discovered every lesson wa…
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Keep It Simple

  • Professional videographers cringe when they hear me tell people to use their phones and a wired lapel microphone to record course videos. Professional videos do look better, but a simple video can get the job done. You can purchase a tripod mount, microphone, and extension for less than $50. Resist the urge to use recordings of live presentations. They make the students feel as if th…
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Create Interactive Elements

  • Most Learning Management Systems include various tools to facilitate interactivity. Simple quizzes are one option. By placing a single multiple choice question at the end of each lesson, you can evaluate student engagement. Of, course, you also can use some of the more advanced tools. The trick is to give learners something to do. Discussion boards...
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