how to process materials on course reserves

by Mr. Enoch Langworth 7 min read

Requests must be submitted online using our new course reserves application. The application is CAS-authenticated and allows you to view and copy previous requests. Processing typically takes 2 business days. All materials are removed at the end of the quarter and department/instructor copies are returned.

Full Answer

How do I access course reserves?

Patrons access Course Reserves material through Primo. Many libraries include Course Reserves as a separate scope in the discovery layer: Links to electronic materials and information about print materials are visible in the same way as regular, non-course reserve materials.

How does course reserve work in Alma?

Alma’s course reserve functionality is fully integrated and uses the same user and bibliographic databases as the rest of the system. Additionally, Alma provides searching of both bibliographic records and course reserve information in a single interface for library staff, and through a common discovery interface, such as Primo, for end users.

How do I use the course reserves area in design analytics?

Using the Course Reserves area, the Design Analytics user may create reports/dashboards for the Course Reserves area and is able to answer the following types of business questions: Which courses reserved a specific title? Which courses share the same titles? What are the reading lists per department? How are courses loaded?

What is the difference between reading lists and course reserve collections?

Course Reserve Collections can be managed across more than one library within the institution. Reading Lists – contain citations compiled by the course instructor and submitted to the library. The list may include resources which are in the institutional repository, or which are not in the repository.

What is material reserve?

Reservation is nothing but request to the warehouse to keep a material ready for issue at a later point of time for a certain purpose. The purpose of a reservation is to ensure the availability of material at a later point of time. A material can be reserved for a cost center, an asset, or an order for example.

What are reserve materials in library?

Materials on reserve consist primarily of books and articles that have been requested by faculty for the use of their students. Most of this material is held at the Circulation/Reserve Desk in the main lobby. All reserve material is for reference use only and may not be taken out.

Where is course reserves in canvas?

Log into Canvas and select "Course Reserves" from the navigation pane on the left side of the webpage. Select your semester from the drop down menu in the center of the page.

What is academic reserve collection?

Academic Reserve Collection are high demand materials that been selected as part of course reading and are usually listed in the course outline. This collection is located at Level 1 behind the circulation counter.

What is a reserve collection?

The Reserve Collection is a special area of the library where faculty can place high demand items – typically required course readings – to ensure those items are highly accessible to students. Reserve items usually have a check out time of 2 hours and do not leave the library building.

What is an e-reserve?

E-reserves provide online access to electronic material, such as links to articles, book excerpts, homework assignments, class notes and past exams. Material requested for scanning or previously digitized material will be uploaded into iLearn/Blackboard. Instructors are responsible for building their course within iLearn and providing students with access to electronic materials. Permalinks to library-owned electronic journal articles may be posted in iLearn or in the course reserve listing of the library catalog, depending on instructor preference.

Can books be placed on reserve?

Materials circulate for limited periods for maximum student use. Journals, reference materials or items from other institutions cannot be placed on reserve.

Can you put a course packet on reserve at UCR?

Materials may be placed on reserve at any UCR Library location, regardless of the subject. A course packet published by UCR Printing and Reprographics will not be accepted for e-reserves. Items borrowed through movie services such as Netflix and Redbox may not be placed on reserve.

Service Update

Requests should still be submitted through our Course Reserves system (opens in a new window) .

Make a Course Reserves Request

Read our Instructors Guide to Course Reserves (Google Doc) for full details on the process and how to use the Course Reserve system.

Turnaround Time

Processing of items owned by the Libraries will generally be completed within 2 business days. Turnaround time is longer for items that the library must purchase.

Deadline Date for Submitting Course Reserve requests

Starting with summer session, the library will allow print course reserves. Items will not be quarantined. Faculty are strongly encouraged to submit e-reserves processing requests for book chapters and articles. Library staff are able to make 10% or less of a whole book available via e-reserves.

Placing Material on Course Reserves

Faculty can submit electronic reserve requests by sending requests via email to [email protected]. Electronic reserves processing is available for book chapters, articles from bound periodicals, e-books, e-journals, streaming video, streaming music and photocopied material.

Course Reserve Request Form

Faculty should use the Course Reserve Request form to submit reserve processing requests.

What is the process for activation and deactivation of course reserve items and lists?

Courses contain start and end dates for the course. The course and the reading lists that are part of the course will be activated and deactivated automatically based on the course dates. They can also be activated or deactivated manually.

How are course reserves managed in Alma?

Alma’s course reserve functionality is fully integrated and uses the same user and bibliographic databases as the rest of the system . Additionally, Alma provides searching of both bibliographic records and course reserve information in a single interface for library staff, and through a common discovery interface, such as Primo, for end users.

How are courses loaded?

Courses may be imported into Alma in batch by a course loader that accepts a file of courses. The loader may be used to update certain elements of the course information such as the number of participants. The loader may also be used to create new courses based on older descriptions.

How are physical and electronic/digital item records specific to Course Reserves created?

The creation of reading lists allow for linking repository items to a reading list, as well as non-repository items – for non-repository electronic items it is possible to register the external link to the item:

What is Alma course reserve?

Alma’s course reserve functionality is fully integrated and uses the same user and bibliographic databases as the rest of the system. Additionally, Alma provides searching of both bibliographic records and course reserve information in a single interface for library staff, and through a common discovery interface, such as Primo, for end users.

How to import courses into Alma?

Courses may be imported into Alma in batch by a course loader that accepts a file of courses. The loader may be used to update certain elements of the course information such as the number of participants. The loader may also be used to create new courses based on older descriptions.

What is a reading list in a course?

Creating a course is a prerequisite to enable access to reading lists. Define the reading list: the staff operator may add, delete, or edit reading lists that an instructor requires for a course. The reading list specifies resources (physical, digital, and others) that can be selected from the repository within the library.

How to contact the library for research help?

General Research Help: Students can get quick general help at any stage of the research process, by calling the library's Research Help Desk at (504) 865-5606 or emailing the Research Help staff at [email protected]. They may also chat with the Research Help staff.

Can faculty post copyrighted material?

Faculty should not seek to place on reserve or otherwise post copyrighted material or portions of copyrighted material without first determining that the content is sufficiently licensed or falls within the public domain and that use of the content is a fair use for which the owner's permission is not required.

How to add reading list to a course?

When you are ready to add a reading list to your course, under the Fulfillment Tab> Course Reserves> select "Courses.". Enter the course code in the search box at the top of the page and press enter/search.

What does "active" mean in a course?

The Course is "Active" as of today as defined by its "Start date" and "End date". If the Course is not Active, its records will not display.

Can you remove items from reserves?

Note: Restoring the item to its permanent shelving location is not enough to remove the item from reserves. You will also need to follow the steps for Workflow: Remove items from a reading list to fully take the item off of reserves.
