how to prepare an effective course curriculum

by Eryn Windler 4 min read

  1. Define the purpose of the curriculum. Your curriculum should have clear topic and purpose. ...
  2. Choose an appropriate title. Depending on the learning objective, titling the curriculum may be a straightforward process or one that requires greater thought.
  3. Establish a timeline. Talk to your supervisor about how much time you will have to teach the course.
  4. Figure out how much you can cover in the time allotted. ...
  5. Brainstorm a list of desired outcomes. Make a list of the content you want your students to learn and what they should be able to do by the end ...
  6. Consult existing curricula for inspiration. Check online for curricula or standards that have been developed in your subject area.

Part of a video titled Create an effective Course Outline - Three Tips - YouTube
You start writing any detailed content your first step is to map out a course outline. This.MoreYou start writing any detailed content your first step is to map out a course outline. This.

Full Answer

How do I develop a curriculum for my course?

To develop a curriculum, determine a clear course topic and establish a timeline for the course. Create individual units to cover the main ideas of your chosen topic and clearly define the learning goals for each unit. Then, choose the materials, content, and experiences students will use during the course to understand each unit.

Is a curriculum prepared for each class?

Before you can start a curriculum you need to establish exactly what you'll be teaching and to whom. Thanks! Is a curriculum prepared for each class? No. A curriculum is a general guideline of what you wish to cover throughout the school year.

Are you stuck creating your course curriculum?

Creating your course curriculum can be a foreign process for those who are good at what you do, but have never been in a “teacher” position. You’re an expert in your field, you could do what it is you’re trying to teach in your sleep, but when it comes to actually creating your curriculum, you keep getting stuck.

How do you plan a school curriculum review?

Review any current curriculum to determine what to keep and what to retire. Organize your standards based on the topics and timeline. Write the lessons to provide a comprehensive student learning experience.

How do you develop a course curriculum?

Step 1: Determine the purpose of the course. ... Step 2: Determine the students' needs. ... Step 3: Outline potential topics and timeline. ... Step 4: Create a variety of assessments for your lessons. ... Step 5: Determine materials and resources to be included in the curriculum. ... Step 6: Get feedback from various sources.

How do you make a course effective?

8 Ways to Improve Your Online CourseBuild a personal connection with your students. ... Motivate your students. ... Help students maintain focus. ... Create a sense of community. ... Make discussions meaningful. ... Increase student engagement. ... Address equity issues. ... Identify and support struggling students.

What is an effective course?

A good online course is engaging and challenging. It invites students to participate, motivates them to contribute and captures their interest and attention. It capitalizes on the joy of learning and challenges students to enhance their skills, abilities and knowledge. A good online course is cognitively challenging.

What should a course outline include?


What are the key factors for making an online course effective?

Five Factors for Successful Online LearningUse a systems approach to course design. ... Provide professional development. ... Set student expectations. ... Create community. ... Take advantage of the online environment.

How do you create an effective online course?

5 Tips for Designing Effective Online Courses in 2022Know Your Audience. ... Create Well-Organized Courses / Micro-Learning. ... Make Your Lessons Interactive. ... Incorporate Synchronous and Asynchronous e-Learning Styles. ... Make Content Accessible.

Why is course quality important?

Course quality standards are a valuable component in the instructional design process. They help guide course writers and identify needed improvements within courses and programs, and they create consistency in both faculty expectations and the student experience.

What measures should the faculty take to enhance improve your learning from this course?

7 Ways That Teachers Can Improve Their LessonsUse ICT tools and digital game-based learning.Differentiate between students.Use the flipped classroom model.Encourage cooperative learning.Communicate with colleagues.Communicate with parents.Create a welcoming environment.Conclusion.

What are the qualities you expected for a course teacher that would make online learning more satisfactory?

What Makes a Good Online Instructor: Teaching ExpertiseOnline Teachers Have Certification & Curriculum Expertise.Online Teachers Have Tech Skills.Online Teachers Teach Creatively.Online Teachers Are Welcoming.Online Teachers Make Themselves Available.Online Teachers Provide Proactive Feedback.More items...

What is a course curriculum?

The term curriculum refers to the lessons and academic content taught in a school or in a specific course or program. In dictionaries, curriculum is often defined as the courses offered by a school, but it is rarely used in such a general sense in schools.

What is a course format?

A course format refers to the layout of a course. The course format can be selected in Administration > Course administration > Edit settings. An administrator can enable, disable or delete course formats for courses in Administration > Site administration > Plugins > Course formats > Manage course formats.

How do you write a curriculum outline?

How to Write a Curriculum from Start to FinishDetermine your vision and intention for the curriculum.Outline your overarching topics.Review any current curriculum to determine what to keep and what to retire.Organize your standards based on the topics and timeline.More items...•

How to create a course that blows your audience's mind and transforms their lives?

Step 1. Identifying your target audience. Before you can create a course that blows your audience’s mind and transforms their lives, you have to determine who your audience is. To get started identifying your target audience, ask yourself a few questions:

What is online course?

When it comes down to it, online courses are simply a shortcut to an outcome. You’re providing your students with the education and resources that they need in order to be successful within your course topic.

How to organize lectures?

Organize your lectures in the way you see most logical. Depending on your niche, this will vary. If I were creating a blogging course, though, I’d put the most simple/easy to execute lessons first to give my students easy wins and then work up to the more time consuming and difficult monetization strategies.

How to determine how you can help your audience?

The best way to determine how you can help your audience is by actually asking what they’re struggling with.

Should each lesson have a lecture?

It’s common for each lesson to have a handful of lectures within it. Again, this will make your course more easily navigable and help your students consume your course in a logical way.

Do you need to list every step you took to get to the place you are now?

In short, you need to list out every single step you took to get to the place you are now, no matter how insignificant.

Is creating a curriculum a foreign process?

Creating your course curriculum can be a foreign process for those who are good at what you do, but have never been in a “teacher” position.

How to ensure that your curriculum is engaging and meaningful for your students?

If so, highlight that in your framework and save a spot for an integrated lesson. This will help ensure that your curriculum is engaging and meaningful for your students.

What are the Common Core Standards?

The Common Core Standards are already broken into topics like Operations and Algebraic Functions. Similarly, the National Arts Standards also have basic topics to explore like Organize and Develop Artistic Ideas and Work. You can use these as a basic outline, or your can do something totally different.

Why is it important to include a variety of assessments?

By including a variety of assessments, there are multiple measures of the learning process. That helps us figure out any gaps in student learning and where those gaps took place.

Do topics spiral throughout the curriculum?

Remember that most topics will be spiraled throughout the curriculum. But there are certainly time periods when you’ll focus on a topic more deeply. Identify these time periods as an overview to your curriculum.

Do teachers need a scripted curriculum?

Some teachers want a scripted curriculum, others don’t. Some schools want you to have a very specific lesson outline included and others are much more relaxed. The key here is to create a curriculum design that makes sense for you and your students. Sketch it out and create a basic template that you’ll use throughout the process.

Can curriculum design be replicated?

What we’ve learned along the way is that curriculum design has a structure to it that can be replicated and leveraged by anyone. So whether you are looking to revamp your curriculum or write one from scratch, you can use this process. Here’s the basics of what we did – we’ll go into these in more detail below:

What should you take into consideration when choosing a training program?

The types of training programs you choose should take into consideration what type of work is being done in the workplace as well as the learning personality of the employees. Here are a few examples of different types of training programs:

What are some ways to facilitate learning?

When you know what your employees need to learn, you can start developing activities that will facilitate the training, such as demonstrations, pamphlets or hands-on exercises.

What is a training program?

A training program is a process implemented to teach employees about the processes and policies of a company upon onboarding. Training also helps employees to learn and enhance relevant skills to improve their job performance and help foster professional growth and development to boost performance and productivity in their current and future roles.

How to teach adults?

Keeping with the last part of step one, it's important to remember that your employees are adults with characteristics that can make it easier or more difficult to learn under certain methods of teaching. When developing your training program, keep in mind these adult learning principles: 1 Adults want to feel valued and respected 2 They have many years of preexisting experiences, knowledge and independent opinions 3 They're goal-oriented and self-directed 4 They want their training to be relevant, task-oriented and worth the time it takes away from their daily productivity 5 They want to know how they will benefit from this training

Why are case studies important?

Case studies can provide a quick reference for employees to learn about actual workplace situations. Case studies are best used for hyper-focused topics, as more complex topics will generally require more in-depth training.

What are some examples of training goals?

Some examples of goals include increasing ROI and decreasing costs, teaching employees a new procedure or showing them how to use new equipment.

What is one on one training?

This one-on-one type of training focuses on fostering a working relationship between an employee and a coach or mentor, typically a supervisor or trusted veteran employee. The one-on-one training style allows for continued support throughout the employee's training.

What should you focus on when training employees?

Always focus primarily on the learning needs of your employees , and not on what’s easy for your trainers

How to write an objective?

When you write an objective, it should have five characteristics , known collectively by the acronym SMART. The objective should be specific, meaning it’s very clearly stated and its meaning is equally apparent to everyone . It should be measurable, meaning everyone can agree if the learner satisfies it or not. It should be achievable, meaning the learner truly has a chance to satisfy it. It should be relevant, meaning it’s important for the worker’s job. And it should be time-bound, meaning it will be clear when the learner must be able to satisfy the objective (typically, after training).

What programs are used to create handouts for employees?

Word, Excel, and similar “Office” programs to create handouts for employees and to create training outlines and notes for the instructor of any instructor-led components

What are learning objectives?

Learning objectives are a list of things the workers must be able to do after the training is completed. They are the “North Star” that all aspects of your training should be pointed at. Once you’ve created your learning objectives, create content that covers the objectives—and nothing but. In addition, any quizzes, tests, case studies, or hands-on exercises performed during training to evaluate your worker’s comprehension of the training should assess only the workers’ understanding of the objectives. And finally, any observation of workers when they’re back on the job to evaluate the effectiveness of the training should also focus on the performance of these objectives.

Why do you have to do the 8 step process again?

But you may have to do it again if you get new employees or if the work process changes.

How to find out if employees like training?

Did the employees like the training? Did they feel like they learned? You can find this out by observing the employees during training, asking their opinions, or handing out surveys. You can hand out paper-based surveys after training if you want, but you may get better results if the survey is online and anonymous. Survey Monkey provides free online tools to help you do this.

Why is training important?

Effective training can lead to increased compliance with regulations. It can even lead to a happier, more satisfied ...

What do instructors need to do once the curriculum is outlined?

Once the curriculum is mostly outlined, instructors will need to search for the right required materials to align with course objectives. Often, it's difficult (and sometimes impossible) to find an option that is affordable for students and works well for your course.

What is curriculum in education?

As any educator knows, the literature and philosophy surrounding the concept of curriculum have evolved over the years. Today the term can be broadly used to encompass the entire plan for a course, including the learning objectives, teaching strategies, materials, and assessments.

What is the difference between instructional design and curriculum development?

As some education experts put it: Curriculum development is what students will learn, while instructional design is how students will learn it.

What is learner centered design?

Learner-centered design emphasizes the needs and goals of each learner as an individual. With this approach, you'll analyze the preexisting knowledge and learning styles of your students. The needs of your learners will guide your curriculum development process.

How to incorporate learner centered design into curriculum?

Example: One way to incorporate learner-centered design into your curriculum is by inviting students to fill out a pre-course survey to see what they already know about your subject and what areas they are most interested in learning. This can be especially beneficial for upper-level courses—hopefully, students are coming in with a solid foundation of knowledge, but a learner-centered approach uses data rather than assumptions to determine curricular goals.

What is subject centered curriculum?

Most kinds of widely standardized curriculum fall under the subject-centered approach. It's the most common approach used throughout K-12 schools in the U.S, but it's also found throughout college classrooms, especially in large 1000-level lecture classes.

What are the two types of curriculum models?

First, there are generally two types of curriculum models: the product model and the process model . The model you choose to follow will influence the steps you'll take to develop the course.

How to make your curriculum the best it can be?

To make your curriculum the best it can be, insist on high-quality resources and practical equipment. Don’t reduce the impact of your curriculum by accepting anything less. Tip: Create or source high-quality resources to support your lessons, rather than the other way around.

How to set up a curriculum?

Step 1: Principles and purpose – Set out the intent of your curriculum. Begin by establishing your curriculum principles. Your curriculum principles need to reflect your school’s values, context, pedagogical approaches and needs. In essence, your principles should clarify the vision for your curriculum.

What do schools say about Curriculum Maestro?

Over 1600 primary schools across the country are using Maestro to implement their curricula. Here’s some of the kind feedback that we’ve received.

How to arrange curriculum content?

You now need to arrange your curriculum content into subject schemas. Begin by looking at the programmes of study and make important choices about what you will teach and when. You will need to make strategic decisions about what your curriculum covers, how it is sequenced, how each schema progresses and how it interconnects with other subjects. These decisions will eventually form your school’s long-term curriculum plan.

What is the next step in curriculum development?

You now have an established curriculum. The next step is to regularly review its impact on teaching and learning, making any adaptations or changes you need to improve it further . At this stage, you may also identify Continuing Professional Development (CPD) needs for your staff. For example, the knowledge of subject leaders might need to improve to make sure that each area of the curriculum is well taught and supported.

How many steps are there in curriculum design?

Of course, the six steps are a simplification of a more complicated process, but they are a good place to start. Several ingredients that have a significant impact on your curriculum design are missing here, such as the unique combination of the staff at your school, their knowledge and experiences, your children’s passions and interests and the creativity that you bring to the process.

How to underpin a subject scheme?

Tip: You should underpin each subject scheme with a sequenced skills and knowledge framework. You can do this by breaking the national curriculum programmes of study into progressive steps that provide subject endpoints. The aim is to help children build a deep body of knowledge that enables them to perform increasingly complex skills.

How many training methods are there?

There are five common training methods typically used by employers. Here’s a breakdown of each method, including tips to help you choose which one is right for your employees.

What is a training program?

Addressing gaps within the organization. A training program is an opportunity to solve gaps in skills. The best training programs will bring employees to an equal level and address the weakest within the organization.

What are employee training programs?

Employee training programs are designed to help employees improve their skills and knowledge so they can do their job in a more efficient, productive and/or safer way. Companies typically develop training and development programs to onboard and train new hires or improve the expertise of current employees.

Why is training important?

Improved employee satisfaction, performance and retention. Training programs show employees that their companies value them and are willing to invest in their future, so employees feel appreciated. Plus, enhancing their knowledge base and skill set can boost their confidence. According to an Indeed survey, 39% of job seekers who left their job within the first six months said that more effective onboarding and training could have helped them stay longer.*

Why is training important for employees?

Here are a few of the key benefits of employee training programs. Increased productivity and adherence to quality standards.

Why is interactive training important?

It’s particularly useful for educating remote workers or employees who work in different time zones or countries. Interactive training employs games, quizzes, simulations and other techniques to confirm learning.

How much does training cost?

According to a 2018 training industry report, the average training cost per employee is $1,096 for companies with 100-999 employees. The report also estimates that employers are offering an average of 46.7 hours of training per employee each year.

How to introduce a training session?

Tell trainees what you’re going to cover. Introduce your session with a brief overview of the training subject’s main points.

What is the first thing to do before creating a slide?

Outline your presentation’s main points and message before creating a single slide. Story comes first, then slides.

Why is humor important in training?

Avoid telling jokes, however, because humor is so subjective that someone in your audience may be offended and lose track of training for the rest of the session.

What makes a good communicator?

Good communicators. They speak well, express their thoughts clearly, and have an engaging presentation style.

How does training help employees?

They know that most training programs are designed to make money for the company, but rarely does training lift employees’ spirits or help them to become better in their own lives. Create a win-win environment by using the training program to build the participants’ self-worth and self-esteem.

Why should you have a representative on your training committee?

Always have a representative from upper management on your training committee to ensure that training is an integral part of your company’s present and future plans for success.

How to make a good first impression?

Use attractive packaging. Use materials that are well-packaged and that communicate value. Professional packaging is a powerful tool for setting a good first impression.


What Is A Training Program?

A training program is a process implemented to teach employees about the processes and policies of a company upon onboarding. Training also helps employees to learn and enhance relevant skills to improve their job performance and help foster professional growth and development to boost performance and …
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Types of Training Programs

  • There are several methods of training that managers may choose to implement alone or in conjunction with other methods. The method you choose should provide the opportunity for meaningful learning and growth, which allows employees to continually improve in their roles. Matching the types of employee training to your employees' needs can ensure they receive the i…
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How to Create An Employee Training Program

  • Creating an effective training program requires knowing and understanding the goals of the training, as well as the possible problems you could encounter. Follow these steps to start creating your employee training program:
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