how to plot a course on a nautical map

by Richie Hettinger 8 min read

How to plot a course to steer on a nautical chart Draw your ground track (COG)from start point (A) through and beyond your end point (B). Measure the distance of your ground track from A to B using your dividers, measure this against the scale on your chart to determine the distance.

How to plot a course on a chart:
  1. Draw a line from point A to B - using parallel rules, from starting mark to next mark.
  2. Check the line for safety - if not, move end mark until you get a safe leg.
  3. Measure and mark the heading - transfer the leg to compass.
  4. Measure and mark the distance - measure the legs.

Full Answer

What are the lines on a nautical chart for?

Nov 15, 2020 · How to plot a course to steer on a nautical chart Draw your ground track (COG)from start point (A) through and beyond your end point (B). Measure the distance of your ground track from A to B using your dividers, measure this against the scale on your chart to determine the distance.

How do you find a nautical mile on a chart?

C. Plotting a course. On the nautical chart, locate the boat channel closest to point A. Boat channels should have deeper water (indicated by white color) and are located between two dotted lines on the nautical chart. Mark the closest point of the near boat channel as point "B". Use a ruler to draw a straight line between point A and point B.

Which projection is used to draw a nautical chart?

How to plot a course on a chart: Draw a line from point A to B - using parallel rules, from starting mark to next mark Check the line for safety - if not, move end mark until you get a safe leg Measure and mark the heading - transfer the leg to compass Measure and mark the distance - measure the legs Repeat until you get there

How to find the course between two points on a map?

C. Plotting a course On the nautical chart, locate the boat channel closest to point A. Boat channels should have deeper water (indicated by white color) and are located between two dotted lines on the nautical chart. Mark the closest point of the near boat channel as point "B". Use a ruler to draw a straight line between point A and point B.

What do navigators need to consider when plotting a course?

8 Things to Consider While Doing Nautical Chart Plotting On ShipsScale of the Chart. The Scale of the chart is the first thing to check before commencing Chart work. ... Notes of the Chart. ... Chart Symbols. ... Chart Corrections. ... GPS Positions. ... Radar Fixes. ... Visual Fixes. ... Position Circle and Position Line.

What is a course plotter?

A course plotter allows a navigator to plot a line of a precise direction on a chart by using a meridian of longitude as the reference to true north.

What is course line navigation?

[′kȯrs ‚līn] (navigation) A line of position plotted on a chart, parallel or substantially parallel to the intended course of a craft, showing whether the craft is to the right or the left of its course.

How do you plot a waypoint on a chart?

The first step is to look at the chart, decide on the route, then using a pencil and ruler mark the route from buoy to buoy or chosen position. Each change of course is called a waypoint and its position is marked using a cross with a square around it (the symbol for a waypoint).Oct 1, 2020

How do you plot a course with a compass?

0:022:49How to plot a course with map and compass - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipSo first I want to make sure my map is oriented to true north to north here is at three four fiveMoreSo first I want to make sure my map is oriented to true north to north here is at three four five degrees. So I just make sure that when I run my compass along here I'm still at three four five.

How do you use a nautical plotter?

0:345:36Using the Navigational Plotter - Example 1 - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipSo this is a sectional chart here that we have and this is from this BM jeppesen study guide wellMoreSo this is a sectional chart here that we have and this is from this BM jeppesen study guide well the first thing you want to do is take the straight edge of your plotter. And you want to position it.

How do you plot a course?

How to plot a course on a chart:Draw a line from point A to B - using parallel rules, from starting mark to next mark.Check the line for safety - if not, move end mark until you get a safe leg.Measure and mark the heading - transfer the leg to compass.Measure and mark the distance - measure the legs.More items...

What are the 4 stages of passage planning?

There are four stages for passage planning:Appraising all relevant information.Planning the intended voyage.Executing the plan taking account of prevailing conditions.Monitoring the vessel's progress against the plan continuously.Nov 19, 2020

How do you shift a course?

For Shifting of Curricular Program within the same College The Dept. Head endorses the shifting form to the Department Head offering the curricular program the student wishes to transfer to. If the Department Head finds the student qualified, he/she endorses the shifting form by sending it to the College Dean.

How do you plot a graph?

Follow these simple steps:First, find the value for x on the x-axis. ... Next, find the y-value - in this case, y=1100, so find 1100 on the y-axis. ... Your point should be plotted at the intersection of x=0 and y=1100. ... Finally, plot the point on your graph at the appropriate spot.Mar 4, 2022

What are the common international notations in plotting on charts?

International notationInternational notation conventions for plotting in the chartRunning FixLOP advancedEstimated Position (Tide applied)Water track (CTW) Course & SpeedEstimated Position (Single LOP + DR)Tidal vector Set & DriftDead ReckoningGround track COG2 more rows

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A Step-By-Step Guide to Marine Chart Plotting

Using a parallel plotter (preferably with rollers), draw a straight line from your departure point to your destination, or the first turn in your course ...

7 Piloting--Plotting a Course

Plotting is drawing a boat’s course on a chart. The tools to do this vary with the size of the boat and the amount of charting space available. We will use the following tools in this course: • charts —you will find a Course Measurement practice chart (Fig 56I) and a Bowditch Bay chart for the homework (inside the back cover of this manual)

Course Plotting Tools - Captain's Supplies

The Compute-A-Course is a compact, multi-purpose plotting tool ideal for adding to your general boating or commercial navigational tools. The Compute-A-Course navigational tools can be used for position fixing, course plotting, and distance measurements with the included scales. - Boating Conditions, Course Planning ..

Plot your course with interactive nautical charts complete with weather radar, buoy reports, wind speed, wave heights, and marine forecast. Route Planner Animation

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Generally, any accredited degree offered by an institution of higher education certified as such within in a major country will be recognized as a valid degree. ... Online degrees are relatively new in higher education, and still evolving.

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What is course plotted on a chart?

course plotted on a chart is of little value when navigating unless you label its direction on the course line. Then the skipper need only refer to the chart for the course directions previously plotted.

What is plotting a boat?

Plotting is drawing a boat’s course on a chart. The tools to do this vary with the size of the boat and the amount of charting space available. We will use the following tools in this course:

What is the science of directing the movements of a boat from one place to another in a safe and efficient

Navigation is the science of directing the movements of a boat from one place to another in a safe and efficientmanner. Basic navigational skills are desirable for operators of boats of all sizes; power and sail. You will become aware of the need for these skills the first time you encounter darkness, fog, haze, rain, sleet, or unfamiliar waters.

Why do boaters use GPS?

Many boaters use GPS (Global Positioning System) to aid with their navigation tasks. GPS provides your current position and can be used to steer courses to waypoints along the way.
