what are the big data course expectations

by Prof. Janet Blick MD 9 min read

Many people who become big data engineers have bachelor’s and master’s degrees in a related field such as computer science, statistics, or business data analytics. Big data engineers need to be masters of coding, statistics, and data. Most companies require a bachelor’s degree for big data engineer positions.

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What is this introduction to big data training?

This hands-on Introduction to Big Data training provides a unique approach to help you act on data for real business gain. The focus is not on what a tool can do, but on what you can do with the output from the tool.

What are Great Expectations in data quality?

They are the workhorse abstraction in Great Expectations, covering all kinds of common data issues. Expectations are declarative, flexible and extensible. They provide a rich vocabulary for data quality. Many data teams struggle to maintain up-to-date data documentation.

What is big data and how can it help your business?

Big data refers to extremely large data sets. In the modern economy, it is common for companies to collect large volumes of data throughout the course of conducting their business operations. When used correctly, big data can be highly beneficial for organizations to help them improve efficiency, profitability, and scalability.

How do I generate expectations and data documentation?

Run your data through one of Great Expectations' data profilers and it will automatically generate Expectations and data documentation. Profiling provides the double benefit of helping you explore data faster, and capturing knowledge for future documentation and testing.

What is taught in big data?

'Discrete Mathematics', 'Data Structures and Algorithms', 'Database', and 'Machine Learning'. Except for Machine Learning, all other courses are fundamental courses.

What skills are needed for big data?

6 Must-Have Skills To Become A Skilled Big Data Analyst1| Multi-Programming Skills.2| Data Visualization.3| Quantitative & Analytical Skills.4| Data Handling & Interpreting.5| Knowledge Of Multiple Technologies & Frameworks.6| Business & Problem Solving Skills.Bottom Line.

What should I know before learning big data?

Programming. While traditional Data Analysts might be able to get away without being a full-fledged programmer, a Big Data Analyst needs to be very comfortable with coding. ... Data Warehousing. ... Computational frameworks. ... Quantitative Aptitude and Statistics. ... Business Knowledge. ... Data Visualization.

Is big data easy to learn?

One can easily learn and code on new big data technologies by just deep diving into any of the Apache projects and other big data software offerings. The challenge with this is that we are not robots and cannot learn everything. It is very difficult to master every tool, technology or programming language.

What are the two types of data analytics courses?

Broadly, there are two types of data analytics courses that you can take up for learning data analytics: traditional degree courses and online programs. Let’s explore each of them now.

What skills do you need to be a data analyst?

Data Analyst Skills: Technical. Your technical skills will get you shortlisted for interviews. They are the first thing you need to tackle in order to succeed. Let’s first look at the technical skills you need.

What language do data analysts use?

As a data analyst, you will use a database languages such as SQL, to record, delete, organise, relate or alter databases where the information is held. You need to be comfortable enough with SQL to run queries and connect data points. The below video is your comprehensive guide to learn SQL.

What is data analyst?

A data analyst is not merely a skilful numbers person. In fact, deftness with ‘analytics’ is just a means to an end. A data analyst must be able to communicate effectively and persuade their audience by simplifying and sharpening the message, freeing it from jargon and emphasising on how the results can specifically improve business.

Why is critical thinking important in data analysis?

Viewing data sceptically also helps correct inconsistencies. As a data analyst, critical thinking skills are fundamental to doing your job well.

Is data analytics a practical field?

Data analytics is a practical field. If you are knowledgeable about the concepts, you’re good to apply them to solve real-world problems. The only way you can demonstrate hands-on experience is through a portfolio. While exploring data analytics courses:

Always know what to expect from your data

Great Expectations is a shared, open standard for data quality. It helps data teams eliminate pipeline debt, through data testing, documentation, and profiling.


Expectations are assertions for data. They are the workhorse abstraction in Great Expectations, covering all kinds of common data issues.

Tests are docs and docs are tests

Many data teams struggle to maintain up-to-date data documentation. Great Expectations solves this problem by rendering Expectations directly into clean, human-readable documentation. Since docs are rendered from tests, and tests are run against new data as it arrives, your documentation is guaranteed to never go stale.

Automated data profiling

Wouldn't it be great if your tests could write themselves? Run your data through one of Great Expectations' data profilers and it will automatically generate Expectations and data documentation.

Batteries-included data validation

Expectations are a great start, but it takes more to get to production-ready data validation.

Pluggable and extensible

Every component of the framework is designed to be extensible: Expectations, storage, profilers, renderers for documentation, actions taken after validation, etc. This design choice gives a lot of creative freedom to developers working with Great Expectations.
