how to pause your cty course

by Moshe Bode 9 min read

Follow these steps to pause an individually paced course via MyCTY: Log in to MyCTY as a parent. On the left side, select “CTY Online Programs.” In the “Currently Enrolled Courses” section, select the course you wish to pause and then select “Request to pause this course.”

Log in to MyCTY as a Parent using the CTY Student ID and your Parent MyCTY password. Click on CTY Online Programs. In the Currently Enrolled Courses section, select the course you wish to pause and then click the link to request to pause this course.

Full Answer

What score do you need to get into CTY?

CTY Summer Programs: Academic Explorations and CTY Online (Grades 2-12)If you took the SAT in …And scored …You are eligible for courses in …8th grade≥ 490 on EBRWHumanities and Writing≥ 490 on MathMath and Science9th-12th grade≥ 540 on EBRWHumanities and Writing≥ 540 on MathMath and Science6 more rows•Oct 26, 2021

Does CTY give credit?

CTY Online Programs does not award credit for its courses, but we encourage parents and students to speak to their school about credit or placement prior to enrolling in a CTY online course.

Does CTY help you get into Johns Hopkins?

Once you are part of the CTY program, you can take summer programs on the Johns Hopkins campus and you can also take online programs throughout the year. Not only does NCGE help with the tests, it also helps with the entire admission process into CTY, as well as admission to private schools and colleges.

Are CTY courses college level?

Print. While CTY is an accredited institution, we do not award university degrees or college diplomas. Only the child's school can award school credit or placement for a CTY course.

What is Johns Hopkins CTY program?

The Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (CTY) is a gifted education program for school-age children founded in 1979 by psychologist Julian Stanley at Johns Hopkins University.

What does CTY high honors mean?

CTY recognizes exceptionally high scoring students at award ceremonies at the end of each year recognizing the students who achieve the highest scores in the Talent Search.

What does Advanced CTY mean?

Advanced CTY-Level: test scores that reflect ability approximately four grade levels above the current enrolled grade. CTY-Level: test scores that reflect ability approximately two grade levels above the current enrolled grade.

How long is the SCAT test?

The test is split into two sections, verbal and quantitative, separated by an optional, student-directed 10-minute break. Test appointments are 90 minutes long, but the test itself usually takes less than an hour.

How much does John Hopkins summer program cost?

The 2022 rate is $1,120 USD per credit hour. As an online student, you have the freedom to enroll in multiple courses per session. There is an $85 USD application fee for your Summer Term application....Summer Term Undergraduate Course Rates.Credit LoadTotal Tuition (USD)6-Credits$6,7207-Credits$7,8404 more rows

Does John Hopkins require CSS profile?

To apply for financial aid at Johns Hopkins, students must submit the FAFSA and CSS Profile. As we review these documents, we may find that we need additional information to determine your eligibility.

What is CTY Talent Search?

While standardized tests taken at school can demonstrate a student's performance at grade level, the CTY Talent Search uses above-grade-level testing to give families a true picture of their child's academic strengths.

What is John Hopkins Talent Search?

Talent Search is designed for students in grades 2-8 who want to see how far they can challenge their intellectual abilities.

How do I join CTY?

Bright minds begin here.Submit scores or take a test. Register your child to test, or upload qualifying scores. ... Receive your results. After testing, you'll be notified when results are available in MyCTY.Sign up for courses. What else do I need to do?

Course Completion and Retention of Student Content Policy

An individually paced course must be completed within 18 months from the original start date; students will not be able to return to a course after 18 months. A session-based course must be completed by the end of the session.

Pause Policy for Individually Paced Courses

CTY allows students to pause an individually paced Online Programs course for an absence of seven days to a year, preserving enrollment time. Pause requests must be submitted at least one day before you would like the pause to begin. For a student enrolled in multiple courses, each course requires a separate pause request.

Requesting a Start Date Change for an Individually Paced Course

To request an enrollment start date change once you have received your course assignment email, follow these steps:

Re-enrolling in an Individually Paced Course

Students who need more time to complete an individually paced course may re-enroll for additional time by paying a $15 application fee plus the cost of tuition. The application fee may be waived if the student's enrollment period has not yet expired at the time the student applies for an extension.

Requesting a Course Change

Contact [email protected] to discuss whether an enrollment change is appropriate for your child. Course changes must be approved by CTY and a course change fee may be applied. The fee will be waived if the course change request is received before the course begins. Please note that a course change may not be possible in all cases.

Course Audit Policy

Some Online Programs students enroll in courses simply to explore a new subject, expand their knowledge of a favorite subject, prepare for an AP test, or otherwise supplement their school curriculum. In cases like these, CTY allows a student to Audit an online course.

How long do you have to pause a course to get a refund?

For Individually Paced courses only: You may also choose to pause your child’s individually paced course for up to one year.

Is the application fee for live classes refundable?

Application fees are non-refundable. LIVE and Problem-Based courses depend on cohort-based classes, and they are filled on a first-come-first-served basis. For this reason, all amounts paid are non-refundable two weeks before the first day of class.
