course hero: according to the courts, accidents occur when there is no mens rea.

by Chanelle Collins 3 min read

When do accidents occur in a criminal case?

According to the courts, accidents occur when there is no mens rea. Shelby was recently found not guilty of strong-arm robbery. She had a jury trial that ruled in her favor. Moments after the ruling came down, Shelby turned and looked at the jury and said, "Ha, ha, I am guilty and there is nothing you can do about it now."

Can offenders who do not have mens rea be found guilty?

Offenders who do not have mens rea should not be found guilty. True Entrapment cannot be used as a defense in a criminal trial. False The insanity defense is used in most cases in the American criminal justice system.

What are the exceptions to the mens rea principle?

A major exception to the mens rea principle is called strict liability Entrapment occurs when a police officer entices a citizen to commit a crime that he or she was not predisposed to commit When people break the law in order to save themselves or prevent a greater harm, they will likely