how to network on the golf course

by Anjali Larson 8 min read

While golf is great for networking, it was not designed specifically as a networking event. Break the ice, and talk about other things, like electric golf trolleys. If the conversation flows naturally, what you do and where you work will eventually come up.

Full Answer

Is golfing a good way to network?

Golf works as a positive way of networking because it's founded upon a sense of etiquette and fair play. Play to the best of your abilities, play fairly and follow this etiquette and you're putting your relationship on a sound footing of trust and equality.

How do you network in golf?

Top 10 Tips for Networking on the Golf CourseDo not do business on the course – get to know them.Build a relationship – ask questions, be interested.Know the rules – don't embarrass yourself.Do not cheat! ... Don't lose your temper. ... Too much information – don't ramble on. ... Be humble. ... Make an impression.More items...•

How do you attract new members to a golf club?

Without further ado, let's dig into the top 20 ways to attract more new members to your golf club.Start by knowing your market. ... Don't forget about word of mouth. ... Run a member introduce a member scheme. ... Run a spouse program. ... Invite previous members back. ... Add extra benefits to the membership.More items...

How can I attract more golfers?

6 Easy Ways to Attract Millennial Golfers1: Offer free club rentals with PGA lesson or round of golf. ... 2: Different style of play. ... 3: Social media interaction. ... 4: Have a social tournament for local young adults. ... 5: Incentivize your golf round with local business. ... 6: Inbound Marketing.

Are country clubs good for networking?

Networking on the Course Gathering after play in the ONYX or club restaurants gives you that extra opportunity to get to know new friends as you network and start talking business. Connections made at the club are often lasting ones that can translate into new business opportunities and ventures.

Why you should play golf?

Good for your mind - As physical as golf can be, 90% of the game is mental. An 18 hole round is basically one long mental exercise, constantly making you think and forcing you to stay focused on the task at hand. Golf can also help relieve stress, anxiety, and even depression.

Do golf courses make a lot of money?

Profitable golf courses are generally selling for six to eight times EBITDA, while courses that aren't profitable tend to sell at 0.8 to 1.4 times revenue.

How do Millennials attract to country clubs?

Here are 7 ways to start attracting millennials to your country club or golf course:1) Evaluate and Enhance your Club's Digital Presence.2) Implement Text Messaging Into Your Marketing Plan.3) Automate Your Emails.4) Improve Your Social Media Engagement.

What do Millennial golfers want?

There are two things that golf must focus on to attract Millennials to the game: Community and Technology. These two factors are keystones for Millennials in every buying decision they make. Millennials want to feel as though they are part of something bigger than themselves.

Why is golf a good networking tool?

Networking - Why golf is a top networking tool. Golfers love to talk about golf, and it’s often described as an addiction or a passion. It’s no secret that golf is a very popular sport in America, especially in business communities. No matter what industry you are in, there is a good chance your company or management at ...

What is the importance of knowing your stuff when trying to get a golf job?

If you are trying to get a golf, it is especially important to know your stuff and be able to talk about the game in an intelligent way. Upper Management: Many CEOs and people in upper management play golf.

Why is golf important?

Young or old. Anyone can play golf together and enjoy the benefits of the game. Golf has especially been important for me to develop friendships with mentors who have taught me a lot about business and life in general.

Is it too late to start golfing?

If you are not a golfer, it’s never too late to start. As a newbie to the game, you should get involved in a group clinic at a local golf course with your local golf professional. Once you start playing, I am sure you will be surprised by how many different networking opportunities start coming to you because of golf.

Do you get invited to play golf more often?

Better yet, if you are a really good player, the chance you get invited out to play golf more often will be much higher since people always want to bring a “ringer” to the golf tournament to better their chances of winning.

Cover Your Course With High-Speed Internet With TLF WiFi

The modern golfer knows that tracking his or her performance on the course is a great way to improve and increase their enjoyment of the game. The smartphone has many excellent apps to track performance, post pictures and videos to social media, and stay connected.

WiFi Doesn't Have to be a Loss-Leader With TLF WiFi

TLF WiFi can setup your Wireless Network to utilize a distribution model referred to as "Freemium." You can provide bandwidth to everyone at reduced speeds for free, but allow golfers to pay a small fee to connect to an unlimited bandwidth network.

Be Ready For the Future

Whether it is a smart-wifi based golf irrigation systems, wireless security monitoring through smart locks and cameras, or smart golf-carts that allow for golfers to order food and gear from the clubhouse, these devices all need connectivity.

Young Golfers Want WiFi

Studies have been done and 39% of young golfers list not having WiFi on the course as a factor in not wanting to play golf Don't let the younger generation miss out on a wonderful sport. Your course will also gain an army of Social Media gurus that will raise the profile of your course and only bring in more players.
