how to motivate yourself with an online course

by Eleonore Bayer 8 min read

7 Strategies to Stay Motivated in an Online Course

  1. Think About the Reasons You’re in School. You enrolled in online courses for good reasons: perhaps you want a better job, are preparing for a new career field or ...
  2. Create Realistic Goals. Setting goals is an important part of being a student. ...
  3. Visualize the Outcome. Classwork, studying and writing papers can keep you so focused that it’s easy to lose sight of the outcomes of all your hard work.
  4. Create a Sensible Schedule. Keeping your goals realistic and attainable requires a sensible schedule. ...
  5. Reward Yourself. Accomplishing a goal or completing a project feels great! That alone is rewarding, but doing something nice for yourself can create even more internal motivation.
  6. Aim for Balance. Balancing work, school and life can be difficult at times – but it’s important to avoid letting any one area overwhelm you.
  7. Stay Positive! Feeling overwhelmed or getting behind can cause stress – which is seriously demotivating. ...

These eight tips will help build motivation for online students so they can succeed—even with a non-traditional path of study.
  1. Set a Schedule. ...
  2. Create a Study Area. ...
  3. Give Yourself a Deadline. ...
  4. Create Rewards. ...
  5. Strive for Balance. ...
  6. State Your Goal. ...
  7. Take Breaks. ...
  8. Find Ways to Connect with Other Students.
Sep 2, 2020

How to stay motivated in an online course?

7 Strategies to Stay Motivated in an Online Course. 1 1. Think About the Reasons You’re in School. You enrolled in online courses for good reasons: perhaps you want a better job, are preparing for a new ... 2 2. Create Realistic Goals. 3 3. Visualize the Outcome. 4 4. Create a Sensible Schedule. 5 5. Reward Yourself. More items

What motivates adult students to learn online?

Adult students become more motivated to learn –whether online or in person– when they are treated like unique individuals with goals, interests, and lives of their own.

How to motivate yourself to study hard?

You’ll be more motivated to keep going when you’ve achieved some short-term goals. When setting goals, focus on your strengths and seek support for weaker areas. 3. Visualize the Outcome Classwork, studying and writing papers can keep you so focused that it’s easy to lose sight of the outcomes of all your hard work.

How to motivate yourself to work out?

If you need to motivate yourself quickly, try this super-simple tip: listen to a song you love that’s upbeat, inspiring, and full of energy. For bonus points, dance like a crazy person at the same time. Then, as soon as the song finishes, don’t pause – dive straight into action.

How can I motivate myself for online classes?

How to Stay Motivated as an Online StudentSet realistic goals. Set small, attainable goals for each class to avoid getting discouraged and overwhelmed. ... Schedule your study time. ... Get to know faculty and classmates. ... Share what you're learning. ... Take care of yourself. ... Plan a reward.

Why is it hard to motivate online classes?

This lack of motivation stems directly from the many other challenges that online students face, including: A lack of interaction with peers. Difficulty learning in a virtual format. Distracting home environments.

How do I stay motivated to learn?

Here are some ways to increase your motivation to study.Reward yourself for studying. ... Study with your friends. ... Remind yourself of your long-term goals. ... Eliminate distractions. ... Develop interest in what you have to study. ... Take breaks. ... Establish a comfortable environment. ... Establish reasonable goals for a study session.More items...

Why do students feel unmotivated in online classes?

Many students feel unmotivated and burnt out due to learning preferences, increased stress, communication problems, and lack of technical knowledge. All of these problems can really overall affect students' mental and physical health.

1. Put your goal on the calendar

One way to give a boost to your internal motivation is to create some external motivation: a target date. Whatever it is you’re aiming to accomplish, put it on the calendar. You may be working toward a goal with a set finish date built in. Examples include preparing for a test or taking a course with a fixed end date.

2. Make working toward your goal a habit

When you make working toward your goal a habit—an automatic conditioned response—you no longer have to rely so much on feeling motivated. How do you turn a behavior into a habit?

3. Plan for imperfection

It’s great to feel excited and confident about achieving your goal, but it’s also possible to be too optimistic [ 6 ]. Not every day will go exactly as planned, and that’s okay. Life happens.

5. Track your progress

Seeing progress can be highly motivating [ 10 ]. You’ll find many tools out there to help you track your goals. This could be as simple as a to-do list or calendar where you can cross off tasks or days as you complete them.

6. Reward yourself for the little wins as well as the big ones

It feels good to be rewarded for our work. But rewards can also improve motivation and performance. Rewarding yourself for reaching small milestones and completing big goals could boost your interest and enjoyment in the work you’re doing [ 11 ].

7. Embrace positive peer pressure

You’re ultimately the one who puts in the work to achieve your goals. But other people can be a great motivator.

8. Practice gratitude (including for yourself)

It might seem like gratitude would lead to complacency and acceptance of the status quo. Yet some studies have shown otherwise. Feelings of gratitude can:

What is Motivation?

Simply put, motivation is the reason behind why you act or behave in a certain way [ 1 ]. Motivation is the key to initiating and maintaining behaviors that are aligned to a goal.

6 Tips For How to Stay Motivated in an Online Education

Below are six curated tips that will help you stay motivated while doing online learning.

How to Keep Up Motivation for an Online Education?

It is completely possible to reach your career goals while learning remotely.


MOTIVATION - Gain an Unfair Advantage in Life By Learning How to Motivate Yourself and Others! Motivation is the MASTER Skill of Success! Without it ... You will Fail. With It ... You will have Massive Success! NO FLUFF ...


"Prof. Paul" - Serial Entrepreneur and Business, Psychology & Health/Fitness Expert. CEO at Advanced Ideas, Inc, Award Winning University Professor, Therapist, Corporate Trainer, Professional Speaker, Internet Marketing Expert and Business Consultant.

How to study for a class?

Create a study routine that complements your class schedule. Work around your daily schedule. Attend your classes, determine how much time you have before, in between, and after class you have to study.

Why is it so easy to get distracted?

It is so easy to get distracted by anything when you are not motivated to study. This is especially hard if you are supposed to study for a subject that you don’t particularly like or are not interested in. To help you focus, be practical and just eliminate distractions.

Why is note taking important?

Notetaking is an important skill that goes hand-in-hand with studying. Having good notetaking skills is one of the best study habits to cultivate as it helps you process and retain information. There are different type of notetaking: Cornell, outline, and mind mapping are just some examples.

How do I motivate myself?

In summary, here are 20 ways to motivate yourself: Just start and wait for the motivation to catch up with you. Break tasks down into smaller, more manageable steps.

How to motivate yourself to do something?

It’s not easy to motivate yourself. If you’re like many people, you know the drill: 1 Set the alarm early… then can’t get out of bed. 2 Write a to-do list… then get overwhelmed and escape into a Netflix-binge. 3 Get excited about goals… then feel guilty for not working on them.

How to get motivated to get things done?

Let go of goals that overwhelm you and set attainable goals that energize you. Imagine your future if you don’t motivate yourself. Reflect on your past successes and use the positive feelings to stay motivated. Remind yourself of the reason why you want to find motivation to get things done.

How to make yourself feel good?

Create positive feelings by writing down three things you’re grateful for. Be kind to yourself when you make a mistake, then come back to the task at hand. Know that mistakes are a necessary part of progress – accept and learn from them. Cut overwhelming to-do lists down and focus on just one thing at a time.

How do I feel good about myself?

One of the quickest ways to feel good about yourself is to practice gratitude – it’s almost entirely impossible to feel low and grateful at the same time. To practice gratitude, start by writing down three things you’re grateful for.

How do adults become motivated to learn?

Adult students become more motivated to learn –whether online or in person– when they are treated like unique individuals with goals, interests, and lives of their own. Once they realize that you’re on their side –in the role of coach, say, rather than tyrant or micromanager– they’ll feel more comfortable contributing to class discussions and relating the subject matter to their own lives. The ultimate goal is to strengthen adult students’ intrinsic levels of motivation while minimizing focus on extrinsic sources of motivation, so as to help ensure that they are not dependent upon you for their learning.

Why do students drop out of online classes?

According to Paige Paquette, the biggest reasons why students drop out of online courses include feelings of isolation, frustration, and disconnection, as well as a general lack of faculty contact, instructor participation, and social interaction. Therefore, a sense of community, encouraging engagement, interaction with other participants, ...
