how to mention certified course in resume

by Mack Schroeder 3 min read

How to include certifications on a resume

  • 1. List the title of the certification Within a separate section of your resume, include the full title of the certificate first. ...
  • 2. Include the name of the certifying institution ...
  • 3. List the date you earned the certification ...
  • 4. Include the prospective completion date ...
  • 5. Provide details about the related skills ...

For each certification and license that you list on your resume include:
  1. The full name of the certification (any common abbreviation can be included in parentheses)
  2. The issuing organization (or state)
  3. The date you earned the certification.
  4. The location (if applicable and not implied by the issuer)
Oct 14, 2020

Full Answer

How to list certifications on a resume?

How to list certifications on a resume. 1. List the certification’s title. Using a font and font size that you included previously in the resume, list the full title of the certification as ... 2. Include the name of the host organization. 3. List the date earned. 4. List the prospective earn date. ...

Is it important to mention the certification date on resume?

Again, the certification becomes essential if it’s current and the certification date is mentioned alongside. Of course, the certification pursued this year holds much more importance than the one taken a few years ago. But if you mention both the certifications without mentioning the date, they become irrelevant for the recruiter.

Should I include certificates from online courses on my resume?

Therefore, certificates from online courses should only be included on your resume if they meet the following criteria: 1. The certificate is relevant to the position you’re applying to. Correct — " Certification in Full Stack Web Development, Full Stack Academy " 2. The certification is credible.

Should you highlight certificates on your resume?

If you have certificates, awards or training credits, you should highlight them in a separate section of your resume. Why? Imagine that you’re a recruiter. Take three seconds to look at each resume, then tell us , which is the best image. Isn’t it true that an image in its own space catches the eye much more?

How do you say you are working towards a certification on resume?

You can also include certifications that you're currently working on by adding “In Progress” next to the name of the certification, and including the date you'll complete it: Name of the certification (in progress) Name of the organization that will award it. Prospective date of completion.

How do I say I have a certification?

First: You can be "certified in" a subject. Like "I am certified in diesel engine repair." You can be "certified on" a particular machine or tool. "I am certified on turret lathes." You can be "certified as" a profession. "I am certified as a hairdresser."

How do you say I completed a course?

If you have completed a course, you can say just that. Also, you can say the following . . . I have had a course. I have finished a course....For example:I did that course last year. ... I will do that course next year.I have done that course once, but failed.More items...

How do you say I have completed the course?

I completed the course ,is past indefinite tense which is correct to show that work was finished just now or sometime before. I had completed the course is past perfect tense where time should be given otherwise it is wrong. I have completed the course since last week. Since is used with a definite time.

How do you use certification in a sentence?

Examples of certification in a Sentence the certification of the vote She had to wait until her certification as a nurse before she could start her new job. The certifications of nine teachers were revoked. The school offers scuba diving certification.

What do you say when awarding a certificate?

“Thank you for your dedication. Your outstanding efforts have made the difference between just being good and being great.” "With deep appreciation for your visionary guidance and exemplary leadership skills.” “In recognition of your outstanding work and innovative ideas.”

How do you use certified in a sentence?

Example Sentences You must be certified in order to practice medicine. The carpentry work must be done by someone who is certified for the job. The food is certified kosher.

What's another term for certification?

In this page you can discover 20 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for certification, like: documentation, enfranchisement, certificate, VPNC, ISO9000, authentication, iso9001, credential, credentials, corroboration and accreditation.

How to add certifications on your resume?

Critical certifications should be added front and center: by your name, in your resume summary, or in your work experience section. Extra certifications can go before your education and after your experience.

How to show certifications in progress on resume?

Show certifications in progress on a resume by adding “Anticipated completion” and the date.

What does it mean to show a cert on a resume?

Showing a cert on a resume is the difference between saying you’ve got a skill and proving it.

What happens if you don't put certifications on your resume?

If employers can’t find job-critical certifications on your resume, you’re sunk.

When to leave bottle brush certification off resume?

When they’re unimpressive, out of date, or not relevant to the job. Unless you’re angling for a bottle-washing job , leave that bottle brush certification off your resume.

Do you need a job certification to get a job?

Expert Hint: Job-critical certs and licenses are necessary. You can’t get the job without them. Easy certifications help more when you’re an entry-level candidate.

Is ServSafe certification online?

Expert Tips: Certification online can be just as impressive as in-person licensing. Servsafe certifications, PMP certifications, and Fema Certifications are all available online.

Where to Put Certification on Resume?

This question holds a lot of importance because the recruiter gives just 6 seconds to the resume.

Which order should certifications be listed in?

Certification should be listed in reverse chronological order, as given in the example above.

Why is certification important?

They give you an added advantage over other candidates. Certifications increase your bargaining power for a better salary. Certification is a great economical alternative to expensive university education.

What certifications do you need for technical sales?

If you are in technical sales, then certifications from Microsoft, Cisco, Apple, and VMware would make sense.

What is a FEMA certificate?

FEMA Certification on Resume. [ Back to Table of Content] The Federal Emergency Management Certificate or FEMA is another important certificate, best for candidates who are intereste in emergency management. There are a series of courses and certifications. Some have a expiry date and some don't.

How long is a CPR certificate good for?

Note: The CPR certification is only valid for two years. And make sure your certification is valid before putting it on the resume.

What does a citizenship certificate address?

This certification addresses that you are a responsible citizen and willing to help people.

What is a resume certification?

A resume certification is a way of proving that you have the skills, qualifications and expertise in a certain professional area. Resume certifications can come from third-party institutions like professional associations, colleges or testing organizations and companies. To get a resume certification, you have to go through a training course and pass an exam.

Why do you need certifications on your resume?

As a job applicant, you may have a greater chance of getting hired if the hiring manager sees certifications listing a diversity of verifiable skills. In this article, we’ll discuss what a resume certification is and why it’s important to list certifications on your resume.

How to distinguish between certifications and honors?

Distinguish between certifications, awards and honors. Choose the most relevant certifications for each job. Structure your resume. Include the certifying authority. 1. Distinguish between certifications, awards and honors. While awards and honors can make you a more desirable applicant, they differ from certifications.

What are the certifications for human resources?

Some of the certifications in human resources are: Certification in Professional in Human Resources (PHR) Certification in Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR)

What is reverse chronological order on resume?

Add resume certifications beginning with the ones you most recently attained, as well as those you’re currently pursuing. This listing is called reverse chronological order.

Why do companies take certifications?

In some cases, there are clients who seek companies whose employees are constantly certified. Companies often support and motivate any of their employees who may be interested in taking up the certifications, since it benefits the company as well.

What is the difference between an award and a certification?

While awards and honors can make you a more desirable applicant, they differ from certifications. For instance, you may receive an award for making the most sales in your company. A certification, on the other hand, requires you to complete a course of study and an associated exam.

How should certifications be listed on a resume?

Here’s information about a license or certificate that employers expect to see on a resume:

What types of certifications should be included on a resume?

The first and most important step is to thoroughly read the job description. If you haven't looked at any job listings yet, search for jobs in your industry to find some. Let’s go over the various types of certifications you may find in the job description before figuring out where to put them on your resume.

What is an easy resume?

Easy Resume’s customizable resume templates are designed and optimized for listing both required and recommend certifications on your resume. Save hours of time reinventing your own resume format to include certifications. Get your resume ready in minutes with our free resume builder.

Why do you put certifications on your resume?

Recommended Certifications on a Resume. Employers often use certifications as a resume filter to narrow the pool of applicants . Some certifications can give employers more confidence that a candidate has the right qualifications for the job.

What are optional certificates?

Optional certificates might be very effective for college students as well as those changing careers. These certifications may also be a way to stand out if you're applying in industries such as Architecture and Engineering, where only 24% of those employed hold certifications.

How to make your resume stand out?

Employers sometimes even compile statistics and report on the number of employees with particular qualifications. Listing highly desired certificates is a very effective way to make your resume stand out. Especially if you’re an entry level candidate or student!

What is the purpose of the resume summary?

The resume summary, or resume objective, section is a great place to include required as well as recommended certifications. It’s best practice to only include only one certification in this section. The majority of this space should be used to describe your resume objective.

Where to place the block with certificates, courses and awards?

If you have certificates, awards or training credits, you should highlight them in a separate section of your resume. Why?

How to write about certificates in your resume?

There are certain professions in which certificates are required for work.

Listing courses and training in resume

If you have a document about taking a course, training, or seminar, you must also give this information in a separate section of the resume.

Awards and recognitions

Awards and distinctions can be received from professional organisations, employers or specialised publications. It is better to list them in a separate section of the resume.

General advice

Record each certification, course or training in reverse chronological order, starting with your current or most recent learning event .


Basically, the only certificates that are of interest to the employer are those that you have received in the last five years. The inclusion of irrelevant or obsolete certificates does not enhance your resume.

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What Is A PMP And Why Is It Important?

A PMP certificate is issued by the Project Management Institute. There are over a million PMP-certified professionals in the world today. To become one yourself, you need to have a minimum amount of experience in leading projects and have the minimum required hours of project management training.

How To List PMP Certification On Resume

So, if you now have decided to put your project management professional certification on resume, how should you do it? Just like you should know how to add working remotely on resume for which we have a dedicated article, you should also know how to put PMP on resume properly.

How Not To Do It

When putting your project management professional certificate on resume, don’t:


Let’s take a look at how to list project management professional certification on a resume if you already have it:
