how to make your guidance counselor raise your course level in high school

by Prof. Jeff Hettinger 3 min read

How do I get closer to my guidance counselor?

Go visit your counselor once or twice a month. Ask different questions about colleges, classes, summer programs, or more. Don't be a pest but try your best to get your counselor to know you as much as possible because counselors write letters of recommendations for you.

How can I be top of my class in high school?

Tips to Improve Your Class RankingEvaluate Study Habits. One thing students can do to raise their GPA is to evaluate their study habits. ... Take Summer Courses. ... Get the Assistance of a Tutor. ... Take Advantage of Opportunities for Extra Credit. ... A Note About High School Class Rankings.Aug 22, 2016

What is the highest level of education for a counselor?

Counselors must earn a four-year undergraduate degree, and typically a master's degree, in order to begin their practice. A bachelor's degree in most fields is acceptable to enter the required master's level program afterward.

What should I say to my guidance counselor?

Listen to your counselor's advice. Tell your counselor you don't think their suggestion could work and explain why. Feel free to suggest other courses of action and discuss them. Saying yes to your counselor just to please him/her and then disregarding their advice won't be of any help!

How can I improve my grade?

Nine Tips for Getting Good Grades in High SchoolDo Your Homework. It sounds obvious, doesn't it? ... Participate in Class. ... Take Good Notes in Class. ... Don't Hesitate to Ask for Help. ... Keep Yourself Motivated. ... Create a Study Schedule. ... Remove Distractions. ... Don't Study Alone.More items...

How can I improve my grades at the end of the semester?

How to Improve Your Grades in the Final Weeks of High SchoolCommunicate with your Teacher. A great way to start improving your grades is to speak with your teacher about what your options are. ... Make Up Any Missed Assignments. ... Take Advantage of Extra Credit. ... Form a Study Group. ... Stay Focused.Apr 3, 2018

What do high school counselors do?

The high school counselor job description includes assisting students in making academic and career plans. They may work one-on-one with students experiencing personal problems. They might also work on a larger scale to educate students about drug abuse, bullying or other significant issues high schoolers face.

How many years does it take to become a counselor?

The length of time it takes to become a counselor depends on a variety of factors. To become licensed it can take a minimum of three to five years, including the time it takes to get a master's degree, complete internship hours as well as the hours of post-degree supervised experience.

How do I become a counselor without a degree?

Certain positions, including mental health counselors, psychologists, and marriage and family therapists, require at least some education in psychology or a related field. Other positions can be entered into without holding a degree. These may include: Peer support counselors.Jan 9, 2022

What do you talk about with a high school counselor?

20 Questions to Ask Your School CounselorWhat courses do I need to take to be ready for college?How should I plan my schedule so I'll complete them?Which elective courses do you recommend?Which AP courses should I consider taking?When is the PSAT/NMSQT going to be given?More items...

Can school counselors tell your parents?

Ultimately, cutting is a form of self-harm, and best practice and the ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors advise school counselors to inform parents/guardians so they have the opportunity to intervene.

What school counselors should not do?

12 School Counselor Mistakes You Can AvoidIt's Ok to Say No. ... Not Planning Ahead. ... Being a Disciplinarian. ... Assuming Everyone Knows Your Role. ... Joining the Workplace Drama. ... Missing Out on Opportunities to Help. ... Forgetting Confidentiality Rules. ... Dismissing Suicidal Comments as Harmless.More items...•Feb 12, 2021

Why is meeting with a high school guidance counselor important?

A counselor can offer their experience and expertise to help guide you in your initial college search.

How often do you recommend I meet with a guidance counselor?

At least twice a semester (especially during junior and senior year), but my door is always open.

What mistakes do you see students make when it comes to choosing courses in high school?

Some students bite off more than they can chew by taking the most rigorous courses available, which can sometimes lead to them struggling. Others t...

How can you help me stay on track to meet my academic goals?

We can set up a plan where we meet after each progress report or quarter to be sure you are performing at a level that is commensurate with the sel...

Exploring Your Interests and Pursuing Extracurriculars

What are some of the most impressive activities for a student interested in X?

Financial Aid and Scholarships

What forms do I use to apply for financial aid and where I can find them online?

9th Grade

You should definitely start getting to know your high school guidance counselor as early as possible. Even though most students don’t look at colleges until the 10th or 11th grade, your high school counselor can be a valuable resource in helping you choose your classes, figure out your extracurricular activities, and codify your interests.

10th Grade

Many students start taking the college application process more seriously in the 10th grade. Sophomore year is also the time for you to prioritize your extracurriculars and take on leadership roles. If you’re considering dropping an activity, go over the pros and cons with your counselor.

11th Grade

Ask your high school guidance counselor whether you should take the SAT or ACT — and with their help, register for a date that can allow you plenty of time to study, as well as retake the exam if necessary.

12th Grade

This is the year that you’re applying to college — so make sure you bring any last-minute questions that come up to your high school guidance counselor. If you started building the relationship early, your counselor should know you very well by now and can assist you with advice that’s specifically tailored towards you.

Come in With Questions Ready

Much like the above tip, it’s always ideal to be prepared. Write down the questions you have and bring them with you to the meeting. Having them physically written, rather than just floating around in your head, will eliminate the chance of forgetting something.

Do Some Preliminary Research

Don’t go in totally blind. If you know why you’re scheduling a meeting, you can do a little bit of homework on your own. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a lot, just get some basic background knowledge so you can get right to the heart of the meeting with your counselor. Sometimes it helps to have some common knowledge to talk about.

Bring Note-Taking Materials

Folder, pen, notebook. Three simple things can help really increase the value of meeting with your high school counselor. You can write your questions in your notebook and jot down any helpful answers or subsequent concerns that pop up.

How to build a relationship with a high school guidance counselor?

Building a good relationship with your high school guidance counselor is simple: come to our office and talk to us! It can be about anything, but know that we WANT to know these things about you. We would love to hear about what you enjoy doing, or how you lost your volleyball game or hear you vent about your mom. Whatever is on your mind it is ok if you need a place to vent or want an adult’s advice or opinion. Getting to know more about you helps us advise you when it comes to choosing colleges to apply to and the better we know you , the more we can advocate for you in your college recommendation, for scholarships, etc.

Why do counselors work with teenagers?

Because caseloads can be HUGE, it may be difficult for them to get to know everyone as well as they would like to. You can help by making a habit of stopping by, bringing them up to date on your application status and whatever else is going on in your world. Trust me, they will love to see your face and be happy to help you.

How to write a letter of recommendation for college?

Request an appointment after winter holidays your junior year and then try to visit with the counselor again in the spring to discuss college ideas. Drop by the office to explore the college brochures or reference books that are likely available. Ask the counselor where he went to college or stop in to discuss your extracurricular resume. Greet the counselor in the hallway on the way to class.

What is a high school guidance counselor?

High school guidance counselors are required to create comprehensive school counseling programs. These programs must teach student various competencies and focus on student outcomes. They must create vision statements that set out what they want to future of student outcomes to look like. Program goals and mission statements for the school are also required to be created by high school guidance counselors.

How long does it take to become a high school guidance counselor?

High school guidance counselors are generally required to have a master’s degree in school counseling. This degree usually takes between two and three years, and programs include both classroom instruction and practical experience. Supervised fieldwork in a school is a requirement. Each state has its own education requirements for licensing as a high school guidance counselor.

What is a career counselor?

While they do not work with youth but rather adults, they do help people figure out what they are good at and what they want to do with the rest of their lives. Like high school guidance counselors, career counselors need a high level of empathy and understanding.

What do school psychologists do?

Like high school guidance counselors, school psychologists help students deal with difficult personal and emotional problems. They need the same high-level interpersonal and communication (especially listening) skills, and they require empathy and compassion.

Undergraduate Requirements

There isn't one particular high school guidance counselor major required at the undergraduate level, though one might choose from top schools with degrees in psychology, counseling, or education.

School Counselor Master's Program

According to the BLS, high school guidance counselor requirements include a master's degree. Students can choose from schools offering master's degrees in school counseling or in education. Such programs focus on developing the techniques needed to help students identify the source of their problems and find a coping mechanism.

School Counseling Credentials

Many states require high school guidance counselors to obtain a school counseling credential, which may be referred to as a license, certification, or endorsement. While the requirements for credentialing vary, most states require applicants to hold a master's degree, complete an internship and pass a state exam.

Teaching License Requirements

Some states require counselors to earn teaching credentials to work in school settings. In these states, this may entail completion of a teacher education program, earning teacher certification through an alternative program, or having several years of teaching experience.

Continue Education

High school guidance counselors may be required to renew their credentials regularly by earning continuing education credits. Continuing education can also help a high school guidance counselor stay current on industry trends and advances in counseling methods.

1. Build relationships with college admission offices

Senior year is the most exciting, yet stressful, year of a high school student’s life. They have to find their niche in life, prepare for graduation, and navigate the college admissions process, all while trying to maintain their grades and enjoy their last year of high school.

2. Take career coaching courses

As an educator, you know the importance of continuing your education to become better at your job and raise your ceiling. By taking career coaching classes, you can become more adept at helping students to discover their strengths and work on their weaknesses.

3. Form relationships with at-risk students and their parents

The kids who get in the most trouble in school are often the ones who need the most help. It’s easy to write off a troubled child as an irredeemable delinquent, but that only fuels the school-to-prison pipeline.

5. Prioritize anti-bullying measures

Parents and educators have been putting the spotlight on bullying in recent years. However, the anti-bullying battle isn’t over until bullying is obsolete. It’s important to note that the fight against bullying isn’t a fight against bullies.

What happens if you are tight with a counselor?

If you are tight with the counselor you’ll likely get an invaluable perspective into the school and studentbody and your child’s place in all of it — a perspective that teachers (and the students themselves) aren’t able to offer.

What can a counselor do for a child?

Your counselor can help your child choose the right schools to apply to — schools that are appropriate and realistic. Plus, they can walk you through the application process itself (think: testing, essays, interviews, paperwork, etc). Use their expert knowledge. In my opinion, there’s no need to hire anyone private.

What do school counselors do?

A school counselor can guide your teen in choosing courses that will challenge them academically and prepare them for college. There is no substitute for a solid academic, college focused education. Your teen’s transcript will be the cornerstone of their college application and college admissions counselors weigh the content of that transcript to determine your teen’s ability to handle a rigorous college course load. A college education builds on the knowledge and skills that your teen has acquired during junior high and high school. Most selective colleges with the highest admission requirements look for students who have taken challenging science and math courses beyond the basics.

What is the job of a college counselor?

It stands to reason that if your counselor knows your student and has assisted them in college prep, they will be more likely to write a much more knowledgeable and personal recommendation letter.

What does a counselor do?

Once the counselor knows your student’s areas of interest, they can put them in touch with the activities that fit those interests. Some high schools even offer academic credit for volunteer work through service learning — a program that offers hands-on learning through service to the community. To find out if your school offers service learning, talk to your school counselor.