how to make monocle plot an alternate pseudotime course

by Ms. Maymie Greenfelder Sr. 8 min read

What can monocle 2 tell us about pseudotime?

The result from Monocle 2 here also shows two main branches. Also, as expected, the stem cells are at the very beginning of the trajectory. The pseudotime values are inverted. Monocle 2 can also be used to find genes differentially expressed along the pseudotime trajectory and clusters of such genes.

How does monocle 2 project the data to 2 dimensions?

Here Monocle 2 will first project the data to 2 dimensions with DDRTree, and then do trajectory inference ( orderCells ). See what the trajectory looks like. This projection is DDRTree.

What is monocle in R?

Monocle is an R package developed for analysing single cell gene expression data. Specifically, the package provides functionality for clustering and classifying single cells, conducting differential expression analyses, and constructing and investigating inferred developmental trajectories.

What is the result from Monocle 2?

The result from Monocle 2 here also shows two main branches. Also, as expected, the stem cells are at the very beginning of the trajectory. The pseudotime values are inverted.

How does Monocle Pseudotime work?

Instead of tracking changes in expression as a function of time, Monocle tracks changes as a function of progress along the trajectory, which we term pseudotime''. Pseudotime is an abstract unit of progress: it's simply the distance between a cell and the start of the trajectory, measured along the shortest path.

What is Pseudotime monocle?

Monocle introduced the concept of pseudotime, which is a measure of how far a cell has moved through biological progress.

What is Monocle tool?

monocle (biotools:monocle) ID Verified This tool performs differential expression and time-series analysis for single-cell expression experiments. It orders individual cells according to progress through a biological process, without knowing ahead of time which genes define progress through that process.

What is Pseudotime trajectory?

The “pseudotime” is defined as the positioning of cells along the trajectory that quantifies the relative activity or progression of the underlying biological process.

What is diffusion Pseudotime?

DPT (Diffusion pseudotime) is a tool to estimate the temporal order of differentiating cell in single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) data. The DPT algorithm using diffusion-like random walks to estimate transitions between cells.

What is Pseudotime analysis?

The objective of pseudotime analysis is to take a collection of high-dimensional molecular data from a cross-sectional cohort of individuals and to map these on to a series of one-dimensional quantities, called pseudotimes.

Do monocles work?

For those with different visual requirements a prescription monocle can be used to correct the vision. They are handy and are popular among chefs who need help seeing recipes as they can be easily clipped on to aprons.

What is pseudo-time example?

Pseudo-time is a mathematical time function that accounts for the high compressibility of gas. When pseudo-time is used, a significant improvement is achieved in the accuracy of long-term gas rate forecasting or in the analysis of gas production data.

What is a trajectory analysis?

It identifies groups of individuals following similar progressions of some phenomenon over time and estimates the effects of covariates not only on trajectory shape, but also group membership.

What does ATAC seq measure?

What is ATAC-Seq? The assay for transposase-accessible chromatin with sequencing (ATAC-Seq) is a popular method for determining chromatin accessibility across the genome. By sequencing regions of open chromatin, ATAC-Seq can help you uncover how chromatin packaging and other factors affect gene expression.

Does Monocle know which the root state is for the tree?

Clearly groups the cells from oocyte/zygote to blastocyst with a split of the blastocyst cells. But Monocle does not know which the root state is for the tree, we need to define the root.

Do trajectories shift depending on gene set?

In general, I find that the trajectories may shift quite a bit depending on the gene set. In a best case scenario, the signal is robust and you get the same results regardless of gene set. Hence, it is always wise to critically view your results and check how robust the signal is.

Does phenodata have rows?

According to their Vignette: The expression value matrix must have the same number of columns as the phenoData has rows, and it must have the same number of rows as the featureData data frame has rows . Row names of the phenoData object should match the column names of the expression matrix.

What is the result of monocle 2?

The result from Monocle 2 here also shows two main branches. Also, as expected, the stem cells are at the very beginning of the trajectory . The pseudotime values are inverted. Monocle 2 can also be used to find genes differentially expressed along the pseudotime trajectory and clusters of such genes.

What is the monocle 2?

Monocle 2 only infers one trajectory for the entire dataset, so non-neuronal cells like endothelial cells and erythrocytes may be mistaken as highly differentiated cells from the neuronal lineage. So we will remove cell types not of the neural or glial lineages. Cell types are also helpful to orient the trajectory; neuronal progenitor cells must come before neurons. Here cell type inference is done programatically with SingleR, which compares gene expression profiles of individual cells to bulk RNA-seq data of purified known cell types.

Does 10x have a whitelist?

A whitelist that contains all the barcodes known to be present in the kit is provided by 10x and comes with CellRanger. A CellRanger installation is required, though we will not run CellRanger here.

Daniel J Gorski

Does anyone know if there is a way to achieve a pseudotime heatmap in Monocle3? I am looking for a result similar to what Monocle2's "plot_pseudotime_heatmap ()" function generated.

Daniel J Gorski

Hi, unfortunately I did not find a solution in Monocle3. I ended up using Monocle2 for heatmaps.

otgonzaya ayush

I have a same issue, Please update! How can I make a pseudotime heatmap in Monocle3 and gene differentiation dynamics.

Jonathan Sussman

After realizing that monocle3 no longer supports this function, I adapted a solution based on the code published by Tambalo et al., (A single cell transcriptome atlas of the developing zebrafish hindbrain). My solution is posted at the bottom of the link below. The example shows clustering by both k means as well as hierarchical clustering.

Princess Sophia

According to Monocle3 team's response to # this issue , branched heatmaps are no longer supported in Monocle3. But how did these authors do branched heatmaps by using Monocle3 in this science paper?

What is the function of a monocle?

Monocle provides functionality for clustering genes according to their pseudotime value. The clustering analysis and plotting are done in one step using the plot_pseudotime_heatmap () function; to save the clustering results, use return_heatmap = TRUE.

How to do trajectory analysis?

The trajectory analysis consists of three stages: 1 Choose genes that define progress 2 Reduce the dimensionality of the data 3 Order cells in pseudotime

Why is the full model better than the reduced model?

Because the full model has more information about each cell, it will do a better job of predicting the expression of the gene in each cell. The question Monocle must answer for each gene is how much better the full model’s prediction is than the reduced model’s.