how to make brightspace course active

by Mrs. Shyanne Parisian 9 min read

  • Log in to Brightspace with your MyCarleton1 credentials.
  • On your Brightspace homepage, locate your course in one of the following ways: Click on your course tile under My Courses. ...
  • Click Course Admin in the navbar.
  • Under Site Setup, click Course Offering Information.
  • Scroll down to the Active heading and select the Course is active checkbox.
  • Click Save. Your course will now be visible and accessible to students.

Activate Your Course
  1. First, log into Brightspace and enter the course.
  2. In the NavBar, click Course Admin.
  3. Under Site Setup, click Course Offering Information.
  4. Click the box under Active, then Save.

How do I activate a Brightspace course?

Activating Your Course. 1 First, log into Brightspace and enter the course. 2 In the NavBar, click Course Admin. 3 Under Site Setup, click Course Offering Information. 4 Click the box under Active, then Save.

What is Brightspace help and how to use it?

Created by D2L, Brightspace Help is a comprehensive and fully searchable responsive collection of step-by-step and conceptual information for D2L products. Activate a course offering Skip To Main Content Account Settings Logout placeholder

How do I make a course active?

Select the "Active: Course is Active" checkbox and then select the "Save" button at the bottom of the page. The course is made active so students can see it and access it during the period of time between the start and end dates of the course. Users can use the "My Courses" widget to access the course by selecting either the link or the image.

Is Brightspace a registered trademark?

Brightspace, D2L, and other marks ("D2L marks") are trademarks of D2L Corporation, registered in the U.S. and other countries. Please visit a list of other D2L marks.

How do I make my course active on D2L?

Activate Course from D2L Home PageHover over the course image on the D2L home page.Select the ellipsis [A].Select Course Offering Information from the dropdown menu [B].Under the section titled "Active," select the checkbox next to "Course is active" [A].Select Save [B].

How do I make course active in Brightspace Carleton?

In the navbar, click Course Admin. Under Site Setup, click Course Offering Information. Scroll down to the Active heading and select the Course is active checkbox. Click Save.

How do you make a Brightspace course inactive?

How do I make a course inactive?Click on Resource in the navigation bar.In the menu that opens, click Course Admin.Follow the Course Offering Information link.Uncheck the box next to Course is active.Click the Save button.

How long does it take for a class to show up on Brightspace?

24-48 hoursPlease wait 24-48 hours after registering for a course to appear in Brightspace Learning Environment. The course may not be active. Your instructor is responsible for activating the course so contact them to see when the course will be activated. The course hasn't started.

What does closed mean in Brightspace?

Courses may show up as Closed in your My Courses widget in Brightspace. The Closed tag appears when the last day of class has passed, typically before exams have completed.

Why is D2L not working?

The most common D2L issue is using an incompatible device. Although the current "Brightspace" D2L version in theory allows use from smartphones and tablet computers, the preferred setup is still a desktop or laptop computer using the current version Firefox or Chrome browser (or Safari for an Apple product).

How do I make my course invisible in Brightspace?

Activate Your CourseFirst, log into Brightspace and enter the course.In the NavBar, click Course Admin.Under Site Setup, click Course Offering Information.Click the box under Active, then Save.

How do I hide a course on Brightspace?

Open the context menu of the topic or module you want to hide. Select Hide from Users.

Where is course admin on Brightspace?

Login to Brightspace and go into the appropriate course. When in the course, take these steps: select the "Course Admin" link in the upper right-hand corner of the course nav bar. select to sort by either "Category" or "Name" - in this case the sort is by "Name"

Why is my course not showing up on D2L?

If your instructor is using D2L but the class is not showing up in your D2L portal: Has it been 24 hours since you registered? It may be 24 hours before the class appears. Check the UAccess Student Center and make sure that the course still shows up in your class list.

How long does it take for courses to show up on D2L?

The process can take up to 48 hours after the student registers for the course. If a student still does not appear, verify that they are registered for your course.

How do I publish a course on Brightspace?

Publish from course filesOn the navbar, click Course Admin > Manage Files.From the context menu of the file, click Publish to LOR.Do one of the following: ... Click Sharing and Publishing Options. ... In the Files to Publish area, clear the check box for any item you do not want to include in the package.More items...

Activate the course from the "My Home" page

At the "My Home" page, after a course has been pinned, under the "My Courses" widget, activate a course via the "Course Offering Information" page.

Activate a course from inside a course

Users can use the "My Courses" widget to access the course by selecting either the link or the image.
