how to make an online course tutorial

by Paul Treutel 10 min read

How To Create Effective Online Training Tutorials: 8 Best Practices.

  • 1. Conduct A Thorough Task Analysis Beforehand. You must have a clear understanding of what the task entails in order to convey that information to ...
  • 2. Develop A Detailed eLearning Storyboard And Script.
  • 3. Highlight The Benefits Up Front.
  • 4. Combine Audio With Visuals To Improve Knowledge Retention.
  • 5. Incorporate Supplemental Links And Online Resources.

Part of a video titled How to Create an Online Course Step by Step - YouTube
You can use a site like canva. You can use a site like slides carnival to you know find free. SlideMoreYou can use a site like canva. You can use a site like slides carnival to you know find free. Slide shows and I just like to have an idea of the look and feel of the course.

Full Answer

How to create and launch an online course?

Some of the other ways that I test the sellability of an online course idea include:

  • online discussion forums
  • pay-per-click testing
  • surveys
  • analyzing popular blog posts (on your own blog and other expert blogs in your niche)
  • posting the right questions on social media

How to make money with an awesome online course?

  • Easy-to-use platforms have simplified online course creation
  • You can offer courses that complement your existing business
  • Create passive income by re-selling the same online course continually
  • Use an online course to lead customers to your other product offerings
  • Online availability brings in clients from all over the globe

How to create the best online course?

The best way is to use it to bring in people and funnel them to an online course like was mentioned in the last section. Then, you can make money from ads on the site. Ads pay very well for the ...

How to start creating an online course?

Step 2: Develop Your First Online Course

  • Creating a course outline. In order to create a course outline, you will need to divide the course curriculum into main topics and sub-topics.
  • Choosing your learning method. Decide on a learning method or a blended approach you want to follow and stick with it. ...
  • Uploading your first course. ...
  • Adding the learning material. ...

How do I create my own online course?

In this article, you'll find an overview of the 10 major stages of online course creation:Pick the perfect course topic.Ensure your course idea has high market demand.Create Magnetic and Compelling Learning Outcomes.Select and Gather your Course Content.Structure Your Modules and Course Plan.More items...•

How do I create a tutorial course?

How to create an online courseChoose the right subject matter.Test your idea.Research the topic extensively.Write a course outline.Create the course content.Bring your course online.Sell your online course.Market your content.More items...•

How do I create an online course for free?

How to create an online course for freeThinkific: Software to create an online course for free. ... Canva: Free and low-cost design tool. ... Beaver Builder: affordable WordPress page builder. ... Camtasia: Cheap software for editing online course videos, with a free trial. ... Vimeo: Free video hosting.More items...•

What is the best way to make an online course?

Online classes are not easy but, by following these techniques, you have a great chance of being successful.Set a Major Goal. ... Treat Study Like a Job. ... Make a Study Plan. ... Manage Time Carefully. ... Have Dedicated Study Blocks. ... Find a Quiet Space. ... Eliminate Distractions. ... Limit Social Media.More items...•

How much does it cost to create an online course?

It can cost anywhere from $200 to $10,000 to create an online course. The main source of expenses is the labor involved, followed by the equipment and software. If you are creating the online course yourself and not paying someone else to do it, this means that other than your time there are very few expenses involved.

How do I create an online training module?

How to develop an online training moduleKnow your audience. First up, you need to focus on who'll be taking the course. ... Break your topic into modules. Now you've identified your audience, it's time to think about how to organize your course content. ... Plan your content formats. ... Add knowledge checks. ... Responsive course content.

Can you make money creating online courses?

Are Online Courses Profitable? Yes, they are. Online courses offer one of the best business models to digital entrepreneurs. The demand is rising and people are more than willing to pay for them, and they are one of the top ways to make money online.

Is selling online courses profitable?

Are online courses profitable? Yes. They're actually one of the best business models you can adopt as a digital business because they're in demand and more and more people are willing to pay top dollar for them.

What are the 5 tips to be successful in online learning?

5 Tips to Succeed in Online LearningDevelop a Schedule. Commit to making your online coursework part of your weekly routine. ... Set Specific Goals. Create daily goals and set reminders for yourself to complete tasks within specific windows of time.Get Connected. ... Create a Designated Study Space. ... Stay healthy.

What are the key factors for making an online course effective?

Previous PPIC research has identified five key factors to help ensure student success in online programs:Use a systems approach to course design. ... Provide professional development. ... Set student expectations. ... Create community. ... Take advantage of the online environment.

What you need for online learning?

The definitive online school supply list for online studentsA reliable computer and internet access. ... A comfortable chair. ... A separate workspace. ... Any necessary software. ... Earphones or earbuds. ... Printer and printer paper. ... Traditional school supplies. ... An online or paper calendar.More items...

What is the most important part of creating an online course?

One of the most important components of creating an online course is setting a learning goal for the course . However, there’s more to it. Every online course consists of various sections, and each individual section also needs to have a clear learning goal.

How to make an online course more engaging?

An easy way to make online courses more engaging is to stimulate the student visually. This means pictures and videos. The simplest method of using picture and videos in an online course would be constructing your online class more like a PowerPoint presentation:

What is the gender of MOOCs?

Gender. On average, the gender make-up for MOOCs is 53% female and 47% male. However, in some subjects such as engineering courses, the ratio can shift heavily, with up to 85% of students being male. Level of education. The majority of online course students are highly educated with a Bachelor’s degree or higher.

What does it mean to get started teaching?

Which means you need to get your knowledge together.

What is the target audience of an online course?

The target audience is the group of people to whom you are writing your course.

Is it a waste of time to create an online course?

It’s crucial that you decide on a specific course subject in the beginning phase of creating your online course. Be as specific as possible.

Do online courses require money?

Contrary to popular belief, the process of creating online courses doesn’t require a large chunk of money. If you know what you are doing, you can develop profitable online courses at no cost whatsoever. Creating successful online courses is like building powerful magnets.

What is multimedia online training?

As such, you need to produce a multimedia online training tutorial that pairs audio with visuals to improve comprehension, and knowledge retention. This may include background music, sound effects, audio narrations, images, and graphics.

What are the drawbacks of online training?

One of the drawbacks of online training tutorials is that they tend to be passive online training activities. Meaning that employees simply watch as the eLearning character carries out the process or explores the topic. They aren't able to form a connection with the subject matter or immerse themselves into the situation.

Why use eLearning storyboard?

The second is that they improve the navigability of your online training tutorial. The eLearning storyboard makes it easy to create a clickable outline or map. As a result, corporate learners can quickly navigate through the online training tutorial, or skip to the steps they struggle with.

What is rapid elearning?

Rapid eLearning authoring tools are typically equipped with eLearning templates, media, and other online resources to help you create high quality online training tutorials. One of the most important features to look for is a top - notch screen recording, capturing, and editing tool. This is particularly true for software-based online training tutorials. Get feedback and recommendations from your eLearning team before making your final decision, and try out different platforms through free trials and demos. Rapid eLearning authoring tools may be an investment, but you can use them time after time to develop online training tutorials for your corporate eLearning program. If you find the one with the right features, it will be well worth the cost.

How to create a course and teach someone something?

To create a course and teach someone something, you only need to be one step ahead of them. If they’re on level four and you’re on level five, you have something to offer. Think about it for a second. If you want to create a course teaching people how to become a freelancer; you'd only require one credential.

How to create a sales funnel on

On you can go to your dashboard and click the menu. Under the menu, you’ll find funnels, and from there you’ll create your first funnel. Creating a sale's page on You can add a sales page to a standard two-step funnel and start putting in some content.

Can you teach someone anything?

You can teach people anything, and you’ll always be able to find someone willing to learn the information you have to offer. Creating an online course is a rewarding experience. It allows you to display your expertise while making a ton of money if you play your cards right.

Do you have to make 100k a year to be a freelancer?

That you’re a freelancer. It doesn’t mean you have to make 100k a year or have a Lamborghini to teach people how to accomplish something. You only need to have accomplished the goal yourself. Now you can take what you’ve learned and show people how to reach your level.

What is online training tutorial?

Online training tutorials walk employees through every step of the process. However, you can give them the chance to actually complete the task firsthand with the help of online training simulations and scenarios. They can test out the software, overcome common challenges, and even identify areas for improvement.

How to improve online training?

You can take two different approaches. The first is to gamify the online training tutorial by adding eLearning badges, points, and other game mechanics. For example, employees must pass a "checkpoint" quiz at the end of each phase to advance to the next level. The second approach is transforming the entire online training tutorial into a serious game. Integrate an immersive storyline, eLearning characters, and challenges that they must overcome to claim victory. Whichever route you take, make certain that game elements don't overshadow the online task. Employees should still have to apply their skills and professional knowledge to achieve the desired outcomes. The rewards must also align with the learning objectives and reinforce favorable performance behaviors.

How to add interactivity to online training?

Collaborating with peers and sharing task-related tips is one of the best ways to add interactivity to your online training tutorial. Employees have the ability to provide feedback and help co-workers improve their approach. Invite corporate learners to join your social media group. Alternatively, start a corporate eLearning blog or an online discussion where they can improve task proficiency collectively. These social learning activities also allow them to explore different perspectives. For example, they can discover better and more effective ways to achieve the desired results.

Why do you use closed ended questions in online training?

Incorporate a closed-ended question at the end of the online training tutorial to test employee knowledge and comprehension. This serves two very important purposes. Firstly, it gives employees the ability to evaluate their own progress and review the process. Secondly, closed-ended questions also have the power to increase employee engagement. They know that a surprise exam may be waiting for them at the end of the online training tutorial. Thus, they are more likely to pay attention and absorb the information. If they do identify areas for improvement, they have the opportunity to use those supplemental online training resources to fill the gaps.

How long does it take to create a course?

Keep the 10-minute rule in mind, that is, any chapter (containing text, presentation, or video) should take only about 10 minutes for learners to complete.

Can you create a course without software?

Create online courses without any software installation. Courses are adaptable to different devices including laptops, smartphones, and desktops to facilitate ‘anytime’ and ‘anywhere’ accessibility. You can create a course in multiple languages. Configure over 100+ settings to develop secure courses online and provide private or public accessibility.

What is online course?

Online courses fit under the category of info products (or at least that's what we used to call them before watching videos online was even possible). Back then, you could choose from ebooks, big-box items, or live seminars.

Why do you base your script on the rough draft?

You base it on the rough draft because including visuals can easily change a script.

How to get students to get out of a course?

Determine learning objectives. Decide what you want students to get out of the course as a whole and out of each individual unit. These outcomes should be explicitly stated to the students and guide your development of the content. Start with objectives for individual units.

Why is online learning so popular?

Many prefer online courses because of the convenience while others note challenges for interactive and engaged learning. Before you start designing your course, it’s important to recognize the differences that will make lesson plans originally designed for an in-person class an ...

What are the limitations of online learning?

One of the most significant limitations of online learning is that students can’t interact with you or each other as directly. If you don’t include an interactive aspect of the course, the education students are receiving will be little better than if they simply bought a textbook and read it on their own.

Why should each unit include some kind of interactive assignment?

Each unit should include some kind of interactive assignment so that students are consistently engaged. This type of assignment may be more difficult for math or science course. However, you can use message boards to encourage students to explain how they worked out certain problems or applied formulas.

How to save yourself time in a class?

There is nothing wrong with borrowing or remixing material that other teachers have used for similar courses. You can save yourself a lot of time and maximize the quality of your content by reading other curriculums and adapting it to your class.

Is there an open source LMS?

If you have some software development skills, you may want to consider an open source LMS. These software are free to use and will allow you to manually change aspects of the code to tailor the LMS to your preference. The downside is that they usually don’t come with a customer support service.
