how to loo up your hunting safety course lisances

by Amie Mohr 5 min read

If you have previously completed a Michigan hunter, bow, marine, ORV, snowmobile or trapper education course and your original certificate has been lost or damaged, you can obtain a copy of your certificate from our online license system at To login, click on the "Purchase a license, permit, and application" button.

Full Answer

How to take an Illinois hunter safety education certificate course?

SCDNR offers two (2) options to take the Hunter Education Course. 1. Instructor-led Classes. The preferred Hunter Education method is through a free eight (8) hour instructor-led classroom course. Classes maybe offered in a one day class or split over two nights. All classes end with a Test to pass the course.

How do I take the hunter education course?

Access is permitted to the 4-hour follow-up class only after a student has completed the written Home Study or Online component of the class. Step 1: Attend an Online Course. Choose a course from one of the following providers: California; Step 2: Attend a 4-hour Follow-up Class. Browse/Register for a Follow-up Class

How much does it cost to defer a hunting license?

Hunter Education courses are designed to teach hunting safety, principles of conservation, and sportsmanship. A dedicated cadre of over 500 trained volunteer instructors works with 170 Conservation Police Officers to train over 2500 students each year, in addition to 7500 students who choose the online course. NOTICE: Effective January 1, 2021 ...

What do you need to know about hunter safety?

Option #1: Two-Step Format for Ages 11 and Older. Body. You must complete both steps 1 and 2 of Missouri’s Hunter Education Program to receive Missouri’s hunter education certification. We do accept complete certifications from all other states. Step #1: The Knowledge Portion. Choose ONE of three convenient options to complete the knowledge session:

How do I find my Wi hunter safety number?

by using our online web site to obtain your DNR customer ID number; by calling DNR customer service from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. at 1-888-936-7463; or. by visiting a DNR service center during their regular scheduled hours.

Does Texas hunters education expire?

Important Facts about your Hunter Education certification

Certification is good for life. Texas certification is honored by other states and provinces requiring hunter education. You must carry proof of certification or deferral on your person while hunting.

WHAT IS A GO ID number?

Q: What is a GO ID? A: A GO ID is a unique number generated and assigned to an individual customer's record by the Automated License Data System (ALDS), which customers access through CDFW's Online License Sales and Services website.

Does Texas require hunter safety course?

Every hunter (including out-of-state hunters) born on or after Sept. 2, 1971, must successfully complete a Hunter Education Course.

How long does a hunter safety certificate last in Texas?

90 days
The Texas Hunter Ed Course is valid for only 90 days from the time of registration and payment.

Can a 7 year old hunt in Texas?

Requirements on Public Lands:

Youth under 17 years old are required to be under the immediate supervision of a permitted adult, at lease18 years old, who is licensed to hunt in Texas. Youth under 12 years old must remain within normal voice distance of an adult supervisor (direct supervision).

What is a state ID?

Citizens not having a driver's license can get a State ID, issued at the state level and used for identification purposes such as banking, etc.

How much is a lifetime hunting license in California?

Lifetime Hunting Licenses
Ages 10-39$972.50
Ages 40-61$876.00
Ages 62+$594.75
Lifetime Bird Hunting Privilege Package$345.50
2 more rows

How much is the fine for fishing without a license in California?

between $100.00 to $1,000.00
If you are found guilty of fishing without a license in the state of California, the punishment is a fine of between $100.00 to $1,000.00. If this is your second offense in the last five years, the penalty is a fine of between $250.00 or $1,000.00.

Does a 9 year old need a hunting license in Texas?


Every hunter in Texas who was born on or after September 2nd, 1971 is required to complete Hunter Education Certification. Hunters must be 9 years of age or older to get certified.

How much does a hunting license cost in Texas?

Resident Hunting Licenses
Resident Hunting LicenseTexas resident$25
Senior Resident Hunting LicenseTexas resident 65 years and older$7

How late can you hunt in Texas?

Legal Shooting Hours for All Game Animals and Nonmigratory Game Birds. The period from one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset.

How many hours is Hunter Education?

The preferred Hunter Education method is through a free eight (8) hour instructor-led classroom course. Classes maybe offered in a one day class or split over two nights. All classes end with a Test to pass the course.#N#Class calendar.

What grade level is South Carolina Hunter Education?

The South Carolina Hunter Education Class is recommended for motivated students 12 years of age and older with good reading and comprehension skills who have some firearm and hunting knowledge or experience. Course materials are on a 6th-grade reading level.

What is the Hunter Education Program in South Carolina?

The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Hunter Education Program is dedicated to the safe enjoyment of our outdoors. Through this program, students learn about responsibility and ethics in the field, as well as firearms safety.

How to contact Hunter Education Office in SC?

If you have a question about your certification, please contact the Hunter Education Office at 1-800-277-4301.

How many hours of schooling is required for a Hunter?

The Traditional Hunter Education Course consists of a minimum of ten hours of classroom, homework, and field instruction in the following areas: firearms safety and handling, sportsmanship and ethics, wildlife management and conservation, archery, black powder, wildlife identification, game care, first aid, and survival.

When was the hunter education law passed in California?

In an effort to raise safety and conservation awareness, California’s first hunter education law was enacted in 1954. California requires hunter education training for those who have never held a California hunting license, who do not have a hunter education certificate, or who do not have a hunting license from another state or province issued ...

How to attend a 4 hour follow up class?

Step 1: Attend an Online Course. Choose a course from one of the following providers: Step 2: Attend a 4-hour Follow-up Class.

What age is the online course for a symlink?

The Online Course and Follow-up class is designed for students 12 years and older.

Is online hunting a certificate?

The online course, alone, is NOT a qualification for a hunter education certificate. Once you have completed an online course, you will still need to attend a 4-hour follow up class with a certified Hunter Education Instructor.

Is Hunter Education Program cancelled?

Notice: All in person Hunter Education Program classes have been cancelled until further notice in response to COVID-19. Online only hunter education certification is temporarily available at

How many hours of class is required for Illinois Hunter Education?

Interested individuals may call 1-800-832-2599 or check Class Schedules. The Illinois Hunter Education Program consists of a minimum of ten hours of instruction.

How long is a hunter's education class?

Classes may be a few hours a night for 2-4 nights or a full weekend class. The final class will end with a test to pass the course.

How old do you have to be to get Hunter Education?

Online Certification - If you are 18 years old or older you may complete the online course and receive your Hunter Education certification. This option is provided by outside companies and there is a fee charged for the service.

How old do you have to be to take field day?

Online Self-Study / Field Day course - Students 17 years old and younger may study and complete each section of the course online, taking exams as they proceed. This option is provided by outside companies and there is a fee charged for the service. The student must also attend a Field Day which includes hands-on participation and a final exam. Find out more.

Do you need a Hunter Safety Education Certificate to hunt in Illinois?

Many states are now requiring adult hunters to furnish evidence of having completed a Hunter Education Course prior to issuance of a non-resident license. An Illinois Hunter Safety Education certificate is accepted by all other states.

What is Hunter Education?

Our Hunter Education Program provides a foundation in hunting safety and ethics. It instills responsibility, improves skills and knowledge, and encourages interaction between beginner and veteran hunters.

When is Missouri Hunter Education required?

Hunter Education and Certification Requirement. Missouri's hunter education course is required for any hunter born on or after Jan. 1, 1967. Learn what the course covers and where to take it, including online options. Choose from two options to complete your Missouri Hunter Education Certification.

How old do you have to be to hunt in Missouri?

If you plan to hunt during a Missouri firearms season or you are acting as an adult mentor, you MUST first complete an approved hunter-education certification program and provide proof of completion UNLESS: You are 15 or younger and will be hunting with a properly permitted adult mentor 18 or older .

What score do you need to pass the skills session?

After successfully completing the skills session and passing a 35-question, multiple-choice final with a score of 80 percent or better, you will receive a temporary certificate so you can purchase a permit and hunt immediately.

Where can I order a Missouri study guide?

Order a study guide online or pick one up at a Missouri Department of Conservation office. Study the illustrated manual, complete all chapter review questions, and present to the instructor at the skills session.

Can experienced hunters be instructors?

Experienced hunters are encouraged to volunteer as instructors for our Hunter Education courses.

Do you have to take Hunter Education in Missouri?

NOTE: If you can prove you completed an approved hunter education course in another state, you are not required to take Missouri’s Hunter Education Course.

How long is a hunter safety certificate?

This hunter internet field day online course takes 4-6 hours to complete online. The required in-person field day component takes 6-8 hours to complete.

What is a hunter education certificate?

Hunter education graduates receive a certificate that is accepted in every U.S. state as well as Canada and Mexico. For Wisconsin residents, a first-time hunter education graduate may use the Wisconsin hunter education certificate in lieu of a small game hunting license from the date of issuance until March 31 of the following year. Those qualifying do not need to purchase a small game license; the certificate is the license for the established time period. First-time graduates are also exempt from the requirement to purchase the pheasant and state waterfowl stamps while the certificate is valid for small game hunting. This does not exempt a person from the requirement to purchase goose permits, a federal waterfowl stamp if age 16 and over or from becoming HIP registered.

How to enroll in Hunter Internet Field Day?

Hunter internet field day course availability varies depending on the area of the state and time of year. Click the enroll button above to search for a recreational safety education course. Select “Internet Field Day” under course type. The field day is mandatory to earn your hunter education safety certification. After enrolling in an in-person field day, complete the hunter internet field day online course prior to the field day.

What is online hunter education?

This online-only hunter education course is designed for students with prior hunting and/or firearms handling experience. If you do not have prior hunting or firearms handling experience, it is highly recommended that you take a traditional or internet field day course to receive one-on-one firearms handling and training with a certified Hunter Education Instructor.

What is paddle safety course?

Paddle Sports Safety Course [exit DNR]; A free online paddling safety course for new paddlers to learn the basics and as a great refresher for experienced paddlers. The course does not certify a person to operate a motorboat but is a great learning tool.

What are the objectives of a recreational safety education class?

Course objectives. To reduce the potential for accidents, injuries and fatalities; to reduce the potential for conflict between participants, landowners and other resource users; and to promote safe, responsible and ethical use of the environment and our resources. Enroll in a recreational safety education class.

How old do you have to be to get a motorcycle safety certificate?

Students can take a course at any age, but the certification is not valid until they turn 12 years of age.

What is a Hunter Trapper training certificate?

A training certificate recognized throughout North America is presented upon passing a written test at the end of the course. The course covers responsible bowhunting, big game anatomy and shot placement, map and compass basics, distance estimation, shooting basics and a 3-D field course, hunting methods and techniques, tree stand use and safety, and big game recovery and care. This course does not replace the Basic Hunter-Trapper Education training. All first-time hunters must successfully complete Basic Hunter-Trapper Education before purchasing a general hunting license.

How many hunters have been certified since 1959?

Be part of hunter education's success! With more than 2 million students certified since 1959, statistics show hunting fatalities and injuries from firearms have declined by more than 80 percent. Hunter education is working!

How long does it take to get a furtaking certification?

Free, In-person Successful Furtaking Certification: Before attending the in-person session, students must complete an independent study, which takes six to eight hours and can be done online or by requesting a student manual. The student then attends a 1-day, 6-hour classroom session.

How many hours do you need to be a volunteer instructor?

What's the commitment? Volunteer instructors should have the ability to give 12 to 16 hours each year. Courses average six hours for a classroom format and eight hours for a skills station format. Brief annual instructor training is required.

How old do you have to be to teach at the Game Commission?

Volunteer instructors receive all necessary teaching aids and materials, including the easy-to-use, standardized curriculum. Instructors must be at least 18 years old and have a high school diploma or GED.

How often can you take the game commission drawing course?

Individuals may take the course for entry to the drawing only once each license year. New content may be added annually. A brief knowledge check is required to complete the course.

What to do if playback doesn't begin?

If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device.
