how to list course certificates from coursera on resume

by Wilhelm Zieme 10 min read

When adding Coursera credentials to this section, you should follow the standard best practices for listing education on your resume and include the following information:

  • Name. This is the official title of the course or program you completed. Example: Big Data MasterTrack (™) Certificate, Digital Marketing Analytics Course, Master of Computer Science
  • Education provider. This is the name of the university or industry partner who created the course or program. Example: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IBM
  • Completion date
  • GPA (degrees only)
  • Summary. Here, you’ll want to include a short overview of the program so that those not familiar with Coursera will understand what was covered. ...

I'm a qualified lawyer and I put Coursera Courses as add-on courses under the "Certificate" section on my CV. For brevity, I just renamed the “Education” section of my CV to “Eduction & Training”. I list my degrees and certificates there.

Does Coursera look good on resume?

Yes. Do it. A free coursera course is no different from a YouTube lesson. Putting them on my resume would result in a snigger from employers. Coursera has some problems. I paid $65 for a certificate, but then they lost all record of that.

How should I incorporate Coursera certificates into my resume?

  • If the interviewer wants he/she may throw a question or two to test if you really know something regarding the MOOC
  • Doing a project based on the skills you learned and then mentioning it along with MOOC is 100x better. ...
  • Mentioning very basic MOOCs might not help much. ...
  • Non-Technical MOOCs are also not worth mentioning in my o

Is it useful to have Coursera certificates in your resume?

  • They mostly come from reputed universities globally
  • You can learn at an easy pace - few hours per week
  • They are mostly followed by a Capstone project - so you can execute what you learn
  • Peer to peer learning helps you in sharing experiences and learning together

How to include Coursera courses on your resume?

Your Education and Training Section If you took a pre-packed set of courses, such as a Coursera Specialization or an edX Micromasters, you can simply list it. You might also want to include a sentence describing your education (many people are still unfamiliar with MOOCs) and include a few of the skills you learned.

Why is Coursera important?

What is a resume made of?

Where is the Skills section on a resume?

Do employers know about Coursera?

Do you have to have measurable outcomes to do a coursera?

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Can you use Coursera on resume?

You can list your Coursera course certificates on your CV, and you should place these certificates in the “Education” section of your CV. Some people also recommend creating an additional section in your CV under Education called “Continuing Education” where you can list the course you completed on Coursera.

How do I list my Coursera certificate?

Unless there is a specific reason not to, you should list Coursera credentials in your Education section....Education sectionName. This is the official title of the course or program you completed. ... Education provider. ... Completion date.GPA (degrees only)Summary.

Should you list Coursera certificates on resume?

You can list all your Coursera, Udacity, MITx, etc courses under Courses. LinkedIn has done a lot of research and thinking on what hiring managers want to know about you. Write your resume using elements from LinkedIn. Include sections for Certifications, Courses and Education.

How do I put my Coursera certificate on my resume?

Where to put certifications on resumeIn a “certifications and licenses” section. The first place you should highlight your certificate is in a dedicated certification section on your resume. ... Alongside your name. ... In your resume summary. ... In your cover letter.

Are Coursera certificates respected?

Are Coursera Certificates worth it? On the whole, yes. If you're seeking promotion, looking for a career change, or the skills you are learning are highly sought after, then a Coursera Certificate is definitely worth the investment. Coursera partners and course providers are world class.

Are Coursera certificates Recognised?

Note: Coursera certificates are verified with its partnered University or Organization and recognized by future employers. Coursera offers a range of subjects that are broken into 11 topic areas that include; Data Science.

Should I put Coursera courses on my Linkedin?

The first option to list your courses in is under the certification section. This is the recommended method by providers such as Coursera and EdX as it is integrated in the platforms.

Where do I put certifications on my resume?

Generally, your certification and license sections should go at the bottom of your resume—below your work experience but above education.

Can I put online courses on my CV?

We recommend listing online courses in the Certifications or Professional Development sections on your CV. Some people list online courses in the Education section. We don't recommend doing so because it can detract attention from your degree programs, which you should highlight more prominently.

Do employers care about Coursera certificates?

What is particularly relevant about these course series is that they are mostly project-based allowing students to demonstrate the knowledge they've acquired in a specialization to an applied project. And this is exactly what employers are looking for – evidence that you can do the things your certificate says you can.

Should I attach certificates to my resume?

There is no need for linking certificates to your Resume. The employer will be least interested in looking at them. Moreover, attaching a lot of documents in the mail will obviously increase the file size which is least preferred. You will be required to submit those certificates for the validation if you're hired.

How do I list my Coursera certificate on LinkedIn?

Share your Course Certificate on LinkedInLog into your Coursera account.Open your Accomplishments page.Under the Certificate you want to share on your LinkedIn profile, click Add to LinkedIn.Follow the instructions to copy and paste your Certificate information to your LinkedIn profile.

How should I incorporate Coursera certificates into my resume?

Answer (1 of 28): It is appreciated when you mention as last section in second page.I had a course attended in udemy recently called Ultimate Resume Makeover from Narayanan Palani)Hence I know for sure it makes great help in CV shortlist.

How do you list a Coursera class on your Resume? - Reddit

17 votes, 15 comments. The way I do it is as follows: [Coursera – 09/01/2014 to 09/29/14] The Data Scientist’s Toolbox By Professor Jeff Leek PhD …

Why is Coursera important?

Learning on Coursera is an excellent way to master job-ready skills, earn valuable credentials, and advance your career. Your resume is how you’ll showcase these accomplishments to recruiters and hiring managers, as well as your network. It’s important to present your skills and experience in the best light possible, and in a way that makes it easy for potential employers to see that you’re the right candidate for the job. When you’re able to clearly demonstrate how learning on Coursera has prepared you for success in your target role, you can be sure to get the kind of attention you deserve whenever you apply for a new opportunity.

What is a resume made of?

A resume is made up of different sections, each of which can be optimized to present yourself in the best light possible. Adding a new credential is a part of the process, but there are also additional ways that you can highlight your newfound skills and demonstrate the value you can bring to an organization.

Where is the Skills section on a resume?

Skills section. The Skills section is usually located above the Professional Experience section of your resume . An employer should be able to read this section and easily determine that you’re qualified for the role, so make sure to include the job-relevant skills you’ve learned on Coursera.

Do employers know about Coursera?

Employers may or may not be familiar with Coursera or the specific course or program you’ve completed. Consider what they need to know about the program in order to be able to evaluate your learnings and accomplishments, and add additional information as necessary to make it clear what you learned, how you learned it, ...

Do you have to have measurable outcomes to do a coursera?

Include measurable outcomes to demonstrate your accomplishments. Don’t worry if you haven’t completed any projects as part of your Coursera coursework. It’s not a requirement that you have them. However, it is important to remember that any time you can demonstrate your real-world skills, you should try to do so.

What is a Udemy certificate?

Learning: A Udemy certificate represents a topic or skill you have spent time learning. This is how I use all of my Udemy certificates. I use it to show potential bosses, clients, etc. that I am always learning and growing.

Does Coursera have certificates?

Mostly Coursera provides E-Certificates for their courses so it is better to upload them on your LinkedIn profile and share your profile link in your normal resume so anyone who is interested for verification of your certificates can verify them by visiting your LinkedIn profile. Rajan Chhabra.

Is completing a course on Coursera more important than completing a course on Udacity

Projects made as an outcome of a course are infinite times more important than completing a course on Coursera, Udacity etc. It is great that you completed the course. But to prove that you gained knowledge from that course, you have to accomplish something and that would be much more valuable. KASHISH RAIS.

Does Coursera enhance your resume?

Coursera is a well-regarded platform for online learning so it will definitely enhance your resume. Also, try to find a way to utilize your new knowledge, and skills…even if you do so in a volunteer setting. 8.4K views. ·. View upvotes.

Where to put continuous learning on resume?

You can include it in the education section of your resume. This is a great way to show employers that you are in a continuous learning mode. List it just as you would your formal education by including the title of the course, when you completed it and where (Coursera).

Do employers care about your skills?

Regardless of whether it's statistics, software, or something else, employers will care about your skills and your ability to use them. A certifi. Continue Reading. Instead of focusing on the fact that you took and completed an online course, focus on the skills you have as a result of the course.

Why is Coursera important?

Learning on Coursera is an excellent way to master job-ready skills, earn valuable credentials, and advance your career. Your resume is how you’ll showcase these accomplishments to recruiters and hiring managers, as well as your network. It’s important to present your skills and experience in the best light possible, and in a way that makes it easy for potential employers to see that you’re the right candidate for the job. When you’re able to clearly demonstrate how learning on Coursera has prepared you for success in your target role, you can be sure to get the kind of attention you deserve whenever you apply for a new opportunity.

What is a resume made of?

A resume is made up of different sections, each of which can be optimized to present yourself in the best light possible. Adding a new credential is a part of the process, but there are also additional ways that you can highlight your newfound skills and demonstrate the value you can bring to an organization.

Where is the Skills section on a resume?

Skills section. The Skills section is usually located above the Professional Experience section of your resume . An employer should be able to read this section and easily determine that you’re qualified for the role, so make sure to include the job-relevant skills you’ve learned on Coursera.

Do employers know about Coursera?

Employers may or may not be familiar with Coursera or the specific course or program you’ve completed. Consider what they need to know about the program in order to be able to evaluate your learnings and accomplishments, and add additional information as necessary to make it clear what you learned, how you learned it, ...

Do you have to have measurable outcomes to do a coursera?

Include measurable outcomes to demonstrate your accomplishments. Don’t worry if you haven’t completed any projects as part of your Coursera coursework. It’s not a requirement that you have them. However, it is important to remember that any time you can demonstrate your real-world skills, you should try to do so.


Education Section

Depending on the type of credential you’ve earned, you may have questions about where to place it on your resume—should you list it under Education, or in a different section such as Training and Certifications? Unless there is a specific reason not to, you should list Coursera credentials in your Education section. On…
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Skills Section

  • The Skills section is usually located above the Professional Experience section of your resume. An employer should be able to read this section and easily determine that you’re qualified for the role, so make sure to include the job-relevant skills you’ve learned on Coursera. For a non-technical role, the Skills sections can consist of 4-8 short bullets detailing your core skills (also known as …
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Projects Section

  • This is where you want to feature any job-relevant projects you’ve completed on Coursera. Projects are a great way to demonstrate to employers what you can accomplish using your skills, especially if you are starting a new career and don’t have other professional experience. When including a Projects section, always focus on what’s most important for the employer: 1. List ou…
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Other Sections

  • If the information you wanted to communicate to the employers doesn’t fit under the Education, Skills, or Projects sections, consider other existing or additional resume sections, such as Summary, Accomplishments, Hobbies and Interests, etc. Remember that the resume structure should support the information you want to communicate. As long as you follow the standard b…
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  • Learning on Coursera is an excellent way to master job-ready skills, earn valuable credentials, and advance your career. Your resume is how you’ll showcase these accomplishments to recruiters and hiring managers, as well as your network. It’s important to present your skills and experience in the best light possible, and in a way that makes it easy for potential employers to see that you’…
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