how to import a course in brightspace

by Dr. Aron Bahringer IV 6 min read

Importing a course from Brightspace

  • Navigate to the My Courses page.
  • Click the Import a course button at the top right.
  • A modal window will appear with a dropdown list of your Brightspace courses. Choose the course you wish to import and click Import course.
  • You will be see the course’s page where you can enroll students, add team members, and create an assessment.

1) Login to Brightspace and access the course. 2) Click the Course Admin link in the navbar. 3) Under Site Resources, click Import/Export/Copy Components. 4) Select the Import Components option, and then select from a course package.

Can I transfer content from one Brightspace course to another?

There will be times when you’d like to transfer pieces of content from one Brightspace course to another. As long as you are the instructor for both courses, this is a simple process you can do yourself.

Is Brightspace a registered trademark?

Brightspace, D2L, and other marks ("D2L marks") are trademarks of D2L Corporation, registered in the U.S. and other countries. Please visit for a list of other D2L marks.

Can I import course content from another LMS or content provider?

The following table provides a list of learning management systems (LMS) and content providers that you can import course content from. It is recommended that you work with your site administrator or D2L Client Sales Executive when importing content from another LMS.

How do I import components into a course offering?

In the course offering that you want to import components into, on the navbar, click Course Admin > Import/Export/Copy Components. On the Import/Export/Copy Components page, select Import Components. Click Start. Select the file you want to import.

How do I import a course into Brightspace?

Login to Brightspace and access the course you need content copied to. Go to Course Admin -> Import/Export/Copy Components. Select Copy Components from another Org Unit, and then click on Search for Offering. This will open a window where you will search for the course that contains the material you desire.

How do I add a course to Brightspace students?

How to Add a UserGo to the Classlist Tab. Click on Add Participants, and choose Add Existing Users.Enter a name, VUNet ID, or email address in the search field. Click the search icon.Locate the correct person, and check the box to the left. Assign the person a role, and click Enroll Selected Users.

How do I copy a module to another course in Brightspace?

Copy a module or topicClick Content on the navbar to access the Manage Content page.Select the modules or topics you want to copy.Click the Copy icon at the top or bottom of the list.Select a parent module. ... Select whether to copy content only or content and properties, such as release conditions.Click Copy.

How do I copy a class in Brightspace?

How do I copy an entire Brightspace course to another?Go to the course offering that you want to copy into (destination course)Click on Course Admin > Import/Export Copy.Select Copy Components from another Org Unit. ... If you want to copy the entire course, click Copy All Components.More items...

How do I find my Brightspace course code?

On the My Home or Course Home page, navigate to the My Courses widget. From the My Courses context menu, select Customize this widget. Select Show Course Code.

How do I add a class to D2L?

Activate a course offeringFrom the Admin Tools menu, click Course Management.Search for the course offering name.Click the course offering you want to activate or deactivate.On the navbar, click Course Admin > Course Offering Information.Select the Course is active check box. ... Click Save.

How do I copy from one D2L course to another?

Copy an entire D2L courseGo to your empty course offering or destination course.Click on Course Admin from the navbar.Click on Import / Export / Copy Components.Click on the radio button next to Copy Components from another course (default-should already be selected)Click on the Search for offering button.More items...

How do I import content into D2L?

3. Import: Import a course from another Learning Management SystemGo to the D2L course site you want to import materials TO and click Course Admin.Select Import/Export/Copy Components.Select Import Components.Verify from a course package is selected.Click Start.More items...

How do I copy a quiz from one course to another in Brightspace?

In the course offering that you want to copy the quiz to, on the navbar, click Course Admin > Import/Export/Copy Components. Select Copy Components from another Org Unit. Click Search for offering. Locate and select the course containing the quiz you want to copy.

How do you copy and paste into Brightspace?

InformationHighlight the text you want to copy.Select and hold Ctrl + C on your keyboard.Select the place you want to paste the text.Select and hold Ctrl + V on your keyboard.

How do I share a Brightspace course shell?

Grant users access to the course shellFrom the Admin Tools menu, click Roles and Permissions.Click the role that you want to grant permissions.In the Filter by Tool list, select Manage Files and then click Apply Filter.More items...

Where is the course shell on D2L?

Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find all the courses in which you are currently enrolled. Each course will have its own home page or D2L shell. 8.