how to get your prisoners to pass foundation education course

by Ms. Emilie Kunde 8 min read

How can we improve the chances of prisoners passing general education?

Feb 28, 2016 · 1hours shower to awake prisoners (i have showers in all cells) 2h eating time (make sure you have some items in your canteen that can satisfy needs (tv/telephone/prayer mat/weight bench) 1h of free time (so the prisoners have again time to poop and shower, for those who have forgotten this) 4h worktime 2h yard time 1h freetime 2h eating time 4h worktime

Why can't some prisoners understand basic education?

Through the research and work of the Prison Education Foundation TM, many good educational degrees are now readily available through several excellent, properly accredited, colleges and universities. You may contact these schools directly by mail or telephone; or visit their website to learn more and to download enrollment applications and other information.

How to get prisoners to show up to class?

Forward your completed Scholarship Application to the foundation. Once your application is accepted for a scholarship you will receive a school catalog and an Enrollment Application for the specific school and degree program you selected on your foundation Scholarship Application. You will need to complete the school’s Enrollment Application and send it, along with the …

Why don't prisoners pass exams?

Coursework prepares students to excel in introductory college math courses or to pass the CLEP test after release. Included text: Schaum’s Outline of Intermediate Algebra. English and writing English 0990: Writing—Gain confidence in organizing and writing your thoughts in a clear, effective, and persuasive way. Preparatory for college ...

Can you take a tutor in prisoned?

After students have successfully completed two PrisonEd courses, they are eligible to take a course tailored to personal interests and needs. There are no tutors for independent study courses. Instead, the courses consist of self-study coupled with assignments PrisonEd has created to support students in their independent interests.

How to get a job as an ex-felon and keep it?

Students will do a self-assessment of interests and skills, develop personal marketing materials, plan a job search, and learn interview skills. Included text: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey.

What is Freedom Behind Bars?

This book tells the inspirational stories of 16 high-profile prisoners and focuses on the values that sustained and invigorated them.

What is personal relations?

Personal Relations —This popular course teaches students how to build healthy and productive relationships, how to be likeable and positively influence others, and how to be an effective leader or salesperson. Included text: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

What is a great mentor?

Great Mentors is a course meant to help students learn from inspirational role models and apply those lessons in their own lives. Students choose a book to read and then write several essays, reflecting on the examples they are studying and what insights they have gained in their studies.

What is music theory?

Music Theory —Build a solid foundation in music theory, preparatory to playing an instrument or to advance music skills. Students will learn notes and accidentals, staff, clefs, pitches, note values, and time signatures.

What is prison education?

This umbrella term can refer to basic numeracy and literacy instruction, or it could include vocational—’on the job’—training that seeks to help inmates gain valuable skills that can be applied to the civilian workforce.

How many people in prison have not completed high school?

According to a report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, around 41% of inmates in state and federal prisons and local jails had not completed high school or its equivalent level of study. By comparison, less than half—18%—of the general population over the age of 18 hadn’t finished the 12th grade.

What is section 8 in prison?

Section 8: Applying for a Prison Education. Section 9: Financial Aid For Inmates. Section 10: Advice for Distance Learning. One of the best things you can do to improve your chances of succeeding and adjusting to civilian life is to get an education while you’re serving time.

What is section 9?

Section 9: Financial Aid For Inmates. Section 10: Advice for Distance Learning. One of the best things you can do to improve your chances of succeeding and adjusting to civilian life is to get an education while you’re serving time.

Do inmates have to go to high school?

For offenders who were incarcerated or involved in trouble from a young age, it’s common to have never finished high school or gained a high school diploma. In fact, previous evidence shows that incarcerated inmates are more than twice as unlikely to have never finished high school. According to a report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, around 41% of inmates in state and federal prisons and local jails had not completed high school or its equivalent level of study. By comparison, less than half—18%—of the general population over the age of 18 hadn’t finished the 12th grade.

What is a PSCE in prison?

This term covers any vocational or academic study that an inmate undertakes beyond the high school diploma or GED level that can be put toward an associate, bachelor’s, or graduate degree.

Is tuition for incarcerated students expensive?

Whether you’re an incarcerated student or not, tuition fees are extremely costly and can be one of the biggest barriers to a college education for any citizen. While some needs-assessed financial aid is available for students who need assistance in accessing higher learning, those with a history of convictions can face even greater difficulty. In some cases, eligibility can be forfeited for ex-offenders. Around 1% of all Pell Grant funding in 2018 went to incarcerated inmates, a minuscule number indeed.

Critical Incident Response Team

I want to set up a Critical Incident response team in my prison, which is basically a team of heavily armed guards who will automatically run towards any incidents that occur in the prison

Helicopter smuggling

I don't know if this is a bug or something but I'm pretty sure that prisoners should not be able to steal items from the sky/helicopter entry point. I was making shakedown and was interested to see where they smuggled it from (as you can see from picture).

Duration of impact of staff deaths on staff morale?

Good day. In my prison, two dogs just died after two protective custody prisoners, which were supposed to temporarily reside in the holding cell until their block was built, made their way to the chapel (which I forgot to mark Med Sec only) during free time and were attacked by a couple of deadly prisoners in an assassination attempt.
