how to get the final course grade

by Lazaro Murray 8 min read

3 steps to calculate your final grade

  • ​ Find ​ - Finding your average in each category
  • ​ Multiply ​ - Multiply by the percentage worth in your the class. ​ Usually found on a syllabus ​.
  • ​ Add ​ - all the adjusted categories together

Divide your total points by the total points possible
For percentages, divide the sum by the number of entries. For example, if you have percentage grades for 30 tasks, divide the sum by 30. The quotient represents your final percentage grade.
Jun 3, 2021

Full Answer

How do you find out your final grade?

Jan 14, 2022 · 3 steps to calculate your final grade ​ Find ​ - Finding your average in each category ​ Multiply ​ - Multiply by the percentage worth in your the class. ​ Usually found on a syllabus ​. ​ Add ​ - all the adjusted categories together

How to calculate your final grade?

First, make sure you have the syllabus for the course, and make sure that you know what all of your grades so are so far. Second , take all of your scores on assignments so far and multiply them by the percentages (as decimals: 5% = .05, 20% = …

What grade do I need on my final?

The final exam grade is equal to the required grade, minus 100% minus the final exam weight (w) times the current grade (g), divided by the final exam weight (w): Final exam grade = = ( required grade - (100% - w )× current grade ) / w = ( 80% - (100% - 50%)×70% ) / 50% = 90% So the final exam grade should be 90% (or A-). Example #2

How do you calculate final grade?

Jan 18, 2022 · If you start an extension in a course and then do not submit all of the outstanding course work by the end of the extension, you will receive a final grade based on the coursework you submitted, including 0% scores earned for any work that was not completed.

What is a class grade?

Most class grades are made up of several components such as homework assignments, tests, exams, quizzes, class participation, attendance, etc. For example, a class exam might be worth 10% of your grade and you received a 95% on the test. You would enter those values into the form.

How to add more than 4 rows on a test?

If you need more than four rows, press the "Add Row" button to add an additional line. You can add as many rows as you need. Once you have finished entering your grades, press the "Calculate" button and the grade you need on the final exam will be displayed.

How to get 90% in a class?

To determine what you need to get on your final exam in order to get a 90% in the class, let's do some math using the formula above. First add the weight of all the class assignments together including your final: wtotal = 10% + 10% + 20% + 20% + 20% = 100%.

How to calculate average of a category?

Multiply your average in a category by the percentage the category is worth. Using the above example, if homework counts for 20 percent of your grade, then 91.25 x .20 = 18.25. Repeat this for each category.

How to find the average of each category?

Find the average of each category by adding all the grades in one category together, then dividing them by the number of grades there are. For example, if you got a 95, 100, 90, and 85 on your homework, your homework grade would be 91.25 (95+100+90+85 = 365) (365/4 = 91.25). Repeat this for each category.

Final Class Grade Calculation

Sometimes you'll get your final exam grade but the instructor hasn't yet posted final class grades. You can use this calculator to find your final class grade once you know your final exam score. Use the formula:

Example Final Exam Grade Calculation

My grade in Statistics class is 85%. I want to get at least an A- or 90% in the class for the term. What score do I need on the final exam if it is worth 40% of my grade?

Example Final Course Grade Calculation

Going into finals my grade in Economics was 91%. My final exam score was 88.6% and it was worth 15% of my grade for the course. What is my final grade in the course?

How long does it take for a professor to post final grades?

Professors have until 8 days after the end date of the course or the end date of the course extension to post final grades. For each assignment during the course, your professor has 5 days for grading. Final course grades will be posted after the course ends.

What happens if you don't submit all of your coursework for an extension?

If you start an extension in a course and then do not submit all of the outstanding course work by the end of the extension, you will receive a final grade based on the coursework you submitted, including 0% scores earned for any work that was not completed.

When do you have to post your final grade?

Final course grades will be posted after the course ends. If you are on an extension but turn in coursework early, your professor is still not required to post the final grade until 8 days after the extension end date. However, you may email your instructor to let him/her know that you have completed your work and see if your instructor is ...


Final Exam Grade Calculation

  1. Write out your scores. Find your scores from each assignment, quiz, homework, etc. throughout the term. Sometimes this will be collected for you online, such as in a system like Blackboard. Sometimes, you'll have to go through your graded work. Write them all in one column on a piece of paper to refer back to. If things like participation or discussion are inclu…
  2. Write out the total possible points. Refer to the syllabus for the grading system. Teachers em…
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Final Class Grade Calculation

Example Final Exam Grade Calculation

This calculator uses the formula: Where: 1. F = Final exam grade 2. G = Grade you want for the class 3. w = Weight of the final exam, divided by 100 (put weight in decimal form vs. percentage form) 4. C = Your current grade
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Example Final Course Grade Calculation

  • Sometimes you'll get your final exam grade but the instructor hasn't yet posted final class grades. You can use this calculator to find your final class grade once you know your final exam score. Use the formula: Where: 1. G = Grade you'll receive for the class 2. F = Final exam grade 3. w = Weight of the final exam, divided by 100 (put weight in decimal form vs. percentage form) 4. C = …
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