how to get credit for your ap course in college

by Ms. Tressa Leannon II 3 min read

You have to send your scores. To get college credit for your AP scores, you have to request that the College Board send your official score report to the college of your choice. After receiving your scores, your college should notify you about any credit, advanced placement, and/or course exemptions you have earned.

Full Answer

What colleges accept AP credit?

Apr 15, 2022 · For science APs such as Biology and Chemistry, you typically get credit for both a lecture course and a lab course. Next factor is your AP exam score. Typically, you need a minimum score of 3 to get college credit. However, some …

How much college credit does AP give?

College Credit from AP Exams Scoring a 3, 4, or 5 on an AP exam typically provides students with the opportunity to earn college credit in the subject in which they took the exam. Deciding which...

What colleges accept AP classes?

Apr 13, 2022 · For science APs such as Biology and Chemistry, you typically get credit for both a lecture course and a lab course. Next factor is your AP exam score. Typically, you need a minimum score of 3 to get college credit. However, some …

Does AP give college credit?

Mar 21, 2020 · Before you can get any AP credit, after you graduate but before you start at your college, you have to send an official AP score report from College Board. While you self-report your AP scores on your college applications, you can only cash in on your AP credits by sending an official score report.

Possibility 1: AP Courses Grant Credit For Real College Classes

The first way your AP credits could be used is to directly substitute for actual college classes. In this case, instead of taking, say, Chemistry 1...

Possibility 2: AP Courses Don't Get Credit, but Allow You to Skip Intro Courses

There are some schools – particularly competitive ones – that don’t give you credit for AP classes. While they will use high scores to place you in...

Possibility 3: A Mix of Both

Some schools have a mix of both policies. In particular, some departments (say the history department or math department) might accept AP credit to...

What does a 3 on an AP exam mean?

Scoring a 3, 4, or 5 on an AP exam typically provides students with the opportunity to earn college credit in the subject in which they took the exam. Deciding which exams are accepted for credit and the required score is up to each school to decide.

Why is it important to study for AP exam?

Being ready for an AP exam is important so that you can earn credit towards a college degree. offers a broad selection of AP prep courses that are designed to help you get a good score. These courses feature short, fun video lessons and practice tests and quizzes.

What is the AP score?

AP exams— often with a score of 3 or higher — are enough to grant you credit hours for general education classes at the U of U and also place you into higher level courses.

How many semesters do you need to graduate from Harvard with advanced standing?

You can apply for it using your AP credits, and graduate in six or seven semesters instead of eight.

Does Dartmouth use AP classes?

To summarize, Dartmouth will use AP classes to place students in higher-level classes, but not for credit towards graduation. They revised their AP policy because they want students to take full advantage of Dartmouth courses and they're worried AP courses aren't true replacements for college level classes.

Can you use AP credits for college?

The first way your AP credits could be used is to directly substitute for actual college classes. In this case, instead of taking, say, Chemistry 101, your 4 on AP Chemistry will count for that beginning course. So you'll get the credit hours for taking the class—even though you took it back in high school! Plus you will be able to enroll in a more difficult course right off the bat.

Benefits of AP

Stronger college applications. Taking AP courses demonstrates that you have taken advantage of the academic challenges available to you in high school. Just how much this helps your chances of admission depends on how selective the college is, how good your AP test scores are, and how consistently you took the most rigorous course load possible.

How to Get Started with AP

Signing up for AP in high school. AP courses are available mostly to juniors and seniors, although a few courses may be available to you as early as your sophomore year. Students usually need prior approval from their counselor or the AP instructor before enrolling in a course.

Taking AP Exams

AP exam basics. AP exams are two to three hours long and consist of multiple-choice and free-response (essay) questions. Each AP exam is offered once a year in May. Everyone across the country takes the same test on the same day. You will register for the exams with your high school teacher, counselor, or AP coordinator.

Scoring College Credit with AP

AP exam scoring. AP exams are graded on a scale of 1-5. A score of 3 is generally considered a "qualifying" score, which means that you have demonstrated mastery of the subject area and may be eligible to earn college credit for your work.

Sending Your Scores to Colleges

You will receive your score report in July. All your AP scores will be included in the score report, unless you request that a particular score be withheld. The College Board will send your scores free of charge to one college of your choice and to additional colleges for a fee.

How to find out if colleges accept AP credits?

Their staff might be able to answer your questions right on the spot so you can determine if they’ll accept AP credits.

How much does an AP exam cost?

AP courses are free, and AP exams cost $94 per exam. Keep in mind, DE credit won’t replace prerequisites for AP classes. However, the DE program helps students earn both high school and college credits at the same time, and gives high school students a taste of college.

How to graduate early?

Why should I try to graduate early? 1 Apply to transfer your AP scores for college credit 2 Decide on a major at the beginning 3 Make sure all your courses fulfill a requirement 4 Take more difficult classes early on 5 Contact your guidance counselor, even as early as the beginning of sophomore year. They’ll be able to support you with information and resources.

Why is it important to graduate early?

Not only does graduating early help you jump into your education and your work early, but it could also save you money. Graduating a year or even a semester early means less courses, less tuition, and less payments during your time studying in college.

What is the passing rate for AP?

Most AP exams report a 65% or higher passing rate, which is good news for you. Most colleges that accept AP scores will give you credit for 4s and 5s, though some colleges might honor 3s too. Public institutions tend to be more flexible in accepting AP credits versus private institutions.

How many students took AP exams in 2016?

According to U.S. News and the College Board, more than 2.6 million high school students in 2016 alone took 4.7 million AP exams. That’s double the number of students ...

What is dual enrollment in college?

Dual enrollment (DE) can replace a high school class for college credit. A student can take DE classes at their high school, at a local community college, or online classes as part of a dual enrollment program. Most dual enrollment classes include intro college courses in subjects such as Math, English, Science, and Social Studies.
