how to get a dog started with agility course

by Xzavier Eichmann 6 min read

  • Start Small. Remember, even if you have visions of Rover or Rosie earning a dog agility trophy some day, your main reason for teaching your dog these tricks should be ...
  • Increase Attention. Minimize distractions to increase your pup’s ability to pay attention. ...
  • Introduce Tricks & Rewards. Tricks are beneficial for increasing your dog’s flexibility and strength. ...
  • Work on Handling. Dog agility training requires proper handling. Start by teaching your dog to walk quietly beside you, not jumping and moving around looking for your attention or being ...
  • Start with Basic Agility Moves. Once you have handling under control, try a few basic agility tricks. ...
  • Introduce Obstacles. Introducing obstacles is the next step in training your dog to complete various agility moves. ...
  • Tunnels. Unless your dog is afraid of being in confined areas, tunnels are an easy obstacle to start off with.
  • Ramps. Just as it sounds, ramps are nothing more than flat boards you teach your dog to walk up and back down on.
  • Weave Poles. As you may have seen, weave poles used in competitions are a number of upright poles placed in a straight line and spaced apart to create an obstacle ...

Full Answer

How to train your dog to run an agility course?

Mar 31, 2021 · For agility, you need to convince your dog to move beside you. Start by rewarding him for sitting beside you. Then work toward moving, slowly at first then building up to a run. It can help to use...

How to get started in dog agility training?

Aug 24, 2021 · How to Get Started with Agility Training Start Small. Remember, even if you have visions of Rover or Rosie earning a dog agility trophy some day, your main... Increase Attention. Minimize distractions to increase your pup’s ability to pay attention. For instance, if you live... Introduce Tricks & ...

How do you train a dog to do agility?

Nov 03, 2020 · Start at home by setting up a simple dog agility course in your backyard and see how your dog responds: Look for a soft, collapsible tunnel in the children’s toy section and encourage your dog to walk through it using treats, toys, and voice encouragement. Set up a wide, 2 x 10 wooden board on 2 cinder blocks for your dog to jump over and to walk on. Hang a hula …

How can you become a dog agility trainer?

Sep 21, 2018 · September 21, 20184 min read0 Comments. One of the best ways to get a dog to behave better, calm down, and stay fit is to begin dog agility training. Agility training is a series of obstacles that form a course for your dog to follow your directions through the correct order of obstacles. As you could imagine this takes some training and grace to pull off, but the process …

What is an agility course?

An agility course is made up of a series of obstacles, usually 14-20 depending on the class and level of competition. The big ramp-style obstacles are collectively known as the contact obstacles because they all have “contact zones” (usually painted a bright yellow) that the dog must touch with at least one toenail when descending. The following list explains the basic agility equipment you will find in the ring:

Why is agility important for dogs?

Even dogs with problem behavior can benefit because agility teaches them that there are rules in life and following those rules leads to great rewards. With patient training, even anxious dogs can gain confidence and conquer their fears. After all, if they can run over a seesaw, the rest of the world seems less scary.

What is agility competition?

If you’ve ever watched an agility competition, you know it’s basically a canine obstacle course. The dog must run through tunnels, leap over jumps, and weave through poles. But the dog isn’t working alone – this is a sport of exquisite teamwork. A successful run requires taking each obstacle in a certain order, and the dog relies on his handler to tell him what that is. That makes dog agility an exciting celebration of canine athleticism and the dog-human bond.

Can you touch a dog in agility?

During a dog agility trial, your dog will be off-leash and free to run wherever he chooses. This is where the bonding and teamwork come in. You can’t touch your dog, so using only cues and body language, you must direct him where to go because the order of the obstacles changes every time.

How to train a dog to be a trick?

Most trick training is done with the dog right in front of the owner, so dogs learn this is a great place to be. After all, they get most of their treats in that position. For agility, you need to convince your dog to move beside you. Start by rewarding him for sitting beside you.

What is an open tunnel?

Open tunnels are long canvas tubes. They can be either straight or curved, and the dog must enter at one end and exit at the other. Weave Poles are a series of six to 12 upright poles spaced out along a straight line. The dog must enter to the right of the first pole and weave through the others without missing a pole.

How many poles do dogs need to weave?

They can be either straight or curved, and the dog must enter at one end and exit at the other. Weave Poles are a series of six to 12 upright poles spaced out along a straight line. The dog must enter to the right of the first pole and weave through the others without missing a pole.

The Benefits of Agility Training for You and Your Dog

When it comes to agility training, there are several advantages for your dog. Certainly, it’s a great way for them to stay active and get exercise. All that focused movement is also good brain training.

Is Your Dog Suitable for Agility Training?

The short answer is yes. Your fur baby doesn’t have to be a certain breed or have a particular disposition to try an agility trial. The key is to begin by knowing your dog and understanding any challenges they may bring to the activity.

Basic Agility Equipment

Professional dog trainers use many types of agility equipment. These include an A-frame, a dog walk, jumps, ramps, a teeter board, a tunnel and weave poles. A-frames, dog walks and ramps teach nimbleness in climbing and often incorporate a pause table.

How to Get Started with Agility Training

Agility training requires that your canine companion is ready to listen and follow commands. Therefore, taking them to a basic dog obedience class as soon as they’re old enough is good preparation. The other consideration around their age is whether their body has finished growing.

Dog Agility Training: Our Final Thoughts

If you’re feeling that you don’t want to sign your pet up for an agility class, it’s extremely easy to get started with an agility course right in your own living room or back yard. Teaching your dog a few basic skills is good for them in so many ways − in addition to being a fun way to spend time with them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Dog agility training can be started for beginners once your canine has stopped growing and has moved past the puppy stage.

What is Dog Agility Training?

Dog agility is a sport where dogs of various breeds race through an obstacle course directed by their handlers, competing for speed and accuracy.

What to Think About Before Starting Agility Training with Your Dog

Agility training is an active and physically challenging exercise for your dog. Consider the following before starting agility training with your dog:

Getting Your Dog Started with Agility Training

Search for local agility groups where you live. You can search online, talk to your vet, ask fellow dog owners, or reach out to local dog trainers. If competing in the sport of canine agility sparks your interest, contact a professional in the sport to teach you the skills, regulations, and methods necessary.

Why is agility training good for dogs?

Agility training can be great for dogs well being, it works the part of their brain that is associated with getting tasks done which makes them feel like they've done something productive rather than just walking or running. This means they will most likely be calmer throughout the night and have less anxiety.

Why is agility important for dogs?

Another benefit of agility is that your dogs will be more responsive to commands! Dogs see this training as play time and giving them tasks they enjoy with commands will get them associating you like fun and your commands as them getting to run around.

How to get a dog to behave better?

One of the best ways to get a dog to behave better, calm down, and stay fit is to begin dog agility training. Agility training is a series of obstacles that form a course for your dog to follow your directions through the correct order of obstacles. As you could imagine this takes some training and grace to pull off, ...

How to train a dog for agility?

Before you get started, make sure your dog is able to follow basic commands such as sit, lie down, come, and stay. Next, begin to help your dog through the course. Teach him to crawl through tunnels, jump over hurdles and through tires.

How to make a dog obstacle?

Here’s how to create each type of obstacle: 1. Weave poles. Weave poles can be created by sticking 10 to 15 ski poles or PVC pipe into the ground. Allow enough space in between each pole so that your dog can safely navigate around each pole. 2.

How to make a dog jump?

Standard jumps can be created by stacking cinderblocks on top of one another and placing strips of plywood on top. Depending on the height of your dog, adjust the height of the jumps appropriately.

How to make a dog jump through a tire?

Make sure that the opening is large enough for your dog to safely jump through. Hold onto the tire while initially training your dog to jump through it.

How to make a dog teeter board?

Teeter boards can be built with a long piece of wood and some PVC pipe. Mix an antiskid additive with paint and cover the entire board. This will provide your dog with more traction as he walks across the board. Purchase a large plumbing pipe from a local hardware store. Place the pipe directly in the center of the board and drill two holes in either side of the pipe. Place a carriage bolt through each of the holes and through the pipe to attach it to the board. Next, place the bolts on the inside of the holes in the pipe and tighten a nut on each bolt to hold them together.

How to teach a dog to walk?

Teach him to crawl through tunnels, jump over hurdles and through tires. Help him weave through poles. Walk your dog over the teeter board and dogwalk and have him pause for a predetermined amount of time on the pause box. Take your time and start off slow.

How to attach a pipe to a board?

Place the pipe directly in the center of the board and drill two holes in either side of the pipe. Place a carriage bolt through each of the holes and through the pipe to attach it to the board. Next, place the bolts on the inside of the holes in the pipe and tighten a nut on each bolt to hold them together.

What is agility in dogs?

If you recall from a recent blog post of ours, agility is a type of event that dogs compete in. During agility, your well-trained canine will traverse obstacle courses, perform jumps, bob and weave through poles, cross tunnels, and otherwise show off their physical prowess.

How old should a dog be to start training?

You can begin training your dog if they’re between one and two years old, but no earlier. Otherwise, they could be at a greater risk of injuring themselves. You may train your dog yourself in agility or let a professional do it. There are benefits and downsides to each.

Can you train a dog on your own?

When you train your dog on your own, you know your pup is already familiar with you. That puts them at ease, so they may be more willing to learn. You two also get to enjoy the bonding benefits that agility training can bring rather than let some stranger get those perks.

Why do dogs need a day off?

That said, a day off gives your dog’s muscles a chance to recover. Plus, the relaxation time will put your dog in a frame of mind to do even better work tomorrow.

Who is Sarah from Pets?

Sarah is a passionate pet lover who owns several pets on her own. She loves to share her experience doing part-time writing to impart some useful tips with other pet owners.
