how to get a course ce approved

by Edmund Crona 10 min read

All qualified educators, organizations, and institutions can submit educational courses for review and approval to receive a NCCAP CE Approval Number. The CE Approval Number is good for one year from the date of issuance. All educational courses must relate to specific topics in the NCCAP Body of Knowledge.

Become a CE provider
  1. Submit the CE provider application form (Word, 40KB) with your first course application.
  2. Request for course- and credit-approval form (Word, 43KB). A provider will not be approved until their first course is approved.
  3. Course documents. See course approval requirements.

Full Answer

Who can submit CE activities for approval?

An individual, institution, organization, or agency responsible for the development, implementation, evaluation, financing, record keeping, and quality of nursing continuing education activity, otherwise known as a Provider, may submit CE activities for approval.

Where can I find continuing education (CE) information for course providers?

This page contains continuing education (CE) information for course providers. If you are an agent or adjuster, you can find your CE information by going to the agent and adjuster licensing page. You can then click on your license type and then on “Continuing education credits.”

Are your CE courses AIHCP approved?

“Dedicated to insuring the quality of continuing professional education in healthcare” This process does not mean any of your CE courses have the same State Board Approvals as AIHCP. The AIHCP is NOT an accredited agency or a state approval board. None of AIHCP’s state approvals will apply to your CE courses.

What is Ace provider approval for continuing education?

ACE provider approval is optimal for CE providers that offer a large number of courses or programs. ACE collaborates with Joint Accreditation for Interprofessional Continuing Education for CE in multiple professions.

How do you make a CE course?

The following are eight guiding steps to initiate a training and development program.Determine Needs. If programs are going to be effective, they must meet the needs of participants. ... Set Objectives. ... Determine Content. ... Select Participants. ... Set a Schedule. ... Select Facilities. ... Select Instructors. ... Coordinate the Program.

How do I become a CE provider in California?

AOD Counselors in California are required to obtain 40 TAP 21-related continuing education hours every 2 years (9 of those must be in addiction-specific Laws and Ethics). CEU Providers should be CAADE approved. Providers receive a link on the CAADE website.

What is the point of CE credits?

A continuing education unit (CEU), or continuing education credit (CEC), is a measure used in continuing education programs to assist the professional to maintain their license in their profession. There is always something new to learn in order to try and stay ahead of cybercriminals.

How do I become a CEU provider in Texas?

Become a Continuing Education ProviderSatisfy Commission requirement to administer courses with competency, honesty, trustworthiness and integrity.Maintain a fixed office in Texas or designate a resident of Texas to act as attorney-in-fact to accept service of process.More items...

What is a CEP provider?

The Board of Registered Nursing approves continuing education providers (CEPs), not individual courses. Each CEP is expected to offer course content and utilize instructors that meet the requirements of the California Code of Regulations Section 1456 and 1457.

WHO reports completed continuing education to the IRS?

CPAs are responsible for accurate reporting of the appropriate number of CPE credits earned and must retain appropriate documentation of their participation in learning activities.

What is CPE certification?

They are: Offering mandatory Certification Examinations for Associated Persons in the Securities Market Intermediaries. Offering Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Programs for Associated Persons in the Securities Market Intermediaries.

What is CEU certification?

Continuing education units, or CEUs, are awarded by many education and training providers to signify successful completion of non-credit programs and courses intended to improve the knowledge and skills of working adults.

What is a CPE course?

Continuing professional education, or CPE, credit is a term referring to the points professionals receive for participating in specialized training in IT and other fields. CPE credits are based on hours of study and count toward certification programs that enable professionals to maintain or update their credentials.

How do I become a LPC CEU provider in Texas?

CE Requirements for Licensed Professional Counselors (LPC) in Texas24 continuing education (CE) credits every 2 years, including a minimum of 4 hours in ethics, two of which must be directly related to Texas LPC ethics.Completion of the Texas LPC Jurisprudence Exam counts as one hour of CE in Texas LPC ethics.More items...•

Is CEUfast accredited in Texas?

CEUfast, Inc. is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.

When should the continuing education requirement be completed in Texas?

every two yearsPeriod Requirements Texas resident and nonresident licensees must complete their CE requirements before the last day of their birth month every two years.

How long does an AIHCP program approval last?

All program approvals are for a five year period.

What is AIHCP approval?

Again to clarify, AIHCP’s approval is an endorsement for any AIHCP certified members who may take your courses to receive re-certification hours with AIHCP. The AIHCP approval is none the less a valuable and effective endorsement from a reputable organization that can help market your courses to other professionals.

What is the American Institute of Healthcare Professionals?

The American Institute of Healthcare Professionals, Inc., through its division, The Center for Continuing Professional Education, provides an approval process for the following types of continuing education programs and offerings: Seminars. Lectures. Staff Inservice/education. Video learning programs and online Webinars.

How long does it take for a provider to receive a denied program?

If program approval is denied, the provider will receive within 14 days of receipt of the completed application, a written communication detailing the reason (s) for denial.

What is method of instruction?

Method of Instruction – the method (s) of instruction are clearly defined for the proposed education program/offering. Included, but not limited to, are defined supports, resources and references used in the preparation and presentation of the program/offering. Examples include, the use of text books, articles, handouts, overheads, slides, videos, ...

Is AIHCP an accredited agency?

This process does not mean any of your CE courses have the same State Board Approvals as AIHCP. The AIHCP is NOT an accredited agency or a state approval board.

How long is NCCAP CE good for?

The CE Approval Number is good for one year from the date of issuance. All educational courses must relate to specific topics in the NCCAP Body of Knowledge.

What is NCCAP CE?

NCCAP offers an added value service to help facilitate and promote educational courses intended to meet CE requirements for NCCAP Certifications and Specializations. Individuals offering educational courses that receive a NCCAP CE Approval Number can benefit as an “Approved CE Educator.”. For a fee of $50.00 per year, ...

What do you need to include in your application for a course certification?

Along with the application for course certification, you must include a copy of an exam if the course is for one of the following: Self-study. Adjuster prelicensing. Small employer health benefit plan.

What are certifiable courses?

In general, only courses that deal with technical aspects of insurance coverages, laws, regulations, consumer protection and ethics, and management of the licensee's insurance agency are certifiable.

How to upload course rosters to Sircon?

To upload course rosters: Go to and click Account Login in the upper right corner of the screen. Enter the Account ID, Login Name and Password. (If this information has not been provided or is unavailable, contact Sircon Support at 877-876-4430) From the Online Services Menu click Education.

When submitting an application for course certification for adjuster prelicensing, must you include an exam guide that

When submitting an application for course certification for adjuster prelicensing, you must include an exam guide that shows how the questions fall into required categories as described in TAC 19.1018. See example:

What is Texas continuing education?

Continuing Medical Education: The Texas Department of State Health Services, Continuing Education Service is accredited by the Texas Medical Association to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The Texas Department of State Health Services, Continuing Education Service designates this live activity for a maximum ...

What is a C-2 psychologist in Texas?

The Texas Department of State Health Services is authorized by the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists as a (c) (2) (A) provider of professional development hours for licensed psychologists. Per the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists Act and Rules, at least half (10) of the required 20 hours of professional development must ...


Objectives of The Aihcp’S Center For Continuing Professional Education

Types of Program Approvals

  • The American Institute of Healthcare Professionals, Inc., through its division, The Center for Continuing Professional Education, provides an approval process for the following types of continuing education programs and offerings: 1. Seminars 2. Lectures 3. Staff Inservice/education 4. Video learning programs and online Webinars 5. Skills workshops 6. Distance education progr…
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Standards For Program/Offering Approval

  • Each submitted application for program/offering approval is reviewing by qualified educators with expertise in the content for which the program is designed. The following standards are evaluated for each submitted application: 1. Course Description – there is a course description which provides an overall abstract of the proposed education program, detailing the core content to b…
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Submitting An Application For Program/Offering Approval

  • All providers must submit to the AIHCP a written application for consideration of approval. An online application which can be printed may be accessed here. Providers may also call the AIHCP administrative offices to obtain an application. Completed applications can be mailed to the AIHCP or faxed to the administrative office. Applications which ar...
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  • All providers are required, as a mandate of approval, to provide all participants with a written statement or certificate which shall include a required statement of program approval, as well as; the title of the program, the number of contact hours received, the date of the offering, the place of the offering, and a signature of an authorized representative of the provider. The approval nu…
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Fees For Reviews and Approvals

  • The fee for program/offering review and approval is $ 75.00 for all programs and offerings up to 100 hours of instruction/study. The fee for programs/offerings over 100 contact hours is $100.00. There is no limit to the number of contact hours that may be applied for. Payment must accompany all completed applications. Checks which are returned from a bank or financial instit…
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Length of Program Approval

  • All programs which are approved by the AIHCP shall be deemed “approved” for a period of 5 years from the date of approval as detailed in the written letter of approval to participants. Expiration of this date means that the program is no longer approved by AIHCP and providers may not continue to advertise or promote such. Providers who elect, may apply for re-approval of the program/off…
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Quality Audit of Program Evaluations

  • The AIHCP shall promote a program of quality audit on a yearly basis. The AIHCP shall randomly select 25% of all programs/offerings which it has approved, for audit of completed evaluations. Those providers who are randomly selected for audit, shall be responsible for submitting queried, completed evaluation forms for review by the AIHCP. Those providers who are unable to produc…
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Violations of The Conditions of Approval

  • Providers who violate the terms of agreement of the approval process or who are fraudulent in the advertising of a program/offering as it relates to all and any of the approval process, shall have their approval of the program/offering permanently revoked. The AIHCP reserves the right to enforce such procedure as deemed appropriate and necessary. Providers whose approval has b…
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Failure to Achieve Approval

  • In the event that the AIHCP denies program approval, the participant will receive a written communication to such, as well as the reason or reasons for the denial. The participant will be refunded 50% of the submitted fee. The other 50% will be retained to cover the costs of program reviews. Participants may reapply for review and approval of any denied program. They must de…
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