how to get a 10k road race course certized

by Shane Roob 5 min read

To get your course certified, we need the following information about your race: Date Distance Location - city, neighborhood, etc. Play by play of proposed race route - street by street, turn by turn

Full Answer

How do I get a course certified for a 5K Fun Run?

Up until 5Kevents came into the race arena, the only way to get a course certified was to utilize the USTAF®. 5Kevents members have the ability to measure courses for 5K Fun/Run Walks without using a USTAF® Course certification program.

Do all 5K and 10K routes need to be USTAF certified?

We have found that most 5K and 10K routes do not need to be USTAF® Certified. Runners do however want accurate and properly marked courses. Because of this, we offer measuring services that assure up to 97% accuracy on every course. All 5Kevents Race Directors are properly trained on how measure courses.

How important is the certification program to the average road racer?

In addition, the certification program is very important to the average road racer, as well as those of exceptional speed. Most runners like to compare performances run on different courses, and such comparisons are difficult if course distances are not reliable.

Why run a race on a certified course?

Furthermore, running a race on a certified course allows you to accurately compare your time to performances run on other certified courses because you can be sure the distances were the same. No one can truly establish a personal best if the course distance is not accurate.

What is a Usatf certified course?

A USATF-certified course is a road race course whose distance has been certified for accuracy. Courses must be certified for any road running performance to be accepted as a record or to be nationally ranked.

How do I know if a race is Usatf certified?

You can search our database of known course measurers on our website at Alternatively, you can measure it yourself. In either case, you may need to contact the USATF Road Course Certifier for your state.

Is the Boston Marathon Usatf certified?

Boston itself isn't certified as a USATF Course for some reason, so does that mean you can't actually OTQ here?

How much is a Usatf membership?

$40.00 per Calendar YearThe USATF Adult Membership is for the athlete, coach, official, club admin, event director, volunteer, parent, fan and supporter of the sport. Adult members are aged 19 years and older. $40.00 per Calendar Year plus transaction fee. Memberships are active for the calendar year in which they are purchased.

Are Usatf officials paid?

ConsiderationsOfficials selected will receive Stipend, Lunch at the Event, and Meet T-Shirt. This is a two-day Masters event.

How much is the USATF certification?

There is a $22.00 fee for this screening which must be accomplished once every two years. The screening provider is the National Center for Safety Initiatives (NCSI), which conducts the following screenings: Identity verification.

What makes a course Boston certified?

Qualifying marathons for Boston must meet the following criteria: USA Track and Field (or foreign equivalent) certified to attest to the exact 26.2 mile distance. Three or more officially entered competitors. Event must be advertised and promoted prior the race day.

How long does USATF certification last?

four calendar years*Effective January 1, 2022, newly acquired Level 1 certificates are valid for four calendar years and will expire on December 31st in the fourth year....Recertification Schedule.School OR Recertified DateExpirationSchool OR Recertified DateJanuary 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021ExpirationDecember 31, 20242 more rows

Why is running a race on a certified course important?

Furthermore, running a race on a certified course allows you to accurately compare your time to performances run on other certified courses because you can be sure the distances were the same. No one can truly establish a personal best if the course distance is not accurate.

What is a USATF certified course?

What are USATF-Certified Courses? A USATF-certified course is a road race course whose distance has been certified for accuracy. Courses must be certified for any road running performance to be accepted as a record or to be nationally ranked.

How does Running Ventures measure a race?

Running Ventures measures your race route using a bike with a USATF approved wheel rotation counter. As you can imagine, measuring a course by bike is much easier on a dry day. Your course is measured using the shortest possible route a runner could take - imagine the biker pretending to be a runner. Sometimes this means riding the bike into and across traffic on the streets involved in your route. As a result, the measurement usually takes place when traffic is hopefully scant or non-existent, depending on your route. Scheduling of the actual day when the measurement will take place is based on all of these factors. You do not have to be present for the course measurement.

What is USATF certification?

USATF certification will professionalize your event. Running Ventures measures your race route in accordance with USA Track & Field specifications. This means your race distance is accurate - your runners can be confident they really did run the advertised distance. Your certified race course also makes all performances run in your race eligible for recognition as USATF records. This is an added benefit you can provide your race participants. A course certification is good for 10 years, provided there are no changes in the race course route during this time.

Race Course Certification

Runners measure the size of their accomplishments by the obstacles they had to overcome to reach their goals. Don’t sell them short!– they had Line.

Course Measurement – How to measure the race course

Use this handy chart next time you measure your route. Right Click on image above, save and print.
