how to use regular flag on golf course

by Hettie Langworth 3 min read

Take the flag to the edge of the green, where should you lay it down on the putting surface. Set the flag down in a place where it will be least likely to get hit by a ball. Once the hole is completed you can retrieve the flag and replace it.

A blue or yellow flag typically indicates a pin position, or where the hole is located, at the back of the green; a white flag is used when the hole is in the middle of the green; a red flag signals a pin position at the front of the green. The flag colors may vary, though.

Full Answer

Does every golf course have a flag?

Here's an example: Let's say your allotment is 75 strokes. You play the golf course until you hit your 75th shot, which, let's say, comes on the 16th fairway. That's where you plant your flag, from the place you played your final stroke. If no other player's flag is planted beyond yours (say, on the 16th green or 17th tee box) you are the winner.

How do you stake flags on a golf course?

A flagstick is exactly that: a stick with a flag on it*. You see them on putting greens to mark the location of the hole. Some golf courses color code the flags on flagsticks to denote if the hole location is near the front, center or back of the green. Another way of doing the same thing is to put the flag high, middle or low on the stick.

What is the purpose of a flag in golf?

Mar 13, 2018 · In general, golf flags can be machined washed using a mild laundry detergent or even some concentrated Simple Green in the gentle cycle. Then all the flags to air dry. Putting your golf flags in a tumble dryer is NOT recommended. First off, our tubes do not tumble well and secondly, the heat of the dryer will set the dirt into the fibers of the ...

What does a centered flag on a golf course mean?

Apr 14, 2013 · The blue cart flag indicates that a player is allowed to drive their cart within feet of the green. This is usually due to the player having an issue that may prevent them from parking further off the green and walking up to it. With the weather becoming increasingly warmer, we’re sure that there are going to be more and more people out ...

Can you tend flag off green?

The New Rule: According to the USGA, under Rule 13.2a(2), “There will no longer be a penalty if a ball played from the putting green hits a flagstick left in the hole.” Players will still have the option to remove the flagstick or to have someone tend the pin and remove it after the ball is struck.Dec 24, 2018

What is the flag rule in golf?

The flagstick includes the flag and any other material or objects attached to the pole. (... Continued) or the person who removed or is attending it (or anything the person is holding), there is no penalty and the ball must be played as it lies. Ball Deliberately Deflected or Stopped by Person Attending Flagstick.

What do colored golf flags mean?

Red - A red flag indicates the hole is at the front of the green. Blue - A blue flag denotes the pin is at the back of the green. Yellow - A yellow flag shows the pin position is at the back of the green. White - A white flag signals the hole position is in the middle of the green.

Are golf flags a standard size?

Golf flags come in a standard 14" x 20" size.

Is it a penalty to hit the flag in golf?

You all know you can make a stroke with the flagstick in the hole, whether your ball is on or off the green, and the ball in motion can hit the flagstick, there's no penalty and you play it as it lies.Feb 7, 2022

Do you have to remove flag when putting?

It is also important to note that if the flag remains in the hole and a golfer makes their putt, don't rush over to tend the flag. Leave it where it is. They chose to putt with it in so it is not necessary to remove it.

What does a yellow flag mean on a golf course?

A blue or yellow flag typically indicates a pin position, or where the hole is located, at the back of the green; a white flag is used when the hole is in the middle of the green; a red flag signals a pin position at the front of the green.

What is a golf pin flag?

Flags, also known as pins, are an important part of golf. Used to denote where a hole is located on a green, a flag extends up several feet above the ground, ensuring that players on the course can locate the position of the hole on the green from several hundred yards out to best aim their approaches.

What does a checkered flag mean on a golf course?

By the sixth hole we both found out the hard way that the checkered flag in the fairway was a warning flag to alert those playing behind that the group ahead had moved on. The course was very hilly and several holes had blind spots.

How big is a golf hole flag?

The tube style Insert flag is designed to slip over the top of a standard 7-foot golf pin. The flag is regulation size: 14 inches X 20 inches.

What is the size of golf flag stick?

The Rules of Golf stipulate a flagstick must be . 75 inch in diameter and the USGA recommends it be at least 7 feet in length.Jan 5, 2019

How thick is a golf flag stick?

The diameter of a standard flagstick is 0.5″ (some pins taper to ¾” and even 1″ above the hole).Feb 11, 2019

What is flags tournament?

A "flags tournament" — also commonly called a "flag competition " or known by the names Last Man Standing or Tombstone — is a competition format in which golfers begin the round of golf with an allotment of strokes, then play the golf course until those strokes run out. The game gets its name from the fact that little flags are usually given ...

Who is Brent Kelley?

Brent Kelley is an award-winning sports journalist and golf expert with over 30 years in print and online journalism. A "flags tournament" — also commonly called a "flag competition" or known by the names Last Man Standing or Tombstone — is a competition format in which golfers begin the round of golf with an allotment of strokes, ...

What is a flagstick in golf?

In the condensed Player's Edition, this is the definition: "A movable pole provided by the Committee that is placed in the hole to show you where the hole is.".

Is "flagstick" a synonym for "pin"?

"Flagstick" and "pin" are synonyms and are used interchangeably by golfers. ("Flagstick" is often shortened to just "flag," too.) However, the governing bodies always use flagstick, never pin. So you might say that flagstick is the technically accurate term of the two words.

Who is Brent Kelley?

Brent Kelley is an award-winning sports journalist and golf expert with over 30 years in print and online journalism. A flagstick is exactly that: a stick with a flag on it*. You see them on putting greens to mark the location of the hole.


I've started collecting flags from the more notable courses I've gotten the opportunity to play over the years. My initial plan was to frame them and cover the walls in my home office. The problem I've run in to which I didn't anticipate is that not all of the flags are the same size (ignorant assumption, I know).


Get some plastic coated braided airline cable (we used to call it "clothesline")


I am doing the same thing. The 12.00 plastic frame from Walmart looks cheap. Started to wait for the sale at Michaels and the 50% coupon.


Get some plastic coated braided airline cable (we used to call it "clothesline")


I'd take the Walmart Canvas idea, get creative with some Jackson Pollock style paint splatter, velcro the flags directly to that, and not add any actual frame at all... the splattered canvas basically becomes a recessed/inverted matte and is loud enough that further framing isn't necessary.

Jimmy Mac

Not the greatest example since it slid down in the frame (and is surrounded by tchotskes).


Not sure if it's the same guy, but I've seen this and it's amazing. Must have taken some serious cash and expertise

Where to put glow sticks in golf?

The best places are alongside the edge of the fairway, where the fairway and the rough meet. You might also put some around the greens. Putting a few in the hole or on the flag/flagstick is also a great idea.

What is glow in the dark golf?

Playing Night Golf with Glow in the Dark equipment can be one of the most fun golf activities of all time. There are two different audiences that I want to try to cater to in this article: 1 Those that are addicted golfers that just want to have fun and get some more practice in during the night. Nothing too serious, just looking to have a good time with some glow in the dark golf balls, some headlamps, and an optional flashlight. They might ask their home course if they can play on the course when it is shut down. It is up to them to accept/deny that. If you are feeling very sly, you might consider playing when everyone is gone already. This is risky and I wouldn’t recommend it, as you are technically trespassing, but I know some will try it. 2 Those that are tasked with putting on a golf event for a country club, golf course, social gatherings. You will need lots of balls, glow sticks, targets, flashlights, headlamps, etc.
