how to finish your book course

by Dr. Desmond Quitzon 5 min read

You need to do three things: First, come up with a plan. Then, get a team. Finally, get a writing rhythm.

Full Answer

How to make myself finish a book?

The 3 Fool-Proof Tools to Figuring Out How to Finish Your Book

  1. Identify the Niggle
  2. Use Logic to Find the Problem
  3. Accept the Solution

How do you feel when you finish a book?

Do you ever have mixed emotions when finishing a novel or book? Perhaps you may feel sad that the characters and book you've been reading about are near to an end, or a bittersweet feeling that your writing also draws to an end. Does anyone else feel a little sad after reading or writing a book?

How long does it take you to finish a book?

The typical timeline to write a book is between 4 to 8 months otherwise. How long it takes to write a book largely depends on how much time the writer puts into actually writing it, though. If you’re dedicated, driven, and have a book that’s only 30,000-40,000 words, you can finish writing a book in a weekend.

What to do after you finish writing your book?

What to do After You Finish the First Draft of Your Book

  • Let it rest. This part can be the most difficult. ...
  • Read it all the way through, once. ...
  • Revise. ...
  • Read it through again — out loud. ...
  • Make any final revisions. ...
  • Write a synopsis. ...
  • Write a query letter. ...
  • Figure out who to send the query letter to and go out on submission. ...
  • Now we wait. ...

How do you finally finish a book?

How to finish writing a bookSet aside time to write and protect it.Have a clear goal – know what you want to achieve and by when.Make a daily plan, know what you will do each day – and do it.Structure your approach to writing – use techniques like pomodoro or time blocking.More items...•

How do you finish a manuscript?

Finish Your Manuscript! 8 Productivity Hacks for WritersJust Start Writing. Don't let something like writer's block stop you from actually writing. ... Write a Lot. I mean, a lot. ... Give Yourself a Deadline. ... Make a Daily Schedule.

How many writers actually finish a book?

In the United States alone, over 200 million people dream of writing a book. Yet, the number of writers who go on to actually finish their manuscript is estimated to be just 3%. Of those, only 20% will go on to become published.

Why can't I finish writing my book?

It's a pretty obvious reason: you can't actually finish writing your story because you have no actual idea how it should end. No matter how you look at it, writing is an inherently unpredictable craft; new paths and unexpected changes are a guarantee, and each writer needs to learn to both accept and tackle this.

What to do after you wrote a book?

6 Things To Do When You Finish Your BookPut it on hold. Put it away for at least four weeks. ... Keep it as proof of an apprenticeship. You have to write for 10 000 hours before you can write well. ... Send it off for an appraisal. ... Take a writing course. ... Set up an editing timetable. ... Get a professional edit.

What's the next step after writing a book?

If you've just finished writing your first draft, I highly recommend buying a copy. Read it while your book rests. And then go through the book chapter by chapter and do the work on your manuscript. Eventually you won't have to make so many revision passes.

How many hours does it take to write a book?

There we have it: It takes at least 120 hours to actually properly write a book. Of course, some things like marketing the book are going to be longer, because you don't just market a book once and forget about it!

How many hours a day do writers write?

Consistency Is Most Important It's better to write only a couple of hours a day everyday than to sporadically write for eight hours. Also, remember that writers work even when they are not writing. You probably think about your story when you're driving or commuting.

How long should it take to write a book?

The average time to write a book for most authors is 180 days, or 6 months, more or less. Usually, it takes authors anywhere from 4-8 months to complete a book. However, you can definitely write a book faster than that!

What should a writer not do?

Avoid making common mistakes by following these writing tips:Don't write sporadically. ... Don't ignore story structure. ... Don't second guess yourself. ... Don't abandon your first novel. ... Don't pigeon-hole your process. ... Don't start off slow. ... Don't switch POV. ... Don't create flat characters.More items...•

Why writing a book is hard?

It's hard because doing it well matters, because stories matter, and the details matter, and there are often a lot of details. Sometimes they take years to organize. The feelings and ideas and memories that we put into the writing also matter, and are layered, and we can't force an understanding of them.

Is writing a story hard?

Writing a book is hard. Many people don't write a book because it's extremely hard. Forcing yourself to sit down, brainstorm, write, edit, rewrite, edit, cut, add, rewrite, workshop, rewrite, and rewrite some more until you've got somewhere between 50,000 and 100,000 words is grueling work.

A Book is Never Finished

There are always tweaks you can make. Characters you can add. Points you forgot to include. There are new developments, changes in the way things are done, new things to do and new ways to do old things.

Powering Through: How to Finish Writing Your Book

First, tell your inner critic to shut up. That voice in your head is not helping and at this point isn’t even correct because it is criticizing something that hasn’t happened yet. There will be plenty of time to criticize after you’re done. Tell it to hold its horses.

The key to how to finish writing your book can be a why

Set either a firm deadline or a set number of hours per week that you will work on your book. When I was a ghostwriter, I had hard deadlines built into my contracts with clients. Writing for myself, those deadlines get squishy and tend to get moved. You have to be a hard-ass with yourself.

The Final Step: Butt-In-Chair

This is where the rubber meets the road or as it’s often called: Bum Glue. (Not to be confused with butt glue which beauty contestants use. Don’t ask.) All of the above makes it easier for your butt to stick to the chair. There’s no way of getting around the actual time spent writing. I know; I’ve tried.

Celebrate Your Accomplishment

You should also plan a celebration when you finish your writing. Some people have a celebratory drink (alcoholic or non). I am partial to ice cream but have been known to crack open a bottle of champagne. You might take your significant other out for a fancy dinner. Whatever makes you happy. But finishing a book is a BIG DEAL.

Create A Writing Plan That Helps You Hit Your Deadlines!

Subscribe now to download this Writing Plan and Scheduling page. Set deadlines and track your progress as you write your novel!

Join The HB90 Bootcamp

I hope you enjoyed this list of things to help you finish your book. If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed trying to get everything done and still make time for writing and creativity, I know you’ll love my HB90 Bootcamp.

How Is Your Writing Going?

In the comments, I’d love to hear how your writing is going. What are you working on now? Have you finished a book? Or are you still working on your first?

What is a book plan?

A book’s plan is your outline. Now, not everyone is on board with book outlines. There are “plotters,” there are “pantsers,” and there are the in-betweeners (which we affectionately call “plotsers”). However, even writers who finish books regularly and claim they are vehemently against outlines are usually outlining.

How to write faster during lunch break?

Maybe writing a few paragraphs during lunch breaks is your only option for now. Be honest, be logical, and set goals you have a chance of achieving. While you can always find ways to write faster in order to make the most of that writing time, you still have to set reasonable goals.

What are the different types of outlines?

There are so many different kinds of outlines: Extremely detailed outlines with a sentence for every action in each scene. Basic bullet points of the ideas you want to cover, or “first draft” outlines where you plan your book by writing a version of it.

What is writing burnout?

Writing burnout is when you feel like your work is trash. You think you have nothing important to say. Maybe you think no one cares about what you’re writing or maybe you’ve fallen into a pit of writer’s block.

What happens if you don't budget for book production?

If you don’t take the time to budget for book production and save ahead of time, you may happen upon a charge you weren’t expecting and aren’t prepared to pay. Then your options are to halt production to save for it, go without, or take a loan.

Why do we need a timeline for drafting?

Having a timeline for drafting, editing, beta rounds, cover, and interior design, book release, marketing, etc., will help you work more efficiently and coordinate the steps that require other people. For example, many cover designers require you to book months, or even years, in advance!

Is a first draft an outline?

Even though they say they don’t outline, this first draft is a type of outline. Even though Stephen King says, “Outlines are the last resource of bad fiction writers,” we know what he really means is, “My first draft is actually a type of outline, and that’s the method I’ve found that works for me, personally.”.

How to finish a book fast?

If you want to finish your book fast, set a deadline of a chapter a week. If you want to work at a reasonable speed, give yourself 2 weeks per chapter. If you want to take the process slow, deliver a chapter every 3 weeks. If you’re busy, give yourself a month to finish a chapter.

What are the benefits of writing a book?

Authors who finish and publish their book see the greatest benefits, including: Personal growth and pride of accomplishment. Scaling their impact and helping more people. Improving relationships (and forming new ones)

What is the difference between a first book and a 10th book?

The difference between the Author writing their first novel versus the Author writing their 10th is preparation. Experienced Authors anticipate the challenges that come during the writing process, and they know exactly what to do. Authors writing their first book are the opposite.

How long does it take to write 250 words?

If you write only 250 words a day, you can finish the first draft of a 120-page book (around 30,000 words) in about four months.

How do books change the world?

Books change the world 1 It’s meant to heal you as you write. 2 It’s meant to touch so many lives. 3 It’s meant to create more clients for you. 4 It’s meant to build your credibility. 5 It’s meant to bring you abundance.

How effective was Leonie's course?

“Leonie’s course was so effective in motivating consistent aligned action in me. Just the mere fact someone was there watching over me so to speak, along with authority and humour was gold. Leonie’s experienced, light hearted support along with her ‘no bullshit’ attitude was fabulous!”
