how to find second topper in each course in student table in sqlserver

by Nicole Halvorson 10 min read

How to get the Count of a course in SQL?

Aug 07, 2013 · If you want the top marks for each standard, then you can use: select t1.standard, t1.stud_id,, t1.marks from table t1 inner join ( select standard, max(marks) TopMarks from table group by standard ) t2 on t1.standard = t2.standard and t1.marks = t2.topmarks

How many different ways to select second highest value in MS SQL?

Apr 17, 2021 · To add a table into the database we use the below command: Syntax: CREATE TABLE table_name (Attribute_name datatype...); So, let’s create a students table within the geeks database as shown below: CREATE TABLE Students( Id int, Name varchar(20), TotalMarks int); Here Table Added Successfully. To see the description of the table:

How to find the second highest salary in SQL Server using CTE?

Nov 02, 2021 · IN SQL Server using Common Table Expression or CTE, we can find the second highest salary: WITH T AS ( SELECT * DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY Salary Desc) AS Rnk FROM Employees ) SELECT Name FROM T WHERE Rnk=2; How to find the third largest salary? Simple, we can do one more nesting.

How to insert student_ID in student table in SQL?

Find the first name and last name of the student who scored third lowest marks in mathematics. Code: WITH student_details AS (SELECT student_id,first_name,last_name, SUM(marks) as total_marks, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY SUM(marks) ASC) as rank FROM students WHERE subject = 'Maths' GROUP BY student_id,first_name,last_name) SELECT first_name, last_name

How can I get second highest marks in student table?

AdeAde. Answered On : Jun 27th, 2016.Code. SELECT TOP 2 (Marks) FROM (SELECT TOP (Marks) FROM TableName. ORDER BY DESC) AS second highest Marks. ORDER BY Marks.

How do you find the second top value in SQL?

SELECT MAX(SALARY) FROM Employee WHERE SALARY < (SELECT MAX(SALARY) FROM Employee); This query will give you the desired output i.e 12000, which is the second highest salary.Mar 3, 2022

How can we get 3rd highest marks in student table?

select * from( select ename, sal, dense_rank() over(order by sal desc)r from Employee) where r=&n; To find to the 2nd highest sal set n = 2 To find 3rd highest sal set n = 3 and so on. Output : DENSE_RANK : DENSE_RANK computes the rank of a row in an ordered group of rows and returns the rank as a NUMBER.Jan 17, 2022

How can I get name and marks of top three students using SQL?

SELECT statement is used to get name and marks of top three students.SQL query is. SELECT Name, Marks FROM Student s1 where 3 <= (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Students s2 WHERE s1.marks = s2.marks)SQL (Structured Query Language) ... Functions of SQL (Structured Query Language)Nov 21, 2019

How do I find the second highest element in a database?

SELECT MAX (column_name) FROM table_name WHERE column_name NOT IN (SELECT Max (column_name) FROM table_name); First we selected the max from that column in the table then we searched for the max value again in that column with excluding the max value which has already been found, so it results in the 2nd maximum value.Jun 11, 2019

How do you find the second highest number?

Find 2nd Largest Number in Array using Collectionsimport java.util.*;public class SecondLargestInArrayExample2{public static int getSecondLargest(Integer[] a, int total){List list=Arrays.asList(a);Collections.sort(list);int element=list.get(total-2);return element;}More items...

How can I get top 5 salary in SQL?

Solution 13SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employee; ... SELECT MAX(slary), dept_id from employee group by dept_id; ... select distinct salary from employee order by salary desc limit 5; ... select distinct salary, dept_id from employee order by salary desc limit 5;More items...•May 31, 2012

How can I get top 3 salary in SQL?


What is limit in MySQL?

MySQL provides a LIMIT clause that is used to specify the number of records to return. The LIMIT clause makes it easy to code multi page results or pagination with SQL, and is very useful on large tables.

How will you show the maximum marks and Min marks together from the student table?

How to Show the Max marks and min marks together from student table? Select min (marks) from Student; Tip : Use the concept of union to show the max and min marks together.

What is the use of lock table query?

Use the LOCK TABLE statement to lock one or more tables, table partitions, or table subpartitions in a specified mode. This lock manually overrides automatic locking and permits or denies access to a table or view by other users for the duration of your operation.

How do you find the number of records in a table?

To counts all of the rows in a table, whether they contain NULL values or not, use COUNT(*). That form of the COUNT() function basically returns the number of rows in a result set returned by a SELECT statement.Mar 20, 2018

What is a rank in SQL?

RANK () in standard query language (SQL) is a window function that returns a temporary unique rank for each row starting with 1 within the partition of a resultant set based on the values of a specified column when the query runs. The rank of a row is its sequential number within the partition set. The RANK () function provides the same rank to more than one row in case of ties. For example, it provides ranks like 1,2,2,4,5 etc. SQL RANK () function is similar to other window functions such as ROW_NUMBER (), DENSE_RANK (), NTILE () etc, in relational SQL databases.

What is a rank function?

RANK () is a window function that sequentially ranks the rows based on the values of a specified column. It gives the same rank to more than one row in case of ties. It is very useful when we want to find the ranks such as third highest, second last etc.

What is partition by clause?

1. partition_by_clause: partition by clause is used to partition the resultant set into multiple groups. Mention the column name based on which the groups will be created. If you do not mention anything then the entire row in the result set will be considered as one partition.