how to find past course grades at university of alabama

by Mrs. Bethel Leuschke 8 min read

How many points is a B+ grade in U of Alabama?

Grade Point Average (GPA) Grade point averages are computed on the following grades: "A," "B," "C," "D," "F," or "I" and any pluses or minuses that appear on the record. In computing a GPA, an "I" counts as an "F" until replaced by the earned grade. Grades of "P," "W," "NA," or "NC" are not used when computing the GPA. Overall and Institutional GPA

What grade do I need to take English and math at Alabama?

A grade of “C-” is required in freshman composition and introductory math courses and is a prerequisite for advancement to a higher English or math course at The University of Alabama. A grade of “NC” may be assigned for one of the three reasons explained below. A grade of “NC” does not affect a student’s grade point average.

What GPA do you need to transfer to the University of Alabama?

To do this, in the right side “Student Educational Planner” column, click “Load in a pre-defined plan”. Complete the necessary information to search for an appropriate plan. Note the search form is pre-populated with your curriculum data. Select the correct plan by Catalog year and click “Load into my plan”.

Does en 101 count as credit for the University of Alabama?

Then, enter in your final University of Alabama course grade goals and determine what you need to achieve those goals. It takes just a few seconds, so go ahead and calculate your University of Alabama weighted grades today. University of Alabama Academic Calculators ...

When will midterm grades be available?

Midterm grading will become available two weeks after the start of classes. All midterm grades of “F” (or “NC” for freshman composition and introductory math courses) will require the instructor to enter one of the three grade reasons defined above. Prior to the last day to drop a class with a grade of “W”, all grades of “F” (or “NC”) ...

What grade should I assign if I have never attended class?

If a student has never attended or participated in class, you should assign a grade of “F” with a Grade Reason of Never Attended. I want to assign a grade to a student, but the grade is not listed in the grade fields. The only grades that may be assigned are those grades listed in the grade field.

Why is a grade of F or NC assigned?

The midterm and final grade entry pages requires instructors to select one of the following reasons when a grade of “F” (or “NC”) is assigned: Earned: Based on the evaluation of the student’s work throughout the semester, the instructor has determined that the student failed to meet the stated objectives of the course.

What is a C grade?

A grade of “C-” is required in freshman composition and introductory math courses and is a prerequisite for advancement to a higher English or math course at The University of Alabama. A grade of “NC” may be assigned for one of the three reasons explained below. A grade of “NC” does not affect a student’s grade point average.

What is a last attend date?

A “Last Attend Date” is required and should reflect the last documented class attendance or participation. Examples of documented attendance may include presence in class or during exams, completion of assignments, and/or participation in computer-assisted instruction.

Can you assign a letter grade of F or NC?

Just make sure that if the student is returning to class, the midterm grade is not a grade of “F” or “NC” with a reason of Never Attended or Stopped Attending.

Can a student who has never attended class continue?

In certain situations, a student for whom a grade of “F” or “NC” has been submitted with a reason of Never Attended or Stopped Attending returns to class and is allowed to continue. In order for these students to be properly graded, the previously assigned “F” or “NC” grade must be administratively removed. In these cases, instructors should follow the one of the two procedures as outlined below:

Policy on Grading

In undergraduate courses at The University of Alabama, passing grades are A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D and D-. The F and I grades cannot be modified with a + or -. Four grade points are given for each hour of A, three grade points for each hour of B, two grade points for each hour of C and one grade point for each hour of D.

Incompletes and Failures

If a grade of F is earned in a required course, the student must repeat the course and earn a passing grade in order to receive credit that will be applied to the requirements for the degree.

What is degree works audit?

What is an audit? A Degree Works audit is a review of past, current and “planned” coursework that provides information on completed and outstanding requirements necessary to complete a degree/major/minor/concentration. Can I access Degree Works on any computer? Yes. Access to Degree Works is through the Web.

Can your college advisor see your plan?

Your advisor can see your plan (s) and participate with you in the planning process. There is a Notes feature, as well, for you and your advisor to keep additional information. Depending upon your college, your advisor may choose to lock your plan after discussing it with you.


Policy on Grading

  • In undergraduate courses at The University of Alabama, passing grades are A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D and D-. The F and I grades cannot be modified with a + or -. Four grade points are given for each hour of A, three grade points for each hour of B, two grade points for each hour of C and one grade point for each hour of D. The plus sign...
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Incompletes and Failures

  • If a grade of F is earned in a required course, the student must repeat the course and earn a passing grade in order to receive credit that will be applied to the requirements for the degree. Grades of I must be removed within 12 months of the end of the term in which they were awarded but prior to the student’s graduation or the grade of I will be changed to F. The I may not be use…
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Pass/Fail Option

  • A student who is in good academic standing may request permission to receive a grade of P or F for a course, instead of the conventional A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D- or F. A grade of P does not affect the grade point average. However, a grade of F received in a course that the student has chosen to take under the pass/fail option is computed in the grade point average. U…
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Na/Do Grades

  • A DO (dropped out) grade is assigned when the student has attended at least one class meeting or has participated in a class activity and has subsequently stopped attending or participating. The DO grade is converted to a grade of W at the end of the term. The DO grade will not be displayed on the transcript. The grade of NA is used for students who properly register for the c…
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Repeat Course Policy

  • The University of Alabama repeat course policy reads as follows: The grade and credit of the last (most recent) attempt of a course taken more than once will count in the student’s GPA and earned hours. All previous attempts will only count in the calculation of the GPA but not in earned hours. This also applies to courses taken at other institutions and transferred in to UA as an equ…
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