how to find external course key

by Prof. Alexis Dickinson MD 5 min read

Your Course Access Key is available on Course Management under My Courses. You will see your Course Access Key under the course name. You can also click the Details button for the respective course to see the Course Access Key and all additional information related to your course.

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How to copy a course key?

Can other instructors copy your course?

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Enter Your Access Code or Course Key - Cengage

access code A code that verifies purchase of a specific digital product such as course access or a Cengage Unlimited subscription. The access code might be included with a textbook purchase or purchased from a bookstore or other retailer. When purchased directly from Cengage, the access code is applied automatically and does not need to be redeemed to verify the purchase.

Course Link - Cengage

Course Link. What is a course link? It's your direct entryway to your course. You'll get it from your instructor. Use it to register an access code, buy access or get temporary access.

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My Windows 8.1 PC includes a system drive and data drives. All the drivers were encrypted using Bitlocker with the data drives set for autounlock. I recently decrypted the system drive (without decrypting the data drives) and reinstalled the OS, after which my data drives required the Bitlocker recovery key to unlock.


As my point of viewer, the BitLocker Automatic unlock volume is also protected by BitLocker Disk Encryption. The user encrypted information is stored in the registry and volume metadata. After a user unlocks the operating system volume, BitLocker uses the encrypted information to unlock the data volume automatically.

How to copy a course key?

Click My Courses. Locate your course and click View Sections . Click to copy the course key. Each section has a unique course key. In the Instructor Resource Center, navigate to your course, course master, or section. Select the textbook or product for your course. Click Manage Courses. Click for the course, section, ...

Can other instructors copy your course?

You can allow other instructors to copy your courses, course masters, or sections by sharing the course key with them . You can allow other instructors to copy your course sections by sharing the course key with them.
