how to find course perspective on tiger center

by Prof. Carter Heller Jr. 9 min read

How does RIT calculate GPA?

Step 1: Your RIT GPA is calculated by adding up all the grade points you have earned, and dividing by the total amount of credit hours earned.

What is a passing grade at RIT?

0-Graduation Requirements) at the undergraduate level. C- grades and below do not count toward the fulfillment of program requirements for a graduate degree....II. DEFINITIONS.GradeDescriptionQuality PointsCSatisfactory2.00C-1.67DMinimum Passing Grade1.00FFailure0.006 more rows

What is RIT acceptance rate?

73.9% (2020)Rochester Institute of Technology / Acceptance rate

What is dean's list at RIT?

Students named to Dean's List for fall 2021 semester. Full-time degree-seeking undergraduate students are eligible for Dean's List if their term GPA is greater than or equal to 3.400; they do not have any grades of "Incomplete", "D" or "F"; and they have registered for, and completed, at least 12 credit hours.

What is a B+ at RIT?

0.000. 0.00 - 59.99. Failure. Most instructors do not recognize an 89.9%, for example, to be an A- or a 79.9% to be a B-, etc... To earn an A-, students must earn a 90% and 80% for a B- etc.

What is a 3.7 GPA in percentage?

90-92%A 3.7 GPA, or Grade Point Average, is equivalent to an A- letter grade on a 4.0 GPA scale. This means is equivalent to a 90-92%. The national average GPA is 3.0 which means a 3.7 is well above average. A 3.7 GPA can be hard to raise as it's already so high, but if you're really determined you can make it happen.

Is RIT a Tier 1 school?

graduates. Rochester Institute of Technology is being recognized as a top tier national university for the first time in the 34-year history of U.S. News & World Report rankings.

Is RIT a prestigious school?

In the 2021 edition of U.S. News & World Report Best Colleges, RIT was tied for 112 out of 389 schools in the prestigious “national universities” category, which includes the nation's best-known research universities. These top universities “offer a full range of undergraduate majors, plus master's and Ph.

What kind of people go to RIT?

Although the admission process is selective, if a person is admitted, he was meant to be at RIT, because many types of people such as artists, nerds, deaf and hard of hearing, parents go to RIT.

What GPA is Deans List RIT?

3.40Full-time degree-seeking undergraduate students will be placed on the Dean's List if their term GPA is greater than or equal to 3.40; they do not have any grades of “Incomplete”, “D” or “F”, and they have registered for, and completed at least 12 credit hours.

Does RIT give scholarships?

RIT offers a comprehensive financial aid program consisting of merit-based scholarships and a full range of need-based grants, loans, and campus employment programs that provide assistance to RIT students and families.

What makes the dean's list?

The award is given to a top percentile of students, like the top 10% or 25%. The exact dean's list GPA requirements will depend on each particular pool of students, but is usually at least a 3.5 GPA. To be eligible, you'll also need to be a full-time student taking a minimum number of credits (often around 12 credits).

How many courses does T.I.G.E.R have?

T.I.G.E.R. Training has a catalog of over 330 courses, below you will find a partial listing of our current library. T.I.G.E.R. Training can customize an existing class or create a new course to meet your company’s requirements and keep you in compliance.

What is the purpose of the Avian Influenza training module?

The goal of this training module is to familiarize users with the viral structure of avian influenza, global migration patterns of wild birds, major outbreaks of avian influenza in domestic poultry, transmission of avian influenza viruses from birds to other species, and clinical features of avian influenza in birds.


Tiger Training assists Clemson University with hosting, delivering, tracking, and reporting on all required training for faculty, staff, and students.

Accessing Tiger Training

If you have required training due, you will receive a notification from the Tiger Training system that will inform you of upcoming courses a week before the designated due date.


You may see the name Bridge in relation to our Training Management System. Tiger Training has a customized Training Management System that the University has built in collaboration with the Bridge corporation.

What is TIGER in education?

Focusing on education reform, interprofessional community development and global workforce development, the Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform (TIGER) initiative offers tools and resources for learners to advance their skills and for educators to develop valuable curricula.

What is the spirit of tigers?

The spirit of TIGER is to maximize the integration of technology and health informatics into seamless practice, education, research and resource development.

What is the Tiger International Task Force?

The TIGER International Task Force, seated under the HIMSS Professional Development Committee , provides our global community of 29 countries with knowledge, leadership and guidance in its efforts to reform technology and informatics education. It provides domain expertise through activities, projects and collaborations within the interprofessional community to support faculty, students, adult learners and providers.
