how to find course of equal credits online

by Andreanne Marks 9 min read

Find Course Equivalents Select one of the links below, or use the Left Hand Navigation links to find one of the following: T.E.D. (Transfer Equivalency Database) - Students and Prospects can use T.E.D. to find information of equivalencies granted from other academic institutions during a transfer credit evaluation.

Full Answer

How can I earn college credit for online courses?

Watch engaging video lessons: Earn college credit on your own terms with self-paced instructional videos you can watch whenever your schedule allows. Take practice quizzes and tests: You'll find plenty of chances to test your understanding of course material.

How do I find out how many college credits I have?

How do I find out how many college credits I have? The only way to find out how many college credits you have is to contact the university you attended. They will have a record of your completed classes and can send you a transcript to show to other colleges.

How are credit hours calculated for distance courses?

AIC uses the industry-standard Carnegie Unit to define credit hours for both traditional and distance courses. Each credit hour corresponds to a minimum of 3 hours of student engagement per week for a traditional 14-week course or 6 hours per week for a 7-week course.

What is CE credits online?

CE Credits Online offers self-paced, online courses for teachers that are the ultimate in convenience. Whether for salary advancement or recertification, CE Credits Online offers best-in-class continuing education courses for teachers including LAUSD Salary Points and NYC P Credits. Facebook.

How do I check my course equivalency CUNY?

Logging into CUNYfirst and navigate to your Student Center. Click the drop down menu in the center of your screen and choose 'Evaluate My Transfer Credit'. Follow the prompts to complete an unofficial evaluation of your credits.

How do you find the subject of a credit?

The calculation of one credit is as follows: (1 hours classroom work + 2 hours homework) per week x (15 weeks/semester) = 1 credit for that semester. Most subjects/courses require 3 credits to be completed.

How can I get 60 credits in a year?

15 credit hours per semester x 2 semesters per year = 30 credits per year. A two –year program equals approximately 60 credits; a four-year baccalaureate equals approximately 120 credits.

Do online courses give credits?

While there are many free online college courses, most of them are not offered for credit. This is often the case with MOOCs, or Massive Open Online Courses. This means that if you take online courses for transfer credit, you are likely going to have to pay to take the class.

How do university credits work?

Each university course has credits, where 1 credit denotes 10 hours of work, including lectures, seminars, tutorials as well as assessment preparation or preparation for examinations. So, for example, students are expected to spend 200 hours studying to complete a 20 credit module.

What is university credit value?

A number of credits are normally assigned to each module, which shows the amount of learning you will do. A credit-level indicates the depth, complexity and intellectual demand of learning involved. Together, these are known as the credit value.

What is the fastest way to get 60 college credits?

What is the fastest way to get 60 college credits? At some schools, students can get up to 60 credits through prior learning credits, including through CLEP exams, DSST exams, UExcel exams, and AP exams.

How many credits is a bachelor's degree?

120 collegeMost bachelor's degree programs require 120 college credits. At a four-year institution granting an average of three credits per class, that's five classes per semester. Many institutions require more than 120 credit hours to graduate, with some programs exceeding 140 total credit hours.

How many hours is 1 credit hour?

Each credit hour corresponds to a minimum of 3 hours of student engagement per week for a traditional 14-week course or 6 hours per week for a 7-week course. This time may be spent on discussions, readings and lectures, study and research, and assignments. Most courses at AIC are three credit hours.

Do colleges accept coursera credits?

Coursera does not grant credit, and does not represent that any institution other than the degree granting institution will recognize the credit or credential awarded by the institution; the decision to grant, accept, or transfer credit is subject to the sole and absolute discretion of an educational institution.

Do free online courses count?

Do MOOC's Count Toward Academic Credit? It's not common to earn academic credit through free online courses, but there are occasional exceptions. For example, if you are already attending the school presenting the MOOC, they may award some credit upon completion of the paid certification program.

Can you get college credit from udemy?

You Can Earn College Credits Cheaper and Faster On Your Own | Udemy.

How many credits are required for a 2nd year NAU?

Undergraduate programs are 8 to 12 semesters in length, leading to a degree of licenciado or a professional title. General education requirements are not used. Therefore a 2nd year course is usually preceded by a full year’s worth (approx. 30 NAU credits) of coursework in the discipline. This means that a 1st year course is usually considered lower division; a 2nd year course equivalent to a 300 level course at NAU; and a 3rd course would be equivalent to a 400 or 500 level course at NAU. Undergraduate courses at the 4th, 5th, or 6th year level are generally not recommended for U.S. undergraduates. Standard course-load is 4-6 courses per semester depending on the degree program. Credit hour information is generally not listed in course descriptions or information. Because programs are studied in set cohorts enrollment is measured only as “full-time” (taking the standard cohort) or not. Most courses are worth 3-4 NAU credits. Students will not be able to ascertain the credit hour value of their classes until arriving, registering, and finding the number of class hours required per week. English course options are very limited. Generally speaking, unless a student speaks fluent Spanish study options include either full Spanish language immersion at the intermediate or higher level or half-time intermediate language immersion and 1-2 courses taught in English. As offerings vary, students choosing the second option will simply have to work closely with their academic and study abroad advisor to craft a customized program.

What are modules in UJ?

Courses at UJ are called modules. Module information is listed in each college’s (faculty) “yearbook.” Modules are often year-long but exchange students may take one semester of the course with permission. Students generally take 5 classes per term which are generally worth 3 credit per semester. Credit hour equivalency is 1:1. General education requirements do not exist. A second year course is usually preceded by a full year’s worth (approx. 30 NAU credits) of coursework in the discipline. Therefore a 1st year course is usually considered lower division; a 2nd year course equivalent to a 300 level course at NAU; and a 3rd course would be equivalent to a 400 or 500 level course at NAU.#N#At NMMU, a credit is a unit of learning including time spent in the classroom and outside preparing for the course. Thus four (4) NMMU credits are typically equivalent to one (1) US credit. Each semester consists of at least 14 weeks of teaching. However, it is ultimately up to the discretion of your academic advisor how many credits will be awarded. Courses offered at NMMU typically range from 4 NMMU credits to 12 NMMU credits. You will select between 48 and 60 NMMU credits worth of coursework which will be anywhere from 4 to 8 courses. This equates to 12 – 15 credits within the U.S. semester system.

How many credits are there in BiSU?

The BISU program is a set language immersion program of 16 credits per semester. Course-work at JUFE and PLU-Sichuan U is taught in English and in a manner very similar to the U.S. in terms of course-load and course level. Course-work taught in English at Southwest University is offered primarily in the Chinese Language and Literatures department. Offerings vary a great deal from one semester to another. Credit hour information is based upon contact hour information (15 class hours per credit) and students must be prepared to be flexible and the program of study will necessarily be customized based on that semester’s offerings.

Is NAU in Siena?

The NAU program in Siena includes course offerings but an NAU faculty member in residence that are part of regular NAU catalog offerings. Those courses taught at/by the Siena School for Liberal Studies are offered in a manner very similar to that in the U.S.

Is NAU in Costa Rica?

The NAU in Costa Rica program is administered by NAU and all course-work includes offerings already included in the NAU catalog. Please consult the programs track sheet for more information.

Is Masaryk U an ECTS?

Masaryk U courses are offered in the ECTS system (see above). The USAC program course offerings are offered/taught in a manner equivalent to U.S. semester system universities in terms of course-load and course level.

Does NAU offer transfer credit?

At the request of an academic program, academic advisors can petition to utilize these courses (all courses taken abroad) as direct (graded) credit, not as transfer credit.

Undergraduate Courses

As summarized in the above article, undergraduate courses use the following formula: For every 1 credit, the student has 3 hours of work each week for a full semester session. So in other words, a student in a full semester 3-credit course should expect to spend nine hours a week on the course.

Graduate Courses

Graduate students should expect to put more time into a course. The following is our estimations by number of weeks and credit hours for graduate courses. Please note that we’ve only indicated the time on task amounts for the credit + duration combinations offered by our program.

How many credits can I get in one semester?

If you are a full-time student, you can get 15 credits in 1 semester by taking five 3 credit classes. If you’re a part-time student, you can easily do it in as little as 2 semesters if you take 3 classes one semester and 2 the next.

How many credits are required for an associates of science?

Associate of Sciences – 60 credits. Associate of Applied Sciences – 60 credits. Some community colleges might add a couple of extra credits for physical education or orientation, but 60 credit hours is the norm to graduate.

How many credits do I need to graduate college?

How many credits do you need to graduate college? How many credits to graduate college depends on the degree you are pursuing. For a 2-year associate’s degree, you’ll need about 60 credits. For a 4-year bachelor’s degree, you’ll need about 120 credits.

How long do college credits last?

Some universities, however, have a rule in which college credits lapse after a certain amount of time, typically 7-10 years.

How many credits do you get for a science class?

So, you get 1 credit for the lab and 3 credits for the class, a total of 4 credits.

How many credits do I need to get a bachelors degree?

Bachelor’s Degree – Usually 120 credits. Master’s Degree – 36 credits is the norm, but some programs go up to 54 credits. These credits can be obtained in various ways. The most common way is by attending lectures and doing typical classroom work, like taking exams or writing papers.

How to find out how many credits you have in high school?

If you’re in high school and have passed an AP exam or are taking classes at a local college or university, you should be able to find out how many credit s you have through your guidance counselor or by requesting transcripts from directly from the college or university.
