how to find course materials when logged in to quinnipiac

by Maxie Maggio 9 min read

What percentage of students live on campus?

Approximately 5,000 undergraduate students (72%) live in campus-owned properties; 95% of first-year students live on campus.

Are first-year students required to live on campus?

New first-year students entering Quinnipiac semester are required to live in campus housing for their first 3 years of study. In general, first-yea...

Is housing guaranteed for all 4 years?

Housing is guaranteed for the first 3 years and on a space-available basis in the senior year.

Can first-year students have cars/vehicles on campus?

First-year students who live on campus are not permitted to have a car/vehicle. All students may use our free campus shuttle service, which makes c...

What is the first-year student class distribution?

Our first-year class consists of about 1,800 students who represent about 30+ states and 20+ countries, and have an average GPA of 3.4 on a 4.0 sca...

What sort of activities are available to students, both on and off campus?

Quinnipiac offers more than 140 student clubs and organizations, fitness and recreational/intramural sports, Greek Life, 21 men’s and women’s NCAA...

What is the cost of tuition, fees, room and board?

We are committed to helping you explore ways of financing your education. Higher education is a smart investment in your future. Costs and Budgets...

How do I apply for financial aid?

To be considered for need-based federal and Quinnipiac financial aid, please file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on or after...

Are scholarships offered and how do I apply for one?

There is no separate application required for academic scholarship consideration. The admissions office notifies admitted students of any scholarsh...

When will I hear about financial aid/scholarships?

The financial aid award comes as a separate communication after acceptance to the university. All merit scholarships are included on the acceptance...

How many courses does Quinnipiac have?

Quinnipiac looks for a college preparatory sequence of courses, with a minimum of 16 academic courses including English, math, science, social science and a language. For our health sciences and nursing programs, we look for 4 years of math and 4 years of science courses.

What is Quinnipiac education?

A Quinnipiac education prepares students for 21st-Century, global careers. Through experiences such as an archaeological dig in Hungary, working in a Congressional press office in Washington, D.C., leading a fundraising effort as part of a student group or interning at Nickelodeon in LA, students are personally and professionally transformed. Your support can ensure that students and professors continue to benefit from the types of experiences that define Quinnipiac.

How many students does Quinnipiac University have?

We offer more than 140 programs to approximately 6,800 undergraduate and 3,000 graduate students.

When is the FAFSA code for Quinnipiac University?

To be considered for need-based federal and Quinnipiac financial aid, please file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on or after October 1 but before March 1. Quinnipiac’s FAFSA code is 001402. Learn more about applying for financial aid.

Where do first year students live in Quinnipiac?

In general, first-year and sophomore students live on the Mount Carmel Campus and upperclass students live on the York Hill Campus, in the Whitney Village apartments or in university-owned houses.

Where do students go on faculty led trips?

Many students participate in faculty-led trips, which can range from 8 days to 3 weeks to places like Japan, Morocco, France, Italy and Costa Rica; some of these trips are community-based travel to help provide care in countries such as Guatemala.

Does Quinnipiac accept AP?

Do you accept AP, IB and/or college courses for credit? Quinnipiac awards credit for Advanced Placement (AP) courses completed in high school for students who receive a minimum required score on the AP exam. Students who have taken Higher Level (HL) IB courses with a minimum score of 4 also receive credit.

How to access Quinnipiac Blackboard?

All you need is access to a computer and an Internet browser. Go to ( a user name and password will be required).

What are the free programs available from Quinnipiac?

Word, Excel and PowerPoint (available for downloading from Quinnipiac's website for free)

What is a blackboard?

Blackboard, a Web-based learning system, is your gateway to online learning. Your professor will give you assignments and tell you when they are due by posting this information on Blackboard. You will access Blackboard through Quinnipiac's website by entering a username and password.

What is online course?

Online courses are delivered via Blackboard, the University's Web-based course management system. Students submit course work and participate in discussions with faculty and other students via the Internet. Many online courses contain media-rich presentations that reinforce important concepts, and all courses require student participation in ...

Is Quinnipiac University a college?

Yes. Quinnipiac University is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges; The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (School of Business); American Bar Association (School of Law); National Council for Accreditation for Teacher Education (School of Education) and the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (School of Nursing).

Does Quinnipiac University have an orientation?

Quinnipiac University provides a Web-based equivalent for students in online programs who are unable to attend the on-campus orientation.

What is Quinnipiac education?

A Quinnipiac education prepares students for 21st-Century, global careers. Through experiences such as an archaeological dig in Hungary, working in a Congressional press office in Washington, D.C., leading a fundraising effort as part of a student group or interning at Nickelodeon in LA, students are personally and professionally transformed. Your support can ensure that students and professors continue to benefit from the types of experiences that define Quinnipiac.

Is pursuing a degree an investment?

Choosing to pursue a degree is an investment in your future. We're here to help you find the support and resources to understand your options and make a plan for success.

Is Quinnipiac a member of the Common Application?

Quinnipiac is a member of the Common Application. Apply to be part of our vibrant undergraduate community, and reach out to us with your questions at any time.

Where is MyQ located?

Their phone number is 582-4357 and it is located right next to the library on the third floor. Toggle action bar. FAQ Actions.

How to access Edward and Barbara Netter Library?

You will be able to access the library resources by first logging in through MyQ. After you have logged into the MyQ page look for the "IT & Libraries" tab underneath the MyQ banner. When you hover your mouse over "IT & Libraries" you will see a drop down menu where you can select Edward and Barbara Netter Library. This will redirect you to the library home page.