how to express course loads for faculty florida state university

by Macie Hand DDS 10 min read

What is the Office of Distance Learning at Florida State University?

The Office of Distance Learning supports students, instructors, and administrators as they pursue excellence in online course development, teaching, and learning. The myFSU portal serves as a personal gateway to the links and resources you need to help you with teaching, advising, or administrative functions.

Where can I find regulations and policies for Florida State University?

Florida State University Regulations and Policies may be found easily in a centralized location. The Office of the Provost promotes excellence in all things academic, helping to create an environment focused on teaching, research, and public service.

Does student feedback matter at FSU?

At FSU, student feedback matters. Faculty and administrators rely on feedback to improve courses, programs, and teaching methods. The Office of Distance Learning (ODL) administers course evaluations in accordance with Faculty Senate course evaluation policy and provides online access to survey results.

What are the guidelines for faculty load assignment?

Guidelines for Faculty Load 1 Teaching. The general expectation is for four units to be assigned to teaching. ... 2 Research. The general expectation is that a minimum of one unit is assigned to research. ... 3 Outreach. ... 4 Advising. ... 5 Administrative Assignments. ... 6 Service and Special Assignments. ...

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How is faculty load calculated?

Faculty workload is calculated by assigning values to lectures and labs separately. Values are also assigned to courses based on the number of students enrolled. FTE is based on credit contact hours taught, (L or B), or number of students enrolled, (N, S, A, or R).

What is a full load for a college professor?

For faculty, a full teaching load is two three-semester-hour courses per year or equivalent. For faculty administrators (associate deans and department heads), a full load is one three- semester-hour course per year or equivalent. Equivalent may be addressed by co-teaching.

What is a B+ at FSU?

GPA Calculator (Florida State University)Letter GradeQuality PointsA-3.75B+3.25B3B-2.759 more rows

How do I add courses to FSU?

From your FSU Student Homepage, click the “My Classes” tile. Click the “Enrollment: Add Classes” button in the menu on the left and then click “Search.” Helpful information on using the Class Search, as well as step-by-step instructions, are located in the “How-To Videos” tile on your FSU Student Homepage.

What does faculty load mean?

Faculty loads are defined in terms of Equated Load Units (ELUs) which are the "units" faculty earn for teaching courses and for performing non-instructional activities such as department chair and research. Faculty loads can consist of instructional assignments, non-instructional assignments or a combination of both.

What is teaching a 4 4 load?

When I was at Yale and friends were on the job market, every single person I knew considered a 4/4 teaching load—that is, four classes per semester, for a total of eight per academic year—to be a fate worse than death.

Is FSU a party school?

The University of Florida and Florida State University aren't just rivals on the football field, they're also rival party schools. According to the Princeton Review's 2020 rankings of the top party schools in the country, UF is #16 and FSU is #18.

How do you make the dean's list at FSU?

How do I make the Dean's/President's list? If you are registered for at least 12 hours and earn a 3.5 GPA, you are eligible for the Dean's list. If you are registered for at least 12 hours and earn a 4.0 GPA, you are eligible for the President's list.

What is a C+ at FSU?

Grading SystemDefinitionGradeQuality Points Per Credit HourAverageC+2.33 (Law only)C+2.25C2.00C–1.7526 more rows

What is FSU acceptance rate?

32.5% (2020)Florida State University / Acceptance rateFlorida State University admissions is more selective with an acceptance rate of 32%. Half the applicants admitted to Florida State University have an SAT score between 1220 and 1350 or an ACT score of 27 and 31.

Does dropping a class affect your GPA FSU?

If you withdraw from FSU after the 7th week of the semester, you will receive grades in your courses. Grades of W (withdrew passing) or F (withdrew failing) will be assigned by your instructors depending on the quality of your work up to the time of your withdrawal. A "W" grade does not affect your FSU GPA.

Does dropping a class affect your GPA?

Dropping. While not as ideal as taking and passing a course, dropping a course has the fewest negative repercussions of the options included here. “A drop from the course is usually done early in the semester and has no impact on the student's grade, GPA or transcript,” Croskey says.

When placing items on electronic reserve, what act does Florida State University follow?

When placing items on electronic reserve, Florida State University Libraries follow the United States Copyright Act of 1976. Specifically, the Copyright Act addresses four factors in Section 107 which determine Fair Use of copyrighted materials.

What are the materials on FSU reserve?

Materials placed on reserve in the libraries may include books, videos/DVDs, and physical objects and may be items from the Libraries’ collection or personal copies belonging to the instructor. Online materials such as e-books, links to articles, streaming videos, and scanned physical items may also be placed on electronic reserve through Canvas. Any items placed on electronic reserve must meet FSU Libraries’ Policies & Practices, which follow the conditions of copyright law.

What is Florida State University?

Florida State University preserves, expands and disseminates knowledge in the sciences, technology, arts, humanities, and professions, while embracing a philosophy of learning strongly rooted in the traditions of the liberal arts.” (Excerpt from mission, Florida State University Strategic Plan, 2017-2022 .) In accordance with the University’s mission, faculty members have been selected for their commitment to excellence in teaching, their ability in research and creative activity, and their interest in public service. The assignment of responsibilities and evaluation processes, the promotion and/or tenure process, opportunities for sabbatical and professional development leave, recognition of achievements, and membership on the graduate faculty help promote this commitment to excellence and facilitate the overall professional development of faculty.

When first employed, must each faculty member be apprised of what is expected of him or her?

When first employed, each faculty member must be apprised of what is expected of him or her, generally, in terms of teaching, research and other creative activities and service in relation to the standards within their specific academic department. If and when these expectations change during the period of service of a faculty member, that faculty member must be apprised of the change.

How long can a faculty member stay in service?

The FSU Constitution ( Florida State University Regulation 1.004 (6) (b)7.a) provides that a faculty member employed in a tenure-earning position may not remain in service as a nonpermanent member of the faculty for more than seven years, regardless of rank or unit. Untenured faculty members employed in tenure-earning positions for two or more years are entitled to a one-year notice of non-reappointment. (Those in tenure-earning positions for fewer than two years are entitled to a one-semester notice of non-reappointment.) All such faculty members who are not awarded tenure by their sixth year should be issued notice of non-renewal effective at the end of the spring semester of their seventh year. If a faculty member is awarded tenure during the seventh year, the non-renewal notice is void. Non-renewal may also occur as a result of a tenure-earning faculty member’s annual review of progress toward promotion and tenure. Non-renewal notice templates are posted on the “Administrative Tools for Deans” Blackboard organization site. Copies of all non-renewal notices must be sent to the Office of Faculty Development and Advancement and the Office of Human Resources.

What is the role of faculty in society?

The faculty member must fulfill his/her responsibility to society and to his/her profession by manifesting academic competence and scholarly discretion. They are members of a learned profession and an academic officer of a university and should be mindful that these roles may be inseparable in the public view.

How long does it take to appeal a decision of the Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement?

Such a request for review shall be made in writing within 15 days after the Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement’s decision.

What is academic freedom?

Academic freedom and responsibility are essential to the full development of a university’s faculty and apply to teaching, research and creative activity, and assigned service.

How many hours does Florida have to teach?

The Twelve-Hour Law (Florida Statutes 1012.945) requires that each full-time equivalent faculty member who is funded by state funds teach a minimum of 12 classroom contact hours per week or perform complete equivalent assignments each term (see Teaching Load in Teaching and Student/Faculty Interactions Section 7). University compliance with the Twelve-Hour Law is monitored using the Faculty Assignments, Commitments, & Effort Certification Tracking (FACET) system.

When did Florida State University switch to canvas?

Florida State University transitioned to Canvas in Spring of 2018. The Office of Distance Learning has provided material on this topic to help instructors get up to speed. Visit the Canvas Transition Center or the Canvas Community Video Library to start.

Where is the E reserve link in FSU?

The “E-Reserves” link at the bottom of the left-hand sidebar on the course site provides access to the reserve items.

How to enter the same grade for subset of students?

Enter the Same Grade for a Subset of Students. 1. To enter the same grade for a subset of students, select the check box adjacent to only those students for whom the same grade applies. 2. In the grade drop-down box, choose the grade to assign to these students.

How to see grades for students who have not yet been assigned?

1. To see only those students for whom you have not yet assigned a grade, in the Display Options box select the Display NG Grades Only check box. The roster page returns a list of student for whom grades have not yet been assigned.

How to view 100 students at a time?

NOTE: To view 100 students at a time, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the View 100 link. To move a page forward or a page back, click the forward or back arrows accordingly. IMPORTANT! Always click Save before moving to the next page of the grade roster!

What happens when grades are approved?

When grades are Approved and the Save button is clicked, an email is generated to every person assigned as an instructor with grading authority in the Curriculum Management module. The grade-submission deadline policy has not changed.

Can you upload grades to a roster?

NOTE: You cannot upload grades to the roster. That is, you can't download the excel file, input the grades, and then upload it to the roster. If you choose to download the roster, the resulting file is an offline, "working" file.

Do you need to submit a last date of attendance for Title IV funding?

NOTE : Federal financial aid rules require that we submit a last date of attendance only for those students who receive Title IV funding, and who receive a grade of I/U/F. If you are not assigning one of these grades for the student, you do not need to complete the Attended Date calendar field for that student.

Is Final Grade roster type?

NOTE: Currently, Final Grade is the only configured roster-type.


Library-licensed material expands the amount of materials available for higher-level coursework and complements other OER materials. Many faculty at FSU have opted to adopt e-books, journal articles, videos, images, and other digital resources from our collection.


There are a number of important factors to consider when attempting to avoid copyright infringement while using copyrighted materials in the classroom.

Open Educational Resources (OER)

Open educational resources (OER) are freely-accessible, openly licensed textbooks, media, and other digital assets that are useful for teaching and learning. OER can be reused, customized, and widely shared by others. Our top suggestions for open textbooks include Openstax, Open Textbook Library, OER Commons, and BC Campus OpenEd .

Accessibility & Course Materials

FSU Libraries strives to provide equal access to resources and services through provision of reasonable accommodations for students, staff, and faculty with disabilities. To find out more about our accessibility services, please see:

What is SPCI in FSU?

FSU uses the Student Perception of Courses and Instructors (SPCI) survey instrument to evaluate courses and instructors. If they opt to complete the evaluations, students rate the course and the instructor on a number of predefined scales and provide additional feedback in free-response questions.

What is course evaluation timeline?

Though dates vary from semester to semester, the course evaluation timeline includes predetermined windows for making sure courses are current in the registrar’s master course schedule and custom questions are added (if desired). We notify instructors and departments by email as deadlines approach.

Does the public portal have free response?

Public access to course evaluations is available via the public reporting portal.* The public portal provides quantitative summary reports of all evaluated courses but does not include responses for the free-response section. Free-response comments are viewable only by the instructor via a unique login (see How to View Survey Results for more information).

Does FSU have access to student data?

FSU contracts with an outside vendor, EvaluationKIT, to manage and store evaluation data. Instructors do not have access to which students responded. FSU technology administrators do not have access to a student’s identifying data on any evaluation.

What is a 3-3 faculty?

Many faculty teaching at small private universities or regional comprehensive universities hold a 3-3 load. As a result, the expectations for research are typically pretty minimal. For example, while some evidence of research might be expected for earning tenure, the primary criteria for tenure is teaching competence and excellence. However, unlike someone teaching a 4-4, faculty teaching a 3-3 are expected and often have quite high service expectations (advising, committees, and other important activities to support the work of the institution).

What is the highest teaching load?

4-4. This is typically the highest teaching load you will find at a college or university. While many community college instructors will teach a higher 5-5 load, a 4-4 is the highest you tend to find in a four-year institution. A 4-4 load indicates an exclusively teaching assignment and would be most common for instructors, lecturers, ...

How many classes does a research professor teach?

Faculty teaching at research universities most commonly teach a 2-2 load . These courses might be graduate or undergraduate (they are differentiated in terms of load). In addition to teaching two classes per semester, research faculty are expected to participate in university service as well as exhibit high levels of research activity.

What is a 4-4 assignment?

A 4-4 load indicates an exclusively teaching assignment and would be most common for instructors, lecturers, and other non-tenure earning positions. There would be little to no expectation for research or service for anyone teaching a 4-4.

What does a 2-0 mean in college?

So, for example, this year I taught a 2-0. This means I taught two courses in the fall and none in the spring.

Is summer teaching considered above and beyond?

Any teaching in the summer or in special terms (such as a shortened May term) are considered above and beyond (and compensated separately). Now that you have the lingo down, let’s take a look at the standard loads that faculty teach.

How many units are in a full load?

A full load is calculated at eight units which are generally distributed as one unit credits although credit of .5 units may be considered for certain assignments.

What is the expectation of a research load assignment?

The general expectation is that a minimum of one unit is assigned to research. With this load assignment comes the expectation for evidence of scholarly productivity.

What is load credit?

Load credit may be earned for assignments that bridge two or more areas of research, teaching, and/or service (e.g. Professional Development School assignments). With these assignments comes an expectation for evidence of scholarship. These load assignments must be pre-approved at the department level.

What is the minimum teaching load?

The minimal teaching load is one unit, that is, at least one course a year.

Can instructional load be assigned to summer school?

In this way, part of the instructional load can be assigned to summer school.

Can you earn advising credit for one unit?

Load credit of one unit may be earned for advising. Advising credit can only be earned for students currently enrolled in course work or actively preparing thesis or dissertation. Each department will submit the criteria that will be used to assign one unit of advising load credit (to be added to this document). These criteria need to address quantity as well as quality of advising.

Do you get load credit for a committee?

Although faculty participation on committees within the university is expected as part of one’s citizenship in the academic community, load credit may be obtained for roles and responsibilities at the department, college, university, state and national level that involve a significant commitment of time across the academic year. Credit for these assignments should be decided in advance at the department level. Departments should distribute committee assignments among faculty so that these responsibilities are shared broadly over time.


Academic Freedom

Assignment of Responsibilities


Non-Renewal of Contract

Promotion and/or Tenure

Promotion of Specialized Faculty


Professional Development Leave

  • Policy
    Professional development leave is made available to increase a specialized faculty member’s value to the University through enhanced opportunities for professional development, research, writing or other forms of creative activity. The purpose of the professional development leave pr…
  • Types of Professional Development Leave
    Eligible faculty members may apply for a professional development leave for one semester (or equivalent) at full-pay or two semesters at one-half pay. Leave at full-pay may be requested for up to one semester, taken for a shorter length of time or for equivalent intermittent periods.
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Faculty Awards

Faculty Professional Development Opportunities