how to enroll in an elearning course state of alaska

by Queenie Kirlin 3 min read

In order to receive a CEU through the Alaska Department of Education & Early Development's eLearning program, please complete the following:
  1. Login in to your eLearning account. ...
  2. Update your eLearning profile with your current certification information. ...
  3. Complete the required courses.


In order to receive a CEU through the Alaska Department of Education & Early Development’s eLearning program, please complete the following:

Contact Information

For questions regarding eLearning courses and CEUs, please contact the eLearning team or (907) 465-2304.

Does UAA offer distance classes?

UAA offers distance classes with a variety of delivery methods including Blackboard and Collaborate. To view or register for distance classes, go to the UAOnline class search and choose "eLearning Courses Only" under the Type of Course Delivery menu.

Can you get credit for auditing a course?

No credit is received for audited courses. Audit registrations are on a space-available basis. Auditors may be dropped from a class to make room for credit-seeking students. Requirements for auditing the course are determined by faculty. Faculty may withdraw auditors if they fail to comply with the agreed-upon terms.

What does "closed" mean in a class?

When a class reaches its maximum enrollment, it is listed as "closed.". Many courses offer a waitlist option; students may sign up to wait for a seat in the class if a space becomes available. Please be aware that not all courses offer waitlisting.

Priority Registration

For fall and spring semesters, UAA follows a staggered priority registration schedule based on student class standing. Class standing is determined by total completed and in-progress UAA credits. In-progress credit is credit for which a student is enrolled during the current semester.

Online Registration

All online registration is completed through UAOnline. The UAOnline site is used to access student records, registration activity and other account information. New users of university online resources can claim their credentials at All current and former students of the University of Alaska system have a UAOnline account.

How to contact eLearning Alaska?

to 4 p.m. Monday-Friday, except on state recognized holidays. Contact us at [email protected] or (907) 465- 2981 or 465-2304.

What time does eLearning support work in Alaska?

eLearning support staff is available from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Friday, except on state recognized holidays. Contact us at [email protected] or (907) 465- 2981 or 465-2304. If it has been at least two years since your last course completion, please contact eLearning support to reactivate your account.

What is DEED eClassroom?

DEED has a new eLearning portal with courses designed just for students, called the eClassroom! The courses are not to be accessed by students, but delivered to students using accompanying instructions for teachers.

Why is driver education important in Alaska?

Because Alaska is a large state and many locations are spaced far apart, it is essential for you to be a safe and well-prepared driver . Driver ed school should prepare you for the reality of what you will encounter on the road. By teaching you road rules, reviewing various traffic signs and giving you experience behind the wheel, these courses can help make you a better driver.

How old do you have to be to get a driver's license in Alaska?

In Alaska, you can apply for an instruction permit if you are 14 to 16 years of age. If you are 16 to 18, you may apply for a provisional license. There are other state requirements in order to qualify for a learner’s permit and for a driver’s license. In any case, drivers ed classes in Alaska are not required. However, they can be instrumental in providing a foundation of knowledge to help you through the process.

What is the difference between traffic school and driver education?

However, there are fundamental differences between the two. Driver’s education, for instance, is for new and first-time drivers who need to learn the basics of vehicle operation, road safety, DUI laws, etc. Traffic school is for drivers who already possess their license and are looking to refresh their knowledge of defensive driving and road rules.



  • Students who audit courses are required to meet the course prerequisites/restrictions, register by the deadlines, and pay the same tuition as those who take the course for credit. No credit is received for audited courses. Audit registrations are on a space-available basis. Auditors may be dropped from a class to make room for credit-seeking studen...
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  • When a class is full, it is listed as "closed." Some courses offer a waitlist option. Students may add themselves to a waitlist through the first week of classes in UAOnline. Being on the waitlist does not guarantee a seat in the class. If a seat becomes available in the class the first student in line will receive an e-mail in their preferred e-mail account and will have a period of time to register f…
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Maximum Credits Enrolled

  • Undergraduate students may register for a maximum of 19 credits during the fall and spring semesters, and a maximum of 15 credits during the summer session. Graduate students may register for a maximum of 16 credits during the fall and spring semesters, and a maximum or 12 credits during the summer session. See more information about course load in the UAA Catalog.
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Special Course Types

  1. Online Classes UAA offers distance classes with a variety of delivery methods including Blackboard and Collaborate. To view or register for distance classes, go to theUAOnline class searchand choos...
  2. Directed/Independent Study Courses Directed study courses are permanent catalog courses delivered on an individual basis when the course is not offered during a semester. Directed st…
  1. Online Classes UAA offers distance classes with a variety of delivery methods including Blackboard and Collaborate. To view or register for distance classes, go to theUAOnline class searchand choos...
  2. Directed/Independent Study Courses Directed study courses are permanent catalog courses delivered on an individual basis when the course is not offered during a semester. Directed study courses mus...
  3. JBER ClassesClasses on Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson (JBER) require special access. Attending classes offered at these locations is a privilege extended by JBER to UAA students. Students are remi...
  4. Variable Credit CoursesIf registered online for a course that has variable credit, select "Chang…

Partial Term Courses

  • SearchUAOnline class schedulefor partial term courses by clicking "Advanced Search", finding the "Part of Term" filter and selecting "UAA Main Campus Partial Term." For classes that have irregular start or end dates, students may add the class up to five business days after the published class start date. After the semester add/drop deadline, dropping or withdrawing from classes with irre…
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