how to enroll epermit course

by Ferne Batz 8 min read

Select Course (Request ePermit Column). Click "ePermit Form" (the form will appear). Select Permit type, add comments if necessary, verify, and submit.

Instructions on how to apply for an e-permit:
  1. Sign in to your CUNYFirst account from your home school website.
  2. Click on the Student Center icon on the left side of the screen.
  3. Select from the “other academic” pull down menus: ...
  4. Select the appropriate term, “Add ePermit”, and click continue.

Full Answer

What is epermit and how do I get It?

The system is set to allow requests to take courses on permit for a specific semester. If more than one semester appears, e.g. summer and fall, select the semester or term for which you wish to enroll for the permit course. Permit course: Each permit request is for a …

Does an epermit automatically register a student for a course?

To gain access to the ePermit system, log into your CUNYfirst account. Select: Student Center > Other Academic > ePermit > Go. Navigate to Records and Enrollment > Enroll Students > Enrollment Requests, then select the term (semester or session) and home college for which you wish to create an ePermit request.

How do I add an epermit to my Student Center?

Jan 20, 2020 · Sign in to your CUNYFirst account from your home school website. Click on the Student Center icon on the left side of the screen. Select from the “other academic” pull down menus: ePermit. Select the appropriate term, “Add ePermit”, and click continue. Select General Elective for the Permit Type. Select the following.

Can I take courses at another college with a CUNY epermit?

Wait for your Baruch Enrollment start date & time, and both Home and Host colleges to open up its own ePermit portals. Make sure there are no issues or holds in your account. Fill out the ePermit form (s) correctly and completely. E-permits that are successfully submitted wait in queue for the home college’s review and decision.

How do I add ePermit to Hunter College?

Navigate to Records and Enrollment > Enroll Students > Enrollment Requests, then select the term (semester or session) and home college for which you wish to create an ePermit request. Select the option to “Add ePermit with Equivalent Courses.”

How do I get an ePermit Baruch?

Log in to CUNYfirst. Navigate to Student Self Service → Student Center. button beside it to proceed. Baruch College Undergraduate Degree students, select Add ePermit with Equivalent Courses and the correct Term (desired term @ Baruch College).

How do I apply for ePermit QCC?

Student e-Permit InstructionsLog into CUNYfirst.Navigate to the Student Center.Select the ePermit option on the drop-down menu (default setting reads "Other Academic..."). ... Select the term and ePermit option. ... Use this page to find the course you wish to take.More items...

How does CUNY ePermit work?

ePermit facilitates the process of CUNY students obtaining permission to register for courses offered at other CUNY colleges. Prior to taking courses at another institution a student should inquire at the Host College for registration dates and procedures governing visiting CUNY students on ePermit.

How do I add ePermit to CUNY?

Instructions on how to apply for an e-permit:Sign in to your CUNYFirst account from your home school website.Click on the Student Center icon on the left side of the screen.Select from the “other academic” pull down menus: ... Select the appropriate term, “Add ePermit”, and click continue.More items...

How many classes can you take per semester at Baruch?

Students are expected to take between 12-17 credits/units per semester to maintain progress towards degree. (We recommend students take 15 credits/units per semester to remain on track to graduate within four years.) After the first year, students may take up to 18 credits/units.

Can you go to two colleges at the same time and get financial aid?

Note: Generally, you are not eligible to receive federal student aid from two different schools when you are attending two different schools at the same time.

How do I get my QCC transcripts?

Transcript request forms are available in Room A-104 the Registrar's Office. You may also Download the PDF form opens in a new window. If a payment is required it must be made to the Bursar (A-118). Please allow 5 to 7 business days for your transcript request to be processed.

How do I register for BMCC?

Registration Information To register, please text Paul Shively at (212) 776-2422 or email at [email protected] to set up an appointment online. You can also speak to an international student adviser in the Admissions Office.

How long does it take for an ePermit to be approved CUNY?

NOTE: ePermit cancellations take 1-3 business days to process completely.

Can you be enrolled in two different colleges at once Philippines?

The answer is yes, it is possible to be enrolled in two community colleges at the same time.

What is CUNY Baccalaureate Program?

The CUNY Baccalaureate for Unique and Interdisciplinary Studies (CUNY BA), established in 1971, is a small, university-wide alternate program intended for self-directed, academically strong students who have clear and well-formulated academic and career goals.


If you wish to take a class at another CUNY college, the process is paperless and known as an “ePermit.” Taking a class at a non-CUNY college or university while attending Hunter College is known as taking a class “on permit.”

How to Determine Course Equivalency

For CUNY colleges, course equivalencies populate the application after choosing “Add ePermit with Equivalent Course” on the ePermit application via CUNYfirst.

What is a CUNY ePermit?

CUNY ePermit allows students to request permission from their home college to take some classes at other CUNY host colleges only. E-Permit can be found as an online form in CUNYfirst. Some Baruch students may apply for their ePermit via their Student Center.

What is a home college?

Home College – The college in which students are matriculated (pursuing a degree).# N#Host College – The college in which students would take classes in order to transfer the credits back to the home college.
