how to drop a course while being on a waitlist in college

by Whitney White 6 min read

Call the department head or email the professor of the class you want before the quarter/semester even starts. This can be during your registration period or any time before the first week of class. If possible, leave your name and email with the person you contacted so they remember you when it comes times to take people off the waitlist.

Full Answer

How to get off a college waitlist?

How to Get Admitted Off a College Waitlist: 6 Steps for Success 1. Accept a spot on the waitlist: Wait-listed applicants can typically either accept or reject a waitlist offer, usually... 2. Re-express interest in the school: Experts say wait-listed should contact the admissions office, perhaps via ...

What should I do if I'm waitlisted for two classes?

This semester, I was waitlisted for two classes. Most people in this situation, especially first years, freak out because they don't know what to do. Here is what you should do when this happens. 1. Don't freak out.

When do professors add students to the waitlist?

Most professors wait until week two to add students because they gauge how many people to admit from the waitlist based on a number of factors. If you’re still determined to get into the class, continue crashing for the second week—check in with the professor again and see if you can get off the waitlist. 5. Have a backup class

How do I accept a waitlist offer?

Inform the school where you submitted a deposit. Wait-listed applicants can typically either accept or reject a waitlist offer, usually via postcard or online. Those considering accepting – which is required for further consideration – should ensure the school is truly a top choice, experts say.

How do you get taken off the waitlist for a class?

Approach the professor At the end of the class you crash, stick around and talk to the professor. Whether they mentioned the waitlist or not, introducing yourself and explaining your situation will help them put a face to your name when deciding who to add and drop from the waitlist.

Can you take yourself off a college waitlist?

Applicants who are admitted off of a waitlist are not required to accept. But applicants who do accept should notify the school where they submitted a deposit to alert officials they won't be attending, according to experts. Note that most deposits are nonrefundable.

Is it hard to get off a college waitlist?

While many colleges will waitlist hundreds or even thousands of students, not all of those students will accept a spot on the waitlist, making the pool, and the chances of getting in, slightly better in some cases. According to NACAC, 20% of all students who chose to remain on waitlists were ultimately admitted.

What do you do if you are on a waitlist for college?

Here's what you can do to boost your chances of being accepted.Get a sense of your chances of admission. ... Write a letter to the admission office. ... Study hard. ... Stay involved. ... Request another (or a first) interview. ... Realize that you've already achieved something. ... Reconsider the colleges that accepted you.

Are Waitlists binding?

WAITLISTS AREN'T BINDING: You can accept spots on as many waitlists as you like. You can stick with the school where you've deposited or choose to attend your waitlisted school, but more than likely you'll lose your deposit at the college where you've accepted a spot — and you should accept a spot somewhere.

Can you get off the waitlist before May 1?

Generally, they have until May 1 to select a school that has accepted them and submit a deposit, signaling their decision to attend. Waitlisted applicants have neither been outright rejected by a college nor have they been extended a formal offer of admission.

How long can you stay on a college waitlist?

The college waitlist is a list of applicants who might or might not be offered admission to a particular college. Schools usually start to admit applicants off the waitlist after May 1 and will continue to admit applicants until they've filled their entire freshman class.

How long does it take to get off the waitlist?

When do waitlist decisions come out? Waitlisted applicants usually hear back sometime after the May 1st deadline for high school seniors to submit their deposit and confirm their attendance at the college. It's not uncommon, however, for decisions on waitlisted applicants to stretch on into the summer.

Is it better to be deferred or waitlisted?

According to U.S. News, the 91 ranked colleges that reported data on waitlisted students accepted anywhere from zero to 100 percent of those on the waitlist. The average, however, was about 1 in 5, or 20 percent. In general, you can assume that your odds are better if you've been deferred rather than waitlisted.

Can you back out of college acceptance?

If the deposit is non-refundable, you may not get it back unless you have a serious reason for declining admission. Regardless of whether you receive the answer you want, in the end politely thank the admissions staff for their help.

Is it good to be waitlisted?

If you are placed on a waitlist, you can usually find out if the school has gone to their waitlist in the past and if so, how many students they admitted from the waitlist. In some cases, your chances of eventually getting in are very good; at other colleges, waitlisted applicants are almost never admitted.

How likely is it to get accepted after being waitlisted?

According to a 2019 National Association for College Admissions Counseling report, 43% of colleges use waitlists. Half of the students offered a spot on a waitlist accepted it, and colleges on average admitted 20% of students off the waitlist. At the most selective institutions, that figure was 7%.

What does it mean to attend the first class?

The first class isn't the most important class in terms of what will be taught. However, attending the first class means you are serious about taking the course and aren't going to give up on it.

Can you drop classes as you please?

They registered for more classes than they want to take and are "shopping.". For the first couple of weeks, you can drop or add classes as you please, which means that classes that were once full will have spaces.

Is course registration a hassle?

Wikimedia Commons. Course registration at college can be a big hassle and is almost never talked about. Classes you want to take fill up before you get a chance to register. You might change your mind about a class you want to take and must struggle to find another class to fit in the same time period. You also have to make sure no classes clash by ...

What to do when you are on a waitlist?

1. Talk to someone. Call the department head or email the professor for the class you want before the quarter/semester even starts.

Why do professors wait until week 2 to add students?

Most professors wait until week two to add students because they gauge how many people to admit from the waitlist based on a number of factors. If you’re still determined to get into the class, continue crashing for the second week—check in with the professor again and see if you can’t get off the waitlist. 5.

What does it mean to be on a waitlist for college?

Getting on a college waitlist means that an applicant has all the necessary qualifications, but that the admissions office could not offer them acceptance at the time. Getting on a waitlist does not mean you should give up hope. Waitlisted students still have a chance at earning admission into the school.

When do colleges send out waitlist letters?

Universities send out acceptance or rejection letters to waitlisted students after May 1.

What is early decision admission?

Early decision admission offers some benefits. Students enter a smaller applicant pool and acceptance decisions come back earlier. However, colleges usually take the strongest candidates from the early decision pool and hedge their bets about average or borderline candidates until they can see what the rest of the applicant pool looks like. Students who fall into this second category receive deferral letters.

What to write after accepting a waitlist offer?

After accepting a waitlist offer, students should write a letter to the admissions office to indicate their commitment to the school. If applicable, applicants should mention things like better ACT or SAT scores and recent awards.

Why do I get a deferral letter?

Receiving a deferral letter gives applicants time to reevaluate their priorities and improve their college application for regular admission. Even though receiving a deferral can feel painful, students should stay focused on their goals. Most importantly, students should remember to have patience and not lose hope.

How many colleges use waitlists?

About 48% of private colleges use a waitlist, compared to only 34% of public schools.

What does it mean when a college defers an application?

Colleges defer an application when they do not want to make a decision right away. If students receive a deferral letter, it means the university will review their application again at a later date and make the decision to accept, decline, or waitlist then.

What to do after being deferred from school?

In fact, here are nine things you can do after being waitlisted or deferred by a school: Accept your waitlisted offer. First things first, be sure to accept your wait listed status. When a school informs you that you have been waitlisted, they are essentially offering you a spot on the waitlist. Therefore, to be added to ...

How to express interest in a college?

Additionally, you can express your interest by reaching out to the admissions officer overseeing your application. Go to the college’s website to find out who your admissions officer is and how you can contact them.

How much does it cost to make an enrollment deposit?

Enrollment deposits can cost anywhere from $50 to $500 and are usually non-refundable. So, keep that in consideration as you evaluate your other college options. Ultimately, you should make an enrollment deposit when you are confident that you have found the next best alternative.

What does it mean when your application is deferred?

As for deferred students, remember that being deferred means that your application is still being considered.

Can you be accepted if you apply early?

Therefore, you could still be accepted, reje cted, or waitlisted. As far as deferral statistics go, it really depends on the school.

Can you get an offer letter if you are deferred?

When waitlisted or deferred, take time to evaluate your other colleges. Yes, while it may not be a rejection, there is still no guarantee that you will ultimately receive an offer letter.

What does it mean when colleges tap their waitlist?

Essentially, that means colleges aiming for specific enrollment targets may tap their waitlist at a greater rate, whether that's elite schools or slightly less selective colleges that turn to the next candidate when another prospective student turns down their admissions offer. [.

When do universities offer waitlist spots?

Universities usually offer applicants waitlist spots during the regular decision round of admission. Wait-listed applicants generally won't hear back about a decision on their admission until after the national May 1 deadline for high school seniors to submit their deposit and secure their spot at a college.

How to get more details about waitlists?

To get more details about college waitlists, prospective students can reach out to admissions offices and request information such as the size of the pool or related figures, but colleges often provided limited details that leave applicants with little to work with , experts say.

What does it mean to be put on a waitlist?

Being put on the waitlist means a student is a competitive candidate, but colleges are trying to admit well-rounded classes and predict who will ultimately enroll, which may mean prioritizing students based on major choices or a desirable quality they bring to the school .

When do you have to deposit to enroll in another university?

1 choice, it's wise to submit a deposit – generally a few hundred dollars – to enroll at another university before the traditional May 1 deadline , admissions pros say.
