how to download themis videos and course

by Adolfo Senger 9 min read

Themis Bar Review
Corresponding chapters can be found by clicking on the specific subject. You can download all of a subject's lectures by clicking on 'Download all' at the top-right of your screen. For single chapter downloads, click the download icon (on the right displaying a downward arrow) on the chapter line.
Jan 18, 2019

Why study online with @Themis?

Themis’s online learning platform provides you with the resources you need to study effectively, ensuring you complete as much coursework as possible. Get the support you need.

What do I get with Themis?

With Themis, you get everything you need to pass the bar exam: no tricks, no hidden fees. Do you include hardcopy materials? Yes. You will receive hard copies of the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE) and state outlines, the MBE Practice and Simulated exams, and Performance Test (PT) questions and answers (if tested in your jurisdiction).

How are Themis’s lectures structured?

Based on the most current research on memory retention and comprehension, Themis’s lectures are segmented into 15-20 minute chapters specifically to optimize the amount of information you retain. Study with forward-thinking learning tools.

How much can I deposit with Themis?

We’ll credit your Themis tuition for the amount of your deposit up to $250. Please send proof of your deposit made to [email protected] . Do you have any mobile options? Yes! With Themis, you can study anytime, anywhere.

Is there a Themis app?

Now, Themis has revolutionized its mobile app, completely rebuilding it to offer students: - Added support for Flashcards—select courses have Themis generated flashcards. Want custom flash cards, please leave a review and let us know! - Added support for outlines—no more eReaders, take them with you wherever you go!

When should I start studying for the bar Themis?

Depending on your jurisdiction, the recommended Directed Study schedule begins 8-10 weeks before the date of the bar exam. For those who want to start early, course access generally begins in early March for the July exam, and in early November for the February exam.

How long are Themis lectures?

15- to 20-minuteThemis breaks down the subject lectures into 15- to 20-minute “Chapters.” So, if you find it difficult to focus on a lecture for four hours at a time, for example, you can choose to listen in shorter chunks, altering your bar prep. study time to what works best for you.

Is Themis or Barbri better?

Bottom Line. Whether Themis or BARBRI is best for you depends on your individual situation and study style. BARBRI may be best for students who: Want a robust offering of materials.

Do I have to return my Themis books?

Course materials must be returned at your expense and received by Themis Bar Review before any refund due will be processed.

How many hours should you study for the bar a day?

If you treat studying like a job, then you should be studying about 8 to 10 hours per day. However, if you are working full or part-time, then you should study a few hours each day and then full-time on weekends.

How much of Themis should I complete?

We are transparent about our process, and transparent in releasing all of our pass rate data, even if it is not wholly in our favor. Results speak for themselves: once a student completes 75% or more of the Themis course, that student's chances of passing the bar exam increase significantly.

How do you get a discount on Themis?

ABA Premium Members Only! The Themis ABA Premium Member Tuition has your $100 exclusive ABA Premium Membership savings built in plus an early enrollment discount of $600. Please email [email protected] or call (888) 843-6476 and ask for your ABA Premium Member Discount today!

Does Themis use real NCBE questions?

Practice with real questions: Customizable Exams—Create unlimited online practice tests. Licensed Questions—Over 2,200 MBE practice questions with more than 1,575 released by NCBE.

Is Themis bar prep harder than the bar?

Re: Does Themis Grade harder than bar examiners? In my experience, yes! I did all of the graded essays, gave them a good amount of effort, and didn't do great. I think I was typically around 50-60th percentile on my practice test percentiles, except on the MPT practice where I was a bit higher.

Which bar prep company is best?

Best Bar Review Courses SummaryBest Overall Bar Review Course: BarMax.Best Value Bar Review Course: Quimbee.Most Bar Study Material: Kaplan.The Conservative Pick: Barbri.Best Supplemental Bar Course: Bar Prep Hero.Best Bar Exam Outlines: Smart Bar Prep.Best For Efficient Bar Study: AdaptiBar.

Is Themis Bar Review good?

Themis prides itself on its high pass rates, suggesting that this course gets results. Themis Bar Review provides a great overview of a wide range of topics without overloading students with excessive material.

How long are Themis lectures?

Based on the most current research on memory retention and comprehension, Themis’s lectures are segmented into 15-20 minute chapters specifically to optimize the amount of information you retain.

What is the Themis bar review?

Themis Bar Review is the only national bar review provider that publishes its pass rates in every jurisdiction. Themis is the only national bar review course that publishes its pass rates – in every single state where Themis offers a bar review course.
