To access your online Bookshelf and books (desktop view) via your iPhone or iPad, go to and log in using the credentials you established in Step 1, above. 7. When you access the downloaded version of Bookshelf, you will be prompted in several ways to download assets (eBooks) that are on that Book shelf.
While on the Course Content tab, click the Digital Textbook link under the “Knowledge Acquisition” banner while viewing resources by Resource Type. Once you download a CoursePoint textbook, it is yours for life – even after access to your CoursePoint product ends. But you have to download it to keep it. Here’s how:
Vitalsource Media Enhanced eTextbooks: The Book is Just the Beginning… With our VitalSource Media Enhanced eBooks, your students aren't simply getting a digital version of the printed book. They get instant access to integrated video and other media right at the point in …
Lipppincott CoursePoint or CoursePoint+ provides three primary ways to access your eBook: 1. While on the Course Content tab, click the eBook link under the “Knowledge Acquisition” banner while viewing resources by Resource Type or click on the VitalSource Bookshelf link to view your full library of ebooks.
Simply return to thePoint whenever you need learning support, and log in. Look for the My Content tab in the top right of the page. This is where you'll see all of your materials in one location and will be able to: Access the E-Book or any of the Student Resources for each title you've purchased.
Download & read books on your deviceMake sure your Android phone or tablet is connected to Wi-Fi.Open the Google Play Books app .Tap the book you want to download. You can also tap More. Download to save the book for offline reading. Once the book is saved to your device, a Downloaded icon will appear .
To install Bookshelf:Go to, download, and install Bookshelf for your computer or mobile device.Sign in with your VitalSource email address and password.Once signed in, download any of your eBooks to your device for offline use.
Codes can be purchased on thePoint....Access codes will be accessible through:Books (located inside the front or back cover)Product Boxes.Cards inside CD and DVD cases.Purchased access cards.Email or your order confirmation upon completion of purchase.
Tap [Bookshelf] and then tap [Add Book]Check the eBook(s) you want to add then tap [Add] on the bottom of the screen.
List Of The Top Websites To Download Free PDF TextbooksOpen Textbook Library.Libre Gutenberg.Free Archive items...•Mar 3, 2022
Here are some free sites on the internet that provide downloadable ebooks.Free Ebooks.Net. This site has some free ebooks you can download or view on your computer. ... Project Gutenberg. ... Obooko. ... ... Scribd.Nov 11, 2021
Library Genesis. Library Genesis is a file-sharing site that provides academic journal articles, general interest books, images, comics, textbooks, and magazines. ... OpenStax. ... Open Textbook Library. ... ScholarWorks. ... PDF Search Engine. ... Bookboon. ... Textbooksfree. ... Free Kids books.Apr 9, 2020
Any EBook Converter Free is a free ebook converter that can batch convert a massive amount of ebooks in a short time to the format that suits your devices.Jan 7, 2022
Step 1: Download VitalSource Bookshelf desktop application and install it on your computer. Step 2: Click the Book cover and navigate to the first page of the book which you want to print. Step 3: Click on File at the menu and select Print from the drop-down list. Step 4: The print preview page will pop up.Nov 26, 2018
2:003:25Getting Started With Bookshelf - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipClick sharing to manage whose highlights you're following and who has access to yours. Use theMoreClick sharing to manage whose highlights you're following and who has access to yours. Use the powerful search feature within the text to find keywords figures notes highlights and bookmarks.
Our eBooks work with the full range of devices—from iPads TM and Nooks TM to laptops, Kindles TM , and more. Not sure which one is best? We’re happy to help you choose.
With the LWW Health Library, you are automatically receiving a library of content that contains multiple books. The semantic search functionality in Health Library is “smarter” and enables you to search for concepts and terms across your entire collection of books. + Certain titles do contain multimedia enhancements.
Lippincott® CoursePoint+ gives students the tools they need to be clinically competent nurses, bridging classroom learning to practice using virtual simulation and real-world, evidence-based content from the industry-trusted Lippincott® Advisor.
The Lippincott Implementation team will provide you with personalized support and training resources once you adopt our digital products. It’s our goal to ensure you are effectively prepared to utilize your digital products in class, simulation and clinical.
Wolters Kluwer is a global provider of professional information, software solutions, and services for clinicians, nurses, accountants, lawyers, and tax, finance, audit, risk, compliance, and regulatory sectors. Trusted clinical technology and evidence-based solutions that drive effective decision-making and outcomes across healthcare.
On the front line of engagement 1 Content and learning tools engage students of all learning styles. 2 Unparalleled reporting includes in-depth dashboards with key data points to track student progress and identify strengths and weaknesses. 3 The easy-to-use platform allows seamless navigation for both students and instructors. 4 A personalized approach to the content and tools students need—at the moment they need them—helps boost students’ confidence and competence. 5 Varying levels of case studies, virtual simulation and access to Lippincott® Advisor help students learn the critical thinking and clinical judgment skills they need to work under pressure as nurses. 6 Unmatched support—including digital implementation specialists, nursing education consultants and other product experts— help instructors get started and progress with ease.
VitalSource Bookshelf doesn’t have download function, we provide 2 apps to download Vitalsource ebook to pdf,
follow guide is for v1.x outdate.#N#1). First, download and install Vitalsource Downloader, run it and login account.
Vitalsource Converter is tools to convert bookshelf ebook to PDF file. it support epub and pdf format .vbk ebook in Bookshelf. .
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What you'll learn in this course 1 The importance of knowing why you're writing, and letting it show in your work 2 How to find your "raving fan," the one who you'll need to keep in mind every time you write a page 3 How to find your voice and use the right narrator for your story 4 How to envision your entire book, so you know always know where you're going 5 How to start the book, and how to know when to end it
Jennie Nash is a private book coach, whose clients regularly land top New York agents, national self-publishing awards, and book deals with houses such as Scribner, Simon & Schuster, and Random House. Jennie is the author of four novels and three memoirs. She is the founder and Chief Creative Officer of Author Accelerator, which offers weekly accountability and feedback from specially trained book coaches so you can finally finish your book. Reedsy Learning students can get $50 off their signature Blueprint for a Book course — just drop Jennie a line first!