how to do your basic drivers safety course

by Freeda Koss 4 min read

Who should take the basic driver improvement course?

The BDIC serves as a refresher of basic traffic safety principles. The course requires a minimum four hours of study before the first attempt to pass the final test. This refresher course can improve safety for all Michigan drivers. The Secretary of State will notify eligible drivers. Eligible drivers have 60 days to arrange for and successfully complete the BDIC.

What is required to complete a traffic safety course?

This four (4) hour basic driver improvement course is available online or in a classroom and offers Florida drivers from any county an alternative to points: Improve Driving Skills. Withhold court judgment. Keep points off of Florida driver license. Maintain “safe driver” status.

What is Florida traffic school basic driver improvement?

The Florida DHSMV requires drivers who have been in traffic collisions to complete the Traffic Collision Avoidance Course (TCAC) or the Basic Driver Improvement (BDI) course. To dismiss a ticket from your driving record, you might need to take the Florida BDI course. You do not have to drive to a driving school to complete the BDI course, you can complete the course from your …

Why do I need to take a driver’s license course?

A. Understand the road safety rationale for traffic laws and regulations to safely control traffic flow; B. Understand current road safety issues (such as distracted driving) and how traffic laws and regulations address these issues; Washington State Driver Training Required Curriculum Page 10 August, 2018.

How much is a BDI course in Florida?

Lowest Total Price, No Hidden Fees. Compare BelowFlorida Online Traffic SchoolLowest Price Traffic SchoolPrice:$18.95$5.94State Fees:X$19.95Other Fees:XXTotal:$18.95$25.89

How much is the 4 hour driving class Florida?

The total tuition for the Classroom 4 hour defensive driver course is $30.00. The tuition includes the course, classroom materials, all State of Florida fees, certificate processing and your certificate.

How do I submit my traffic school certificate in Florida?

Certificates can be submitted online via HOVER or by mail to Clerk of the Circuit Court - Traffic, PO Box 3360, Tampa FL 33601-3360.

How long is the Florida defensive driving course?

4 hourFlorida Basic Driver Improvement, also known as Traffic School or Defensive Driving, is a 4 hour course which motorists can take when issued a traffic citation, when required by the courts, or to get an insurance discount (at the discretion of the insurance company).

How many points can you have on your license Florida?

FL DHSMV Point System Overview If you receive 12 or more points within a 12-month period, your license will be suspended for 30 days. Drivers who accumulate 18 or more points within an 18 month period will have their licenses taken away for a period of 3 months.

Is Florida Online Traffic School legit?

Traffic School Online - Approved by the state of Florida for Advanced Driver Improvement courses. It is Better Business Bureau accredited with an A+ rating and has over 4,500 reviews on Trustpilot with a 4.5 out of 5 star rating.Feb 16, 2022

Who do I send my traffic school certificate Florida?

the Clerk of the CourtsYou can mail your certificate of completion to the Clerk of the Courts, PO BOX 19321, Miami, Florida 33101-9321.

What happens if you don't complete traffic school on time in Florida?

Failing To Complete Traffic School On Time. If you pay the court traffic school administrative fee but fail to complete traffic school on time, then you will lose the non-refundable fee. You'll also be subject to the driving record point and insurance rate increases.Jun 12, 2020

How do I submit a traffic school certificate in Orange County Florida?

You can email the certificate to the Orange County Clerk of Court using their contact form. Or you may mail it or deliver it in person to one of the court locations listed above. It is highly advisable you follow up with the Orange County Court to confirm receipt of your certificate, which you can do easily online.

Which defensive driving course is easiest?

#1: iDriveSafely iDriveSafely is my top recommended easiest online traffic school for 2022. They've been around since before online traffic school even existed.

How can I get points off my license in Florida?

The fastest and easiest way to reduce points is to take an online Basic Driver Improvement course. In Florida, you have the option to take this course once in a 12-month period, but no more than 5 times during your lifetime. All courses, whether in a classroom or online, take 4 hours.

How many times can you take the traffic school in Florida?

Drivers can choose to attend a driver improvement course once in any 12-month period and no more than five times in a lifetime.

How many points do you get for driving violations?

Points are assessed for moving violations where an adjudication of guilt is found, which can cause the loss or restriction of driving privileges. If too many points are accumulated during a certain period of time (12 points within 12 months, 18 points within 18 months or 24 points within 36 months), your license will be suspended.

How long do you have to hold a driver's license in Florida?

Drivers 15–17 Years of Age. Drivers with a Florida learner’s license must hold it for at least 12 months without receiving a traffic conviction before they can apply for a Florida Class E driver license. Drivers may avoid conviction by electing to complete a BDI course approved by the FLHSMV.

What are the requirements for BDI?

A BDI course is mandatory when cited for one of the following reasons: 1 Electing to attend BDI school instead of having points assessed from a citation; 2 Drivers who were cited for a crash in which they were found at fault and resulted in anyone being transported to the hospital; 3 Drivers with two crashes within a two-year period that resulted in property damage greater than $500; or 4 Drivers who were convicted of one of the following (in Florida or in another state while they held a Florida driver license):#N#Passing a school bus when it displayed a stopped signal;#N#Racing on a highway;#N#Highway racing – spectator;#N#Reckless driving; or#N#Running a red light.

Why is it important to have a driver's license?

Sure, when you have your driver’s license, it is great, because you can drive your friends all over the place. Just make sure that you are not too busy talking and having fun with your friends to pay attention to the road ahead of you . Don’t play the stereo too loud either.

How to get from point A to point B safely?

Leave your cell phone turned off until you can pull over somewhere, and have a safety kit in the trunk in case of emergency. You should always be prepared for anything, and make sure that you are paying attention to what you are doing, and you will always get from point A to point B safely.

What should be in a safety kit?

Your safety kit should include flashlights and batteries, road flares, jumper cables, a spare tire, a tire iron, other tools, kitty litter (for traction if you are stuck in the snow), a tin can and some candles (to melt snow and ice that can build up beneath your tires), oil, windshield washer fluid and coolant.

Do you need a map in your car?

Always Have Maps in Your Vehicle. You should make sure that if you are going to be driving out of town that you have road maps. It is also a good idea to make sure that you have a road map of your own city or town.

Can you use a cell phone while driving?

No Cell Phones While Driving. Don’t use your cell phone while driving. This is dangerous, and even if you think you are the best multi-tasker in the world, there is no way that you can keep your concentration on more than one thing at a time. You need to make sure that all of your concentration is saved for your driving.

Is it safe to drive a car?

When it comes to driving a vehicle, you can never be too safe, and if it means hearing the same tips over and over again, so be it. The more you hear the basic driving tips, the sooner they are going to become second nature to you, and you will end up being an excellent driver. If you are a new driver, there are all kinds ...

What is driver training?

Driver's Training. In some states, professional driver's training with a licensed driving instructor is included in the state's Driver's Ed curriculum. After the classroom component of the driver's education program, some courses provide sessions of in-car instruction, which often include both behind-the-wheel practice AND observation .

How to get a supervised driving license?

You'll find information about: 1 The prerequisites needed to begin supervised driving practice. 2 The minimum amount of professional driver's training required. 3 Keeping track of your behind-the-wheel practice with a licensed adult. 4 The minimum amount of supervised driving you'll need to complete. 5 The next steps towards your provisional license and full driver's license.

What is behind the wheel training?

Behind-the-wheel training with a licensed parent, legal guardian or qualified adult is often an additional piece of your supervised driver's training requirements. Generally, you can begin practicing your supervised driving after you've completed Driver's Ed and obtained your learner's permit.

What is a BDI course?

A BDI course is usually mandatory for drivers cited for racing on a highway, running a red light, reckless driving and passing a school bus with its stop signal on. Also, by completing the course, you will be able to avoid increased insurance rates.

How many violations can a driver's license be suspended for?

Generally, your driver’s license will not be suspended for two violations unless you are under the age of 18 years or your traffic violation was a DUI. That, however, does not mean that you should take traffic violations lightly. Each violation that you do not erase by attending traffic school or that you do not contest successfully counts towards the point total in your state’s point system. After you have reached he predetermined point, the license will be suspended automatically and can be revoked. After the suspension or revocation, you will have to appear before a judge to explain why you did not fight the violations and what you did to drive carefully after the incidents. You should also explain why you need the driver’s license.

How long does a traffic violation stay on your record?

But did you know that after signing the ticket and paying the fee, it will reflect on your driving record for a total of three years.

What is the Florida DHSMV?

The Florida DHSMV requires drivers who have been in traffic collisions to complete the Traffic Collision Avoidance Course (TCAC) or the Basic Driver Improvement (BDI) course. To dismiss a ticket from your driving record, you might need to take the Florida BDI course. You do not have to drive to a driving school to complete the BDI course, ...

Can you take a BDI course in Florida?

According to Florida laws, Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) holders cannot mitigate traffic tickets by completing the BDI course. CDL is the driver’s license you need to operate commercial trucks and for other commercial purposes. Commercial drivers cannot mitigate traffic tickets by completing the BDI course including if they were not driving a truck during the time of citation. However, you can still take the course. A judge/court might grant you permission and you should therefore make a request. This course offered by All Florida Safety Institute can be helpful to every driver in Florida including those without traffic tickets. After completing the course, you will benefit from the removal of points from your drivers license record. You will also manage to keep your insurance rates at their current level.

Is there a final exam for traffic school?

The fastest, easiest way to do traffic school. There is no final exam. The course contains short unit quizzes instead. Some Court ordered cases will require you to take this course in person; please select the classroom option ($45). Successfully completing our 4-hour BDI course will ensure:

How long is the DMV traffic school?

4 hours long (DMV Requirement) Users are not required to complete the entire course in one session. The approved traffic school will provide a completion Certificate. Drivers that complete this course avoid points on their driving record.

What is an 8 hour traffic school?

The 8 hour Traffic School is also known as Intermediate Driver Improvement and Defensive Driving. This course is usually taken because of a judge or court order. Some Florida counties allow you to take this course for a second traffic ticket if you have already completed the 4 hour Basic Driver Improvement course in the last 12 months. ...

What do you do when you pay a fine for a non criminal traffic violation?

When you pay your fine for a non criminal traffic violation such as speeding or running a stop sign you must "Elect Traffic" school to avoid points on your driving record.

How many sections are there in traffic school?

The 8 hour traffic school course is divided into 15 sections. As the name suggests a student must spend a minimum of 8 hours in the course. The course will display a timer and let the student know how much time must be spent in each section and keep track of the time you spend in each section. Like all the courses the student can login and logout on their schedule and use any computer. At the end of each section there is a quiz and at the end of course there is a test.

How much is the Florida driver's license discount?

If you are driver with a Florida drivers license that is 55 or older you qualify for a mandatory discount on your auto insurance of 10% a year if you complete the Florida Auto Insurance Discount Course

How long does it take to pay a speeding ticket in Florida?

For speeding tickets you will pay your fine to the Clerk of court in the county where you received the ticket. In Florida you must pay your fine within 30 days of receiving your ticket.

How to elect traffic school?

You Elect Traffic School when you pay your fine to the clerk of court (in the county where you received the ticket). At the time you pay your fine you fill out a traffic school election form called an affidavit. Then your case remains open until you submit your certificate indicating you completed your course. Then your case is closed and receive no points on your drivers license.

How to get a ticket in Florida?

When you receive a Traffic Ticket in Florida you have 3 choices: 1 Pay the fine, plead guilty and receive points on your drivers license. 2 Request a Court Date if you think you can prove you are not guilty of the violation. 3 Elect Traffic School by paying the fine to a clerk of the court (in the same county as the ticket) and completing a traffic school election form.

What does clearing cache mean?

Clear your browser’s cache. In everyday language, this means clearing out any temporary files that you’ve stored in your browser. It allows your browser to function more efficiently, and often helps to resolve any glitches you might be experiencing in the course.

How to log out of Google Chrome?

If you are using Google Chrome and are still experiencing technical difficulties, follow the troubleshooting steps below: Log out and log back in to your course. Click on the Profile button in the upper right hand corner of your screen. Click on Log Out. Don’t worry – you won’t lose any progress in your course!
