how to do a successful course launch

by Miss Joelle Lynch 4 min read

How do you launch a successful course?

  • Step 1: Pre-launch. To build up buzz about your course, you need an audience. But while many people say that you need an...
  • Step 2: Launch trigger. Once you’ve built an audience and you’ve told them about your launch, it’s time for your launch...
  • Step 3: Launch. Third, you need to launch your course. You’ll typically announce that...

  1. Step 1: What's Your Goal? The biggest mistake I see people make when they launch a course is not getting crystal clear on their goal. ...
  2. Step 2: Create a Free Test Product. ...
  3. Step 3: Build Virality and Reach into Your Test Product. ...
  4. Step 4: Launch the Test Product. ...
  5. Step 5: Prove People Will Pay. ...
  6. Step 6: Launch Your Course.

Full Answer

Do you have a good strategy for launching a course?

But there's a lot more to successfully launching a course than that. If you don't have a good strategy for your first launch it could easily fall flat with no sales, and no one wants to put in a load of time effort to create an online course and then have that happen.

How do I launch an online course or product?

In the world of online courses and coaching, one of the most important steps to launching revolves around a solid launch email and strategy. Below, find everything needed to learn for launching an online courseor product—think strategy, timing, and even advice for email copy. There’s something you need as a creator

How do you plan a successful launch?

Plan Your Meals Ahead Of Time & Make Time To Exercise 36. You Might Wonder Who These People You Live With Are 37. Everything Takes Longer Than You Think It Will 38. By The End Of a Successful Launch, You’ll Start Thinking About When You’ll Do It All Over Again

Do you need a full course ready before you launch?

This can be a great way to validate your online course idea, get some sales in up front before spending the time to create your course, and it also serve as amazing motivation to get the course made. You Don't Actually Need A Full Course Ready Before You Launch!

How do you prepare for a course launch?

Pre-Launching Your Online CourseDecide on your target audience to make sure you can create the content they need.Find out how much your target audience already knows and how your course will fill in any gaps.Research your competitors to discover what they're offering and how you can improve their online courses.

How do I soft launch a course?

Here's a 6-step process for running your own soft launch.STEP 1 Develop first audience connections as you research and develop your “nimble” offer {PRE-LAUNCH} ... STEP 2 Be prepared for “launch leaking” and the “early bird” list. ... STEP 3 Create and deliver “red-carpet” content.More items...•

What are 5 keys to a successful outcome in an online course?

5 Key Components To A Successful Online CoursePicking the right platform for a successful online course. Your school can't deliver successful online courses without a reliable course platform. ... High class engagement. ... Easy access to course materials. ... Secure attendance tracking. ... Virtual office hours.

How can I promote my course?

How to market your online course after it's publishedPromote your course on your blog. ... Start a YouTube channel. ... Publish a course promotion video on YouTube. ... Add student testimonials to your course sales page. ... Include a link to your course in your email signature. ... Add a course page to your main website. ... Build an email list.More items...•

What is a hard launch?

to make a new product or service available to the public, not just a limited number of people, in a way that is intended to attract a lot of attention; to be made available in this way: A game needs to be tested by quite a large number of users before it is hard-launched.

What comes before a soft launch?

A soft launch refers to the common strategy of releasing a product ahead of its scheduled launch with little or no marketing push. Unlike full launches, soft launches are usually planned as “rehearsals” for a full launch, and let developers simulate real-world interactions with their app.

What makes an online course successful?

Interactive, collaborative environment. Interaction between students, and between student and teacher are critical to promoting deeper learning. Be sure to include interactive lessons, group projects, hands-on labs, class discussions, and private chats that students can use to connect directly with their teacher.

How can I make my online class more interesting?

Create a more engaging virtual classroomPresent your best (online) self.Use technology to your advantage.Find what inspires your students.Set goals and help students stick to them.Keep it interactive.Break down the lessons and make it digestible.Make your students feel valued.Be patient with your students.

How can I make an online class more effective?

10 Tips for Success in Online ClassesEstablish a productive learning environment. ... Set a schedule for completing and reviewing assignments. ... Seek virtual interactions with your peers.Use the 'chunking' strategy to section out tasks.Try to increase your interest in the work.More items...

How do you attract students?

In this article, we'll walk through five methods you can use to attract students to your course....Offer Discounts to Your First Students. ... Pay Students for Referrals. ... Use Social Media Advertisements. ... Feature Guest Instructors With Strong Social Media Followings.

How would you promote our courses to the prospect clients?

11 Effective Ways to Promote Your Online Courses in 2022Create Niche Courses.Create Content (Consistently)Offer Free Courses.Make 'Mother Content'Create Testimonials.Promote Your Instructors.Promote on Social Media.Use Google Advertising.More items...•

How do you create an audience for an online course?

Here are 14 tips to build and grow an audience of people desperately waiting to buy your online course...Understand Your Target Audience. ... Define Your Value Proposition. ... Search Engine Optimize Your Website (Start a Blog) ... Leverage Micro Influencers. ... Offer Real Value on Niche Forums. ... Build (& Nurture!)More items...•

Why is it important to prepare for a course launch?

The course launch is actually part of the entire creation process. Its the trickiest part because of all the elements you have to tie together.

Why is it important to run a pilot?

Running a pilot is the only way to discover poor design and experience your course as it really is. Running a pilot will also you make you aware of how important adjustability will be. The success of your course will be entirely dependent on ongoing content updates, platforms improvements, and tweaks.

What is the importance of launching an online course?

Planning an online course launch is one of the most important things that you have to take as a course creator. Not only does it take time to build an audience , but a good start is a predictor of how well your course will do in terms of popularity and generating revenue.

How many stages are there in an online course?

Your online course launch isn’t a one-time event or a marathon that you just have to finish. It actually comes in three stages: pre-launch, launch, and post-launch, all with distinct opportunities to maximize your marketing efforts. Lastly, don’t forget to have fun and enjoy the process!

What is a teaser for a course?

Teasers are fun ways to build some hype and anticipation as the launch date approaches. You can do countdowns on your social media and main platform, show previews, share blog posts related to the course material, and even host a webinar in which you also talk a bit about your new project.

Does marketing a course stop after launch?

Marketing an online course doesn’t stop after the launch. In fact, it actually means more work after the launch, as you need to constantly promote it if you want to see a return on investment. The post-launch phase is therefore crucial for its success so don’t miss out on doing a:

How to bring in repeat business?

Remarketing to past students is always a great way to bring in repeat business. You’ll be able to target your already-segmented lists of past students depending on the courses they studied with you in the past, and then send the details of any classes which would be relevant to their interests along to them.

Can you buy a course online?

There’s nothing worse than deciding you’re going to buy something only to find out you have to phone or email to complete the sale! That’s a quick way to lose sales from customers who don’t have the time or the inclination to complete an extra step in order to secure the sale.

Which Comes First, Your Launch or Your Course?

Most people think creating a course first then launching it is the only way to go, but it’s not. You can also launch your course, then create it with your launch group. This strategy is popular because an online course takes a while to create. No one wants to go through all the effort of creating a course only to have no buyers.

Tips from Real Course Creators

From big multi-million dollar launches to those that are drawn out over weeks (if not months) there are a variety of launch methods and tactics.


You’ve come this far and hopefully you got some great tips for launching your next online course.

What are the hurdles to launching an online course?

One of the biggest hurdles to launching an online course is the technical side. From taking payments and delivering your e-course to doing all the marketing, there are a ton of different things to figure out.

How to create an ecourse to sell online?

There are two basic ways of getting it done: (1) you can hire someone else to do it or (2) you can put a lot of your own time and energy into learning how to design, build, and decorate a home.

What is the job of a course creator?

Your job as a course creator is to make it easy for people to finish, and most importantly, to take action on your course content so that they get the results you promised them. You can do that by really thinking through and designing your e-course with the student in mind.

How much does an online course cost?

Pricing your online course is one of the trickiest parts of launching. With an information product, you can really charge anywhere from $10 to $10,000, depending on the value it brings to your ideal customers.

What happens when your launch wraps up?

By the time your launch wraps up, you’ll be so tired of repeating your message. From the core promise of your product to the benefits people will experience as a result of your course (or simply that the cart is closing), you’ll have repeated yourself more than you thought possible!

Do you re-do a course once you have had real students?

Chances are that no matter how much thought you put into your course design, you’ll want to re-do parts of it (or all of it) once you’ve had real live students go through it.

Is it stressful to launch a course?

Launching a course is stressful enough as is it is, so you don’t want to leave the tech stuff to the last minute. Instead, figure out which systems you’ll be using ahead of time so you can make sure they all play nice together. Preparation will free you up to focus on being present during your launch and marketing campaign.

Why is a campaign calendar important?

Your campaign calendar is imperative to your launch success because it pulls all of the moving pieces together and helps you know when to release each piece of launch content.

Can you include every detail about your course in your promotional emails?

You can’t include every single detail about your course in your promotional emails or social media posts. So where do people go to get more information? Your sales letter. To wrap up this series, we’ll take a dive deep into sales letters later in October.
