how to develop a ceu course

by Elwyn Schroeder 4 min read

1) Choose a strong tech stack like WordPress and LifterLMS so your project becomes your asset and the platform has unlimited customizability and scalability. 2) Create one-off CEU credit courses and also course bundles with LifterLMS memberships. 3) Partner with certification governing bodies to get steady website traffic and therefore sales.

The following are eight guiding steps to initiate a training and development program.
  1. Determine Needs. If programs are going to be effective, they must meet the needs of participants. ...
  2. Set Objectives. ...
  3. Determine Content. ...
  4. Select Participants. ...
  5. Set a Schedule. ...
  6. Select Facilities. ...
  7. Select Instructors. ...
  8. Coordinate the Program.
Jan 16, 2020

Full Answer

How to become CEU certified?

They are calculated as follows:

  • Each contact hour is at least 50 minutes of instruction in an organized learning environment.
  • Courses less than one hour (60 minutes) in duration will not be approved.
  • Each hour of theory equals one continuing education contact hour.
  • Each three hours of course-related clinical practice will be accepted as one continuing education contact hour.

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How to become an accredited CEU instructor?

The challenges of working with these companies include:

  • Proof of competency. You will need to provide evidence that you are qualified to teach on the topic (credentials, experience, licensure, CV, etc.).
  • Additional materials. You will need to create course materials—including a course description, objectives, and an exam—in addition to the “meat” of the course.
  • Selling yourself to the company. ...

How to take an online CEU course?

How to take an online continuing education (CEU) course? It's easy with Wild Iris Medical Education, the leading online CEU provider since 1998 for nursing and other health providers. Read the course, take the test, register and pay to get an instant certificate of completion. No commitment, simple process. Start now!

How to become a CEU instructor?

The benefits of being a continuing education instructor through existing organizations include:

  • The ability to reach a large audience. You don’t have to market yourself to spread the word about your topic of expertise.
  • The resources to get CEUs through the approval agencies. This is a challenge for anyone, so working with a company that has established relationships with approval agencies is very helpful.
  • Guaranteed pay. ...

How do you create a CE?

Six steps to CE markingFind the CE directive(s) that apply to your product.Know the essential requirements for your product.Determine if you need third-party certification.Assess product conformity.Create and maintain technical documentation.Declaration of Conformity & affixing the CE Mark.

How do I earn CEU credits?

You can earn CEUs by completing activities....How to Earn CEUsEarn Non-CompTIA IT industry certifications.Complete training and higher education.Participate in IT industry activities.Publish a relevant article, white paper, blog post or book.Gain related work experience.

How is CEU calculated?

When calculating the number of CEUs for a course, the number of contact minutes must be totaled and divided by 60 to arrive at the number of contact hours, see figure 1. Total contact hours must then be divided by 10 to obtain the number of CEUs.

What is the difference between a CE and a CEU?

CE is just the abbreviation for continuing education, so it's really more of a generic term. On the other hand, CEU (a continuing education unit) refers to a unit of credit equal to 10 hours of participation in an educational course or approved activity. The key here is choosing approved or accredited programs.

What is CEU certification?

Continuing education units, or CEUs, are awarded by many education and training providers to signify successful completion of non-credit programs and courses intended to improve the knowledge and skills of working adults.

What is CompTIA CEU?

The Continuing Education (CE) program provides a variety of activity types with which to earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Each activity has a maximum number of CEUs that can be submitted based on the activity type.

How do you convert hours to CEU?

what is a continuing education hour? In most states, a CEU is a tenth of an hour. Thus, a one hour course is equivalent to 0.1 CEU. In a two day course, which is typically 12-14 hours long, the CEUs translate to 1.2 or 1.4 CEUs.

How do you calculate learning hours?

One lecture (taught) or seminar (discussion) credit hour represents 1 hour per week of scheduled class/seminar time and 2 hours of student preparation time. Over an entire semester, this formula represents at least 30 hours of class time and 60 hours of student preparation. Total Learning hours = 30 +60 = 90 hours.

How many hours is .05 CEU?

Calculating ASHA CEUs ChartTotal Minutes of CourseTotal minutes/60 = Contact hoursContact hours/10 = ASHA CEUs30.50.0531–59Round down to .50.05601.00.1061–89Round down to 1.00.1036 more rows

Is CEU same as CME?

In general, CME refers to credits for physicians and others with a medical license, while CE (continuing education) or CEU (continuing education unit) are terms used for other health professions.

Is a contact hour the same as a CEU?

Contact Hour Developed as Standard Measure One continuing education unit (ceu) or credit is equal to 10 contact hours; meaning it requires 10 clock hours to complete. If the course offers Ceus, you need to multiply the number by 10 to determine the number of contact hours.

Is ANCC the same as CEU?

A CEU is an educational measurement utilizing criteria from the International Association for Continuing Education and Training. The American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) does not use the CEU to measure continuing nursing education credit.

How to initiate a training program?

The following are eight guiding steps to initiate a training and development program. 1. Determine Needs. If programs are going to be effective, they must meet the needs of participants. There are many ways to determine these needs, but some of the most common include: Start with where you are now .

How to be sure that a potential instructor will be effective?

In order to be sure that a potential instructor will be effective, the best approach is to observe their performance in a similar situation.

How to mentor millennials?

Consider using your company’s baby boomers to mentor your millennials and Gen Xers. Establish a formal program, but allow the informal relationships to develop, too. For a chance at true success, every generation needs to continue to develop the next.

What are the qualifications for a select instructor?

Instructor qualifications should include extensive knowledge of the subject being taught, a desire to teach, the ability to communicate and present, and skill at getting people to participate. They should also be learner-oriented, or have a strong desire to meet learner needs.

What is the best schedule for training?

The best schedule takes three things into consideration: the trainees, their bosses and the best conditions for learning. Many times, training professionals consider only their own preferences and schedules. An important scheduling decision is whether to offer the program on a concentrated basis—as a solid week of training, for example—or to spread it out over weeks or months.

Do all levels of management benefit from training?

All levels of management can benefit from training programs. Obviously, some levels can benefit more than others. At least some basic programs should be compulsory for first-level supervisors, if not also for others.

Who coordinates and teaches?

Sometimes, the instructor coordinates and teaches. For those who coordinate and do not teach, there are two opposite approaches to the position of coordinator.

What is a CEU?

The CEU is the nationally recognized unit designed to provide a record of an individual’s continuing education achievements. CEUs are technically not “credit” in the conventional university sense, but they are measures of participation used by industries for annual training goals or requirements for employees.

What is the key component of a continuing education course?

One of the key components in a continuing education course is the course materials . Faculty members and guest lecturers must have ample time to produce high-quality lecture notes.

What is professional development at Texas A&M?

At Texas A&M University, a professional development activity, normally postbaccalaureate, is any nonacademic credit, elective educational activity that is sponsored or cosponsored by a component of the university. This type of program may include university personnel as well as industry professionals.

How long is a workshop?

workshop usually meets for a continued period of time of one or more days, combining instruction with laboratory or experimental activity for the participants, with emphasis on skill training.

What is an institute in education?

An institute is similar to a conference but is more tightly structured to provide a more systematic development of its theme. Emphasis is on providing instruction in principles and techniques, rather than on general information.

How long does it take to get a continuing education approval?

For some courses this approval may be granted 2-3 months before the course; for other courses it may be 4-6 weeks before the course.

What is a seminar?

seminar is a small grouping of people with the primary emphasis on discussion under a leader or resource person(s). It is likely to be a one-time offering although it may continue for several days.

Can you create courses for any number of CEs?

You can create courses for any number of CEs- NCEs, but the more credits you offer- the more you pay to your board- to get approval.

Can I apply for credits with AHNA?

If you’re a member of AHNA- American Holistic Nursing Asociation, (I am) you can also apply for credits with them.

Is continuing learning a requirement for nurses?

Continued learning for Nurses is life-long, and with health care constantly changing, continued competency is simply a MUST. This was a BRIEF OVERVIEW of the potential of how to do it, position yourself and what to charge to create an additional income stream.

How many hours of CEU are there?

According to the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET), a CEU is defined as 10 contact hours of participation in an organized continuing education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction and qualified instruction.

What is a continuing education unit?

Continuing education units or CEUs are awarded to those who complete training and education in a specified area. Continuing education allows individuals to progress in their industry, field or profession. Some professions require CEUs to maintain certain licenses and other certifications.

What is an IACET?

IACET is a nonprofit organization created to establish CEU standards that adhere to the guidelines set in place by the organization to promote quality education and training around the world. According to the Tennessee Technology Center at Shelbyville, IACET conducts research and development projects to improve continuing education and training and also disseminates effective teaching and learning practices for adults, as well as educates the public about the CEU. Organizations that meet the standards set by IACET are eligible to become what is termed an "authorized provider."

What are the benefits of becoming an IACET provider?

There are benefits, including increased credibility, to becoming an authorized IACET provider. These providers are able to issue CEUs that are backed by the organization's internationally recognized standards and quality level of education and training.

Do institutions have to be accredited to offer CEUs?

Institutions and organizations are not required to be accredited to offer CEUs. Although no stipulations are in place that would prevent anyone from awarding them, not all CEUs are honored and accepted by other institutions. There are benefits, including increased credibility, to becoming an authorized IACET provider.

Can a school award CEUs?

Businesses, associations, schools and other organizations are able to award CEUs without acquiring prior permission or approval. The CEU is considered public domain, which means that no one person or entity holds a legal claim to its usage. Some conferences and events award CEUs to attendees.

When did the College Board become an authorized provider?

As a result, the College Board received authorized provider status in June 2003.

Is the College Board an IACET?

The College Board has been approved as an authorized provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET), and may offer IACET CEUs for its programs that qualify under the ANSI/IACET Standards, internationally recognized as good standards of practice.

How to get CE approval?

Although requirements vary by state, there are generally three ways to obtain approval for your CE: • Enter into an agreement with an existing CE Provider to co-sponsor your activity. Request approval for a single activity through your state nurses association or regional CE Provider.

What is continuing education in nursing?

The ANCC defines continuing education as "systematic professional learning experiences designed to augment the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of nurses and therefore enrich the nurses' contributions to quality health care and their pursuit of professional career goals.".

What is a nurse CE?

A nurse is responsible--ethically and statutorily--for her continued competence and professional growth. As a Continuing Education (CE) Provider, you will be similarly obligated to promote safe nursing practices and protect the public by developing and presenting quality, research-based educational activities. Nursing and technology have advanced since continuing education courses were broadcast on radio in the 1920s; you will have more options, more guidelines . . . and more opportunity.

What to consider when seeking accreditation?

If you seek accreditation, consider the costs involved and whether you will be able to generate enough income to cover them.

What are the criteria for successful completion and assessment of the participant's learning?

Establish criteria for successful completion and assessment of the participant's learning, such as: • Attendance sheet Post-test Skills demonstration Self-evaluation

What is the ANCC?

The American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) is recognized as the national authority for accreditation and has the information you will need, including criteria for approval and contact information for other CE Approvers.
