how to determine university course equivalents

by Dr. Colten Ondricka III 8 min read

The most common course attributes evaluated to determine course equivalency are description, academic credits, accreditation, type of instructor, method of instruction, level of instruction, learning outcomes, grade scale and grade earned, pre-requisites, co-requisites and textbook. This is not an exclusive list of course attributes.

Full Answer

What is the status of the equivalency course lookup?

The equivalency course lookup is a live document and updated daily as new equivalencies are added and existing equivalencies are updated. For this reason, course equivalency listings are subject to change and are not a guarantee of the exact equivalencies that will publish on your record at the time of enrollment.

What is the equivalency guide for Community College?

Course Equivalency Guide Course Equivalency Guide shows how community college courses transfer to the three state universities. It also has many equivalencies among the three state universities. It does NOT indicate how a course transfers to a specific degree program.

Why are my course equivalencies not showing on my record?

For this reason, course equivalency listings are subject to change and are not a guarantee of the exact equivalencies that will publish on your record at the time of enrollment. Please note that the equivalencies displayed are based on the most current or recent academic term and might not apply to the term an actual course was completed.

How do I find EKU transfer course equivalencies?

Once you have clicked on the "Find EKU Equivalency" button a table will appear showing the Transfer Course Equivalencies. Questions? Contact EKU Student Outreach and Transition Office (859) 622.7686

What does equivalent course mean?

Equivalent course means a course which has sufficient overlap in content with another course offered by a School. Students may be given approval to take such courses to meet a programme requirement to recover a failure or to improve grade in a course. Sample 1.

How do you determine the level of a college course?

There are standard formats that many colleges use to signify dates, levels and titles. Most college courses are identified by three to four numbers. For example, the first digit may indicate the class year, the middle two digits may identify the subject and the last digit may indicate the number of credit hours.

How do I check my course equivalency CUNY?

Logging into CUNYfirst and navigate to your Student Center. Click the drop down menu in the center of your screen and choose 'Evaluate My Transfer Credit'. Follow the prompts to complete an unofficial evaluation of your credits.

Are course numbers universal?

The second and third digits in a course number are used in a variety of ways by different schools. While there isn't a universal rule for what each number means in relation to each other, the main idea is just to distinguish different courses that are from the same department at the same level.

What does 1000 level courses mean?

Course Numbering System 1000 level. non–degree applicable. 1100 level. introductory course, open to all qualified students.

What are the levels in university?

Types of qualifications you can obtain at university level:Bachelor's Degree.Doctorate Degree.Honours Degree.Master's Degree.Post Graduate Diploma.

Do all credits transfer from CUNY to CUNY?

General Pathways Transfer Facts Courses passed for credit at any CUNY college will transfer for credit at any other CUNY college. Courses that fulfill a Required Common Core requirement at any CUNY college will transfer for Required Common Core credit at any other CUNY college.

Will my credits transfer?

Most will only transfer the credit if you earned a B or above in the program. However, many reputable programs may give you transfer credit as long as you had a passing grade. Where you are transferring the credits. Transfer credit policy can vary wildly between schools.

Will SUNY credits transfer to CUNY?

How will my credits transfer? When you are transferring to a CUNY college, we'll evaluate previously completed courses to see how your credits will count toward your new degree program. Your courses will transfer if they are found to be equivalent to courses at your new school.

What does a 300 level course mean?

300-level course designation Courses of advanced college-level difficulty taken by majors and upper division students; these are often considered to be courses in the Major, offered for students clearly interested and qualified in a subject.

What does 101 mean in classes?

The slang sense of the number "101" originates from its frequent use in US college course numbering systems to indicate the first or introductory course in some topic of study, such as "Calculus 101" or "French 101".

What do the numbers next to college courses mean?

1 – the first number identifies the level. 1 means freshman level, 2 means sophomore. Take this course in your first few semesters, and before any “2” courses. 3 – the number of credit hours in the course.

What Is Course Equivalency?

Equivalency is the term used in higher education to describe how two institutions’ courses compare. If a course is regarded as equivalent or more difficult in subject and course content than the one given by the receiving institution, it may be designated as such.

Why You Need Course Equilavencies?

A college transfer entails a thorough analysis and evaluation of prior course work. The majority of colleges maintain equivalency tables that show how courses from one institution equate to those from another.

What should be included in a syllabus?

The syllabus (or supporting documentation) should include the following: Course description. Goals/objectives. Textbook or course materials. An outline or list of chapters covered from textbook.

What level of business classes are required at UF?

Before taking a course at another school, you should note the following important restriction: All required 3000-4000 level business courses and restricted elective courses must be taken at UF, unless they are completed as part of an approved study abroad program.

Is a business core course equivalent to a UF course?

Course Equivalencies. To complete a Universal Tracking, business core, major, or area of specialization course requirement for your business major or minor at another institution, you must first determine that the course you wish to take is an approved equivalent to the UF course. Course equivalencies are usually not required for general education ...

What is an equivalent course in Drake?

EQUIVALENT COURSE—a specific Drake course number will appear when a course is considered to be similar in content to a specific Drake course. For example: ANTH 2 may be used to cite an equivalent course in cultural anthropology.

How many hours of vocational tech do you need to graduate from Drake University?

CAREER- or VOC-TECH—the course is part of a career- or vocational-technical program. A maximum of 16 semester hours of career- or vocational-technical credit may be granted by the college or school representative. NO CREDIT—the course does not transfer to Drake University.

How is workload determined in CSU?

In the CSU, the faculty workload allocated for a course is determined by the C-classification or S-factor of a course (plus any ‘excess enrollment’ allocation that may be carried by a large lecture course) and total number of student credit units for the course.

What is a credit hour?

…a credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than
