how to determine course equivalents for graduate school

by Timmothy Thompson 6 min read

What is the equivalent course?

Equivalent course means a course which has sufficient overlap in content with another course offered by a School. Students may be given approval to take such courses to meet a programme requirement to recover a failure or to improve grade in a course.

How do I check my course equivalency CUNY?

Logging into CUNYfirst and navigate to your Student Center. Click the drop down menu in the center of your screen and choose 'Evaluate My Transfer Credit'. Follow the prompts to complete an unofficial evaluation of your credits.

What is equivalent credit?

When students receive College credit for courses or other types of academic work done elsewhere, it is referred to as equivalent credit.

How many credits do you need to be a junior at WCU?

60-89 hoursRegardless of whether an Early college student is a first-year or transfer student, the total amount of credit to be applied toward a degree at WCU determines the student's academic standing at WCU (freshman: 0-29 hours; sophomore: 30-59 hours; junior: 60-89 hours; senior: 90 or more hours).

How do you qualify for free tuition in New York?

Program RequirementsContinue to live in NY State.Earn passing grades.Complete a total of 30 credits each year.Stay on track to graduate within 2 or 4 years, depending on the degree.Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) application each year.

Are CUNY credits transferable?

General Pathways Transfer Facts Courses passed for credit at any CUNY college will transfer for credit at any other CUNY college. Courses that fulfill a Required Common Core requirement at any CUNY college will transfer for Required Common Core credit at any other CUNY college.

How many ECTS is a master's degree?

90 ECTS creditsECTS credits and points allocation A UK undergraduate degree equates to 180 ECTS credits and a UK Master's degree (two semesters plus dissertation) equates to 90 ECTS credits.

What does 180 ECTS credits mean?

ECTS points of modules are summed up to indicate the total workload for a study programme: Bachelor's or undergraduate degrees typically range from 180 ECTS (3 years full-time) to 240 ECTS (4 years full-time). Master's degrees typically range from 60 ECTS (1 year full-time) to 120 ECTS (2 years full-time).

How credits are calculated?

Credits are awarded based on the credit hours you earn. The calculation of one credit is as follows: (1 hours classroom work + 2 hours homework) per week x (15 weeks/semester) = 1 credit for that semester. Most subjects/courses require 3 credits to be completed.

Are WCU credits transferable?

When transferring FROM WGU. WGU is regionally accredited with the NWCCU, which is good news for anyone who wants to earn some credits with us then transfer them to another school with relative ease.

What is the minimum amount of credit hours in a full time schedule WCU?

12 credit hoursFull-time Course Load: A student is enrolled in at least 12 credit hours per semester. Before dropping below 12 credit hours, a student should consult with an academic advisor and the financial aid office. GPA: Grade Point Average (GPA) measures a student's academic performance.

Can you transfer credits from West Coast University?

West Coast University (WCU) accepts up to a maximum of 90 transfer credits from a combination of both traditional and non-traditional sources in accordance with the policies and procedures below.

What is a course equivalency portfolio?

The course equivalency portfolio documents the student’s mastery of material comparable to that covered in NYU courses. The student is applying for credit for specific courses, and the portfolio is divided into a separate section for each course. Each section of the portfolio therefore consists of an essay about the learning experiences and supporting documentation including, for example, written material, slides, graphics, paintings, or ceramics. Together, the essay and the documentation should explain and illustrate how the student learned through life and work experiences what is taught in a particular course.

Does Gallatin offer equivalency credit?

At Gallatin, students may earn course equivalency credit for professional experiences they may have had before entering the School. The process of receiving credit begins with the compilation of an extensive portfolio documenting the student’s learning experiences and ends with a rigorous evaluation process by NYU faculty. Students must demonstrate through the portfolio that they have mastered the material they would have learned in comparable NYU courses.

What Is Course Equivalency?

Equivalency is the term used in higher education to describe how two institutions’ courses compare. If a course is regarded as equivalent or more difficult in subject and course content than the one given by the receiving institution, it may be designated as such.

Why You Need Course Equilavencies?

A college transfer entails a thorough analysis and evaluation of prior course work. The majority of colleges maintain equivalency tables that show how courses from one institution equate to those from another.

Course Equivalency

Determine how any transfer work could apply to your UofSC record. Equivalencies are not guarantees and all degree applicability should be discussed with your college or school advisor.

How to Use the Table

To confirm UofSC-approved course equivalencies on our Course Equivalency Table, select UofSC Columbia/Regional Campuses from the drop down menu and then select your institution. Next, find the subject code and course number for the course you would like to confirm.

What should be included in a syllabus?

The syllabus (or supporting documentation) should include the following: Course description. Goals/objectives. Textbook or course materials. An outline or list of chapters covered from textbook.

What level of business classes are required at UF?

Before taking a course at another school, you should note the following important restriction: All required 3000-4000 level business courses and restricted elective courses must be taken at UF, unless they are completed as part of an approved study abroad program.

Is a business core course equivalent to a UF course?

Course Equivalencies. To complete a Universal Tracking, business core, major, or area of specialization course requirement for your business major or minor at another institution, you must first determine that the course you wish to take is an approved equivalent to the UF course. Course equivalencies are usually not required for general education ...

Does Florida Community College require UF?

Universal Tracking courses taken at a Florida community college or state university are generally numbered the same as UF courses and therefore do not require an approved course equivalency. View a list of equivalent Universal Tracking courses offered, as well as links to each school.
