how to determine a ship's course using hydrophone

by Efren Carroll Sr. 9 min read

If hydrophone readings are taken at regular intervals, the passing ship’s course can be found. The shipany range, but the course is still the same based on the intervals. A ship moving at an angle away from you will resultthat become more and more bunched in readings up. The opposite is true for a ship that is moving toward you.

Full Answer

Where are hydrophones placed in the ocean?

00:20 –00:40 is the ship’s course. This red line is obviously not the correct course since the left segment is shorter than the right segment. But the red line will help us find the correct course. …

What are hydrophones used for in marine conservation?

A hydrophone array can be towed behind a ship or placed on the seafloor. In this image, sound is transmitted by the ship and reflected off the submerged submarine. The reflected sound reaches hydrophone A first, then hydrophone B, and finally hydrophone C. The time-of-arrival-difference between the hydrophones in the array is used to determine ...

How does a hydrophone array work?

Release the anchor when the ship reaches the desired point. The mooring drops to the bottom dragging the hydrophone down into position. 9. Determine the anchor’s location by acoustically “pinging” the anchor release from various directions. This effort can be especially difficult during rough sea conditions which make the ship less maneuverable and can generate significant …

Can hydrophones be used to detect direction of sound?

Apr 07, 2019 · So you should look at the yellowish dial of the hydrophone with the N on it. Or else the boat might turn slightly and you get your bearings in a twist. Another preference is to have at least a bearing difference of 5 degrees across the first. (And there is the drawback of this technique, it takes a lot of time.)

How do you find the course of a ship?

A ship's true course is determined by the direction from the ship to the geographic north pole (also called true north). Navigation charts andthe compass are labeled with true north, but setting a ship's course is not merely a matter of steering in relation to the north pole.

How do you calculate the range of a wolfpack?

To calculate target distance, simply divide the target height (meters) by the view angle (centiradians). This gives you the distance to the target in hectometers, which is the scale used both in the torpedo data computer, and the deck gun sight. One hectometer is 100 meters.

How do you use TDC on Wolfpack?

1:169:43Wolfpack Torpedo Training: Easy as 1, 2, 3 ! - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd get torpedoes lined up to intercept it and it's close to a 90 degree angle on bow as possibleMoreAnd get torpedoes lined up to intercept it and it's close to a 90 degree angle on bow as possible that gives us the maximum length of the ship for torpedoes to hit.

How do I launch torpedoes in Wolfpack?

1:573:10Wolfpack Tutorial 5 - Torpedo Data Computer - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipMay be launched from the TDC station by pressing. Space. The red arrow light will light up if theMoreMay be launched from the TDC station by pressing. Space. The red arrow light will light up if the target is out of range if the u-boat is too deep to fire a torpedo.

September 2, 2001

Chris Fox, Director Acoustic Monitoring Project NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory

Electronic Testing and Reattachment

After 3 hrs of hauling, the cable end was recovered, and University of Washington (UW) engineers went to work to prepare the cable for testing and eventual attachment of the hydrophone array. The end was trimmed, cleaned, and configured for attachment, and testing began in late afternoon.


The final stage of the deployment required determining as accurately as possible the location of the hydrophone array on the sea floor. This is accomplished by extending an acoustic transmitter (or transducer) through a well in the ship’s hull and pinging (sending sound pulses) to a transponder on the hydrophone package.

En Route to San Diego

With the primary mission of the Sound in the Sea Expedition complete, the Ron Brown is now proceeding to San Diego for destaging and pickup of the next sea-going experiment. During the transit, whale observations were planned to document species around Pioneer Seamount, but no whales were spotted.

How many hydrophones can record sounds?

While a single hydrophone can record sounds from any direction, several hydrophones simultaneously positioned in an array, often thousands of miles apart, result in signals that can be manipulated to “listen” with greater sensitivity than a single device.

How does a hydrophone work?

Just as a microphone collects sound in the air, a hydrophone detects acoustic signals under the water. Most hydrophones are based on a special property of certain ceramics that produces a small electrical current when subjected to changes in underwater pressure.

What is PMEL data?

PMEL acquires long-term data sets of the global ocean acoustics environment to identify and assess acoustic impacts from both human activities and natural processes, such as underwater volcanoes , earthquakes, and icequakes on the marine environment.

What is a hydrophone?

A hydrophone is an underwater device that detects and records ocean sounds from all directions. People often think that the underwater world is silent. In fact, numerous marine organisms use sound for communication, reproduction, and to seek prey. The hydrophone pictured here is located within Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary in Georgia.

Where is the hydrophone located?

The hydrophone pictured here is located within Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary in Georgia. This is one of four locations where hydrophones are used to collect soundscape data within the National Marine Sanctuary system. Just as a microphone collects sound in the air, a hydrophone detects acoustic signals under the water.


I love this game. I am also a history buff. Every time I start a new career I come up with a real sounding German name for my captain.

New to UBoat and already learning from mistakes

I decided to pick up UBoat today and figured I could pull off the math easily enough. I missed every torpedo on two patrols except for hitting a destroyer that swerved into the path of one. I couldn't figure it out. My math was right I went through various calculators online. The angles seemed good but I always missed.

B129 yet?

The devs said b129 would be out by mid May I think. Do other people have b129 yet cause I don’t, or are they running behind a bit. No problem if they are, I just wanna know if mine isn’t updating

Uboat sinking for no reason?

I played a game and did great but than all the sudden there are holes everywhere in my ship when im on the surface. This has happened twice help!

Does raising or lowering the Uboat flag effect the gameplay at all?

Unofficial subreddit for the game UBoat. A fantastic submarine simulation game based on the WWII era

How does tidal motion affect hydrophones?

At very low frequencies tides and surface waves cause large amplitude hydrostatic pressure changes. The magnitude of the tidally produced pressure changes around a hydrophone in water may be demonstrated by the fact that a 1 m increase in the water height will lead to an increase in pressure of 10 4 μPa (i.e., 200 dB rel 1 μPa). Since tidal motion is about 2 cycles/day, the tidal motion spectrum is of minor interest in relation to ambient noise. However, tidal motion may influence ambient noise measurements by changing the temperature of the hydrophone environment, which may cause pyroelectric effects in the piezoelectric hydrophone materials that produce false measurements. In turn, tidal currents can cause flow-induced vibrations of the hydrophone and its support.

How does ultrasound play a role in medicine?

Ultrasound plays a steadily increasing role in diagnostic and therapeutic medicine. The ability to simulate medical ultrasound fields serves several purposes. First, the fabrication of prototypes of novel ultrasound transducers is expensive, and the experimental characterization of the emitted 3-D ultrasound field is elaborate because this requires a tremendous amount of hydrophone measurements in a water tank. The development costs may be reduced when the performance of a new transducer design can be assessed at an early stage by doing simulations. Second, imaging modalities like harmonic imaging and contrast imaging often employ intricate excitation schemes and involve ultrasound fields with a number of harmonics. To demonstrate the effectiveness of these modalities, a preliminary simulation study with medium parameters that mimic real tissue behavior is usually easier to perform than in vitro and in vivo measurements. Moreover, these simulations yield information about the ultrasound field inside the tissue, which in practice is inaccessible. Third, each treatment that is based on ultrasound heating or ultrasound ablation relies on a predefined treatment plan that provides the sequence of focal positions with corresponding insonification intensities and durations. Diffraction due to tissue heterogeneity and the generation of harmonics caused by nonlinear propagation make it hard to estimate the correct transmit settings for obtaining a desired focal position and intensity. Simulations of the ultrasound field inside a known model of the patient may offer considerable help in generating an accurate treatment plan.

What is beamformer output?

Under certain conditions, the beamformer output is also an estimate of the spatial power of the signal coming from direction θ.

What are geophysical techniques?

Several geophysical techniques are used to enhance the geological understanding of a basin. Gravimetric ( see ANALYTICAL METHODS | Gravity) and magnetic surveys (both surface and airborne) ( Figure 5) can be used in a reconnaissance mode to delineate the deeper parts of the basin and the major highs before undertaking much more expensive seismic surveys ( see SEISMIC SURVEYS ). However, seismic surveys are the most important geophysical tool for obtaining a detailed understanding of the subsurface structure, including identifying likely migration paths, inferring the relative timing of trap formation and charge, delineating the geometry and size of potential traps, and even establishing the presence of hydrocarbons themselves.

What is a parametric receiver?

In a parametric receiver, the nonlinear interaction process may take place between a low-frequency signal wave of low intensity and a locally generated high-frequency pump wave of higher intensity. The sum- and difference-frequency signals are then received by a hydrophone on the acoustic axis of the pump wave.

What is hydrophone sensitivity?

The pressure sensitivity can be said to be the hydrophone's sensitivity, when it is exposed to a uniform overall pressure. A small hydrophone, which only causes a vanishing disturbance of the acoustic field, will below resonance have nearly the same free-field and pressure sensitivities.

What is the smallest phase shift?

The smallest phase shift that can be measured in a fiber interferometer used for pressure sensing is 1 μradian. The normalized pressure sensitivity of a typical single-mode fused silica fiber coated with nylon is Δ φ/ (φΔ P) = 3.2 × 10 −11 Pa−1, where φ is the total phase shift produced by the fiber, and Δ φ is the change in the phase shift produced by a pressure change Δ P. What length of fiber should be used as a sensing element in a marine hydrophone, at a wavelength λ = 0.633 μm, to obtain adequate sensitivity to detect sea-state zero, (100 μPa at 1 kHz)?


September 2, 2001

  • Chris Fox, Director Acoustic Monitoring Project NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory View a video of the installation. Requires QuickTime . After picking up passengers in San Francisco on August 30, the NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown transited to Pioneer Seamount and the science team began operations the next morning. After performing some preliminary equipmen…
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Electronic Testing and Reattachment

  • After 3 hrs of hauling, the cable end was recovered, and University of Washington (UW) engineers went to work to prepare the cable for testing and eventual attachment of the hydrophone array. The end was trimmed, cleaned, and configured for attachment, and testing began in late afternoon. Using the ship’s cellular telephone (fortunately, we were within range), the shipboard …
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  • The final stage of the deployment required determining as accurately as possible the location of the hydrophone array on the sea floor. This is accomplished by extending an acoustic transmitter (or transducer) through a well in the ship’s hull and pinging (sending sound pulses) to a transponder on the hydrophone package. The transponder is designed to receive sound pulses a…
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en Route to San Diego

  • With the primary mission of the Sound in the Sea Expedition complete, the Ron Brown is now proceeding to San Diego for destaging and pickup of the next sea-going experiment. During the transit, whale observations were planned to document species around Pioneer Seamount, but no whales were spotted. Also during the transit, the ship's bathymetric mapping capabilities were u…
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