how to design a training course via email

by Davion Kohler 3 min read

Use these steps to help you create a training email: 1. Include a subject The subject line provides a summary of an email's key message. You may include the date and time of the training in the subject line, or you can include the purpose of the training session, like professional development or skills training.

Full Answer

How to create a successful email course?

Reducing your work and reusing your content is strategic for email courses. If you have content… Reuse your blog posts to help create your email course. If there are specific blog posts that have performed well, focus on this information in your email course. For example, take your five most popular blog posts and turn them into your email course.

How to create a corporate training email template?

Some of the corporate training email templates are given below: Subject line – Online training invitation: [training course name]. Save the date. We (name of the concern) are organizing this [name of course] on [date], from [start time] to [end time], and would like you to attend.

What should an email course structure look like?

Your outlines may look like this: Email course structure example #1 Confirmation: Confirm enrollment in your email course Welcome email: Tell people what they’ll be getting and why it’s important (sell the idea of your course and the transformation) Email 1:  Content Email 2: Content

What exactly is an email course?

Brennan Dunn of Double Your Freelancingsays, “An email course is just an autoresponder, which is a series of emails that are sent out over a period of time.” And that’s true. But an email course is more than that.

How do you create a training email?

How to write a training emailInclude a subject. The subject line provides a summary of an email's key message. ... Create a greeting.Craft your opening paragraph. ... Write your second paragraph. ... Include a final paragraph. ... Finish with a closing. ... Proofread. ... Include a copy of print media.More items...•

How do I create an online training course?

How to Create Online Training Courses in 5 Incredibly Easy StepsStep 1: Define Your Online Training Goals and Learner Persona. ... Step 2: Create an Outline for Your Online Training. ... Step 3: Build the Content for the Online Training Courses. ... Step 4: Engage Your Learners. ... Step 5: Measure Meaningful Engagement Metrics.

How do you design a training course?

How to design a training workshopDraw a workshop planner. ... Decide what you want your participants to learn. ... Be clear who your audience is. ... Bullet point three things they need to know to reach the learning outcomes. ... Decide how you want to teach each section. ... Add the finer details. ... Add timings. ... List the materials you'll need.More items...•

How do you announce a training session in an email?

Dear [employee name], You're invited to attend [name of course] on [date], from [start time] to [end time]. Please save the date in your calendar. Focusing on [main objective], after completing the [session/sessions] you'll have learned how to [skills/knowledge achieved].

How do I create an online training course for free?

How to Create an Online Course for FreeChoose Your Course Topic.Identify the Target Audience.Gather and Structure Your Knowledge.Create an Online Course Outline.Choose Your Online Course Software or Platform.Create the Course Content.Make Sure Your Content is Engaging.Create a Community for Your Online Course.More items...•

How do you design a training module?

How to create the best training modulesStep 1: Establish your training objectives. ... Step 2: Define your audience. ... Step 3: Decide on the right content format. ... Step 4: Create your training module template. ... Step 5: Test and test again. ... Step 6: Upload and launch your training module.

What are the 6 steps in developing a training program?

Six Steps to an Effective Training ProgramStep 1: Define Your Training. ... Step 2: Prepare Your Training. ... Step 3: Practice Your Training. ... Step 4: Deliver Your Training. ... Step 5: Confirm Your Training. ... Step 6: Audit Trainee Performance.

What is the first step in a training design process?

Needs Assessment. The first step in developing a training program is to determine what the organization needs in terms of training. ... Learning Objectives. After you have determined what type of training should occur, learning objectives for the training should be set. ... Learning Styles.

What steps are included in the training design model?

The five phases are; Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and a they all are related to the final phase – Evaluation.

How do you announce a training course?

Dear [employee name], We're hosting a [name of course] on [date], from [start time] to [end time], and would like you to attend. Please save the date in your calendar. The training will take place [location].

How do you communicate with a new training program?

9 Tips for Promoting Training to EmployeesConnect with internal communications team to promote upcoming training courses. ... Use existing communication mediums. ... Create a shared calendar that shows future trainings. ... Hang creative posters in common space. ... Use digital signage and hub TVs in common spaces.More items...

How do you request a training session?

Respected Sir, With due reverence and respect, I have a request to make as per the newly employed employees want. They are newly recruited and are not really efficient in their work and require basic training for being professional in their work.

What is an Email Course?

Ideally, email courses are the series of multiple emails that are sent in a specific sequence talking about a certain topic.

Why to create an Email Course?

Did you know the average conversion rate of almost anything online is 2-3%? That is out of 100 visitors, only 2 or 3 visitors would buy from you. (Given that you have a good website)

How to Create an Email Course

Now that we have understood that why email courses are important, let’s dive in to the steps of creating an email course.

How to Write Email Course Content?

Well the creation of email marketing course may seem easy. But if you want to make out the best out of your email marketing courses, you should consider these points:

What is an email course?

It also teaches your audience something real, something necessary, and something related to your course by delivering lessons over a series of automatically generated emails.

How long does it take to send an email course?

Most email courses are sent over a period of one to two weeks. But the key is to send content quickly and consistently enough to warm up new leads. This will let leads know who you are and what you do quickly enough so that they stay intrigued.

What does it mean to be value focused in email courses?

That means thinking about leading people from interested to very interested throughout your email series.

What happens when students work through email courses?

As students work through your email course, they’ll become more and more aware of your course subject matter and what they don’t know yet—but want to. This will generate more demand for your full course.

How to make money with email courses?

Collect email addresses. You’ve heard us say it before, but your email list is the backbone of your business. You launch your course and make money by emailing your list about your course . The larger your list, the larger the number of potential buyers.

How to teach a full course?

Step 1: Decide what to teach. Before you create anything, figure out what to teach first. Naturally, you want to pick a topic that is valuable, shows off your teaching abilities, and also generates demand for your full course. Let’s say your full course is entitled, “Planning a Trip to Italy.”.

What advice does Brennan Dunn give to email digesting?

Brennan Dunn gives truly powerful advice when he talks about email digestion time. When you space out your course, consider how long it may take someone to complete the tasks. If it isn’t a one day thing, opt for a longer course over a shorter one. Don’t forget to look at the course as an extended sales pitch.

What Is An Email Course?

An email course is a set of pre-written emails that are sent out automatically over the course of 5–7 days. The ultimate goal is to sell your paid online course at the end of the free “mini” email course.

Why Create An Email Course?

An email course is one of the simplest marketing tools you can use to sell online courses.

How Successful Course Creators Use Automated Email Sequences to Sell Courses On Autopilot

Have you noticed that many successful course creators here on Medium include a “call to action” link at the end of their stories or in their bio to sign up for a free course?

What Tools Do You Need to Create an Email Course?

You will need an email marketing software that has the ability to schedule and send emails automatically once someone signs up.

Why ConvertKit?

In my opinion, ConvertKit is the best email software for online course creators because it was designed with us in mind.

Setting Up Your Email Course Inside ConvertKit

In order to set up an email course we are going to need to create the following things:

Step 1: Choose a Landing Page Template

Once you are inside of your ConvertKit account, go to “ Landing Pages & Forms .”

What is an email course?

An email course is a series of lessons delivered via email over a predetermined period. At the end of these lessons, you invite your prospects to purchase your product or service, by showing them how it can help them with the particular problem/topic that your email course focused on.

How long is a course email?

A common email course length is 5-7 days with one email (containing up to 1,000 words) sent per day. If through experimentation you discover that a different course length is more efficient for your specific target audience, then go with that.

Why is email course good?

This is good news because an email course that teaches a specific topic to a specific target audience is the ultimate qualifier.

What is an email course?

An email course is a sequence of educational content delivered to a recipient’s inbox at regular intervals. Each email in the sequence constitutes a lesson and each lesson covers a theme related to the main course topic.

What are email courses used for?

The goal with an email course is to teach your audience about a particular topic while aligning your brand with that topic and eventually leading your audience to a call-to-action or conversion. That might be a sale if you’re an ecommerce brand, a consultation booking if you’re a consultant, or a free trial if you’re in the SaaS industry.

Why create an email course – three compelling benefits

If you sell a product or service, chances are you could benefit from creating an email course to use as a lead magnet. Here’s why.

Examples of email courses for inspiration

Before jumping into creating your own, check out our teardown of four email courses with tips on what to steal for your own. In this article, we go into more detail as to how Email Mastery, One Page Love and Patch Plants have created a winning email course that converts.

Wrapping up

An email course is an excellent lead magnet and a means by which to grow your mailing list. Done well, not only does an email course deliver value to your audience, it can also turn subscribers into customers by educating them on a topic relevant to your business and what you offer.

Why Do You Write An Email Invitation Template For Training?

The main reason behind an invitation email is to ensure the people receiving the mail understand the importance of the training. They should also be in a position to bookmark it when it is a mandatory course. Even if the training is optional, it will help them contact you for any doubts related to the program.

Content Needed To Create An Inviting Email

The content needed usually changes with respect to the compulsoriness of the meeting. However, for the core content, there are a few checkpoints you should consider:

Value Addition To The Template

In order to pique the interest of the prospective trainees, you must mention how the particular training program can aid the employee. Steps to highlighting the same include,

Focusing On The Target Audience

The next thing you need to be clear about is the target audience for the email. There should be some minor tweaks in this line. It is the detail that makes the invitation mail more authentic. If the training is for some employees, it can be addressed by HR. It must be from the departmental head if it is for a specific department.

The Training Announcement Template

A training announcement email must include the skills that the program is designed to impart to the people who attend the training or the webinar. The tone of the message being sent is also very important. It must represent the voice of the company.

What should the topic of an online course be?

The topic for your online course should be either a subject that you’re already knowledgeable about or are willing to invest in learning thoroughly. Either way, you need to be passionate about the subject.

Why is online education important?

Therefore, fostering a community of learners around your course will greatly improve their experience, contributing to the overall success of your course. An active online community can help users share their learning process with a group of peers.

What does competition mean in a course?

Having competition means that people find the topic relevant and helpful for them. It’s also a good idea to create content that can comfortably fit into an existing, tried-and-tested space. Once you have a clear target audience in mind, you are best equipped for later creating and marketing the course.

How to teach a lesson?

Go in a logical order and try to make your ideas evolve naturally from one to the other , to ensure a smooth and frictionless learning process. Remember that teaching is about guiding your audience through an idea, step by step. To make this clear in your course outline, define an objective for each of your lessons.

Do you need to run a test before starting an online course?

Creating an online course requires a lot of hard work and effort on your part, so running a test before you begin will allow you to validate this online business idea as one that will pay itself off down the line.

How to create a winning email sequence?

To help you create a winning email sequence, there are a few steps you need to take into account…. 1. Name the sequence. Naming the sequence can give you the pointers you need to create your sequence. In a way, it sets up the context and prepares the ground for it, it keeps you focused and driven to your goal.

What is the purpose of phase 1 email?

In phase 1, you can send out informative material to your email list to help create an understanding of the topic and build awareness of your subject. These could be 5 to 6 nurturing emails or an engagement sequence, that are sent out before the launch of your course.

What is email sequence?

An email sequence is a number of emails scheduled to be sent in a specific timeframe where each one serves a different purpose. It is essentially a series of automated marketing emails. Otherwise known as an ‘autoresponder’, an email automation sequence plays a huge role in your email marketing strategy and describes a series ...

What is the goal of an email campaign?

The goal of each of your email campaigns determines the type of email sequence you use. It is important that you formulate a specific strategy and goal for every email you send out, thus bringing your leads one step closer to ‘closing the deal’, or in marketing terms, ‘making the sale’.

Why are email sequences important?

Email sequences have some obvious and hidden benefits attached to them. They nurture your leads and form better relationships. They ensure your email leads get the best of your content at any time they join. They provide valuable information and advice to your audience.

What does the email 3 mean?

Email 3: Did you know? The News-letter Email#N#Tell people something they are more likely to NOT know about#N#Provide links to your blog – if you have one or write about interesting statistics on your course subject#N#Present the results of your poll and showcase your content/learning material

What is email 11?

Email 11: Giving out useful resources – The Newsletter Email#N#Create an infographic with useful stats on a topic relating to your course#N#Conduct your own research and share your results on your blog#N#Link to your website or other business accounts e.g. YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest
