how to delete old course summary on canvas

by Dr. Olga Mohr Jr. 8 min read

Steps: In Course Navigation, click the Syllabus link. Click the Edit Button. To disable the Course Summary, uncheck the Show Course Summary checkbox.

How do I delete an old course in canvas?

Important:Navigate to the course with the content you wish to delete.From the course navigation menu, select Settings.In the "Settings" sidebar at the right, select Delete All Course Content. You will be prompted to confirm. To proceed, click Reset Course Content, or click Cancel to cancel.Nov 23, 2021

How do I edit course summary in canvas?

This is an editable description field that allows instructors to provide additional details about their course such as an introduction to course assignments and activities, video clips, and images. Click the blue Edit button to begin editing. Use the rich text editor to add content. Click Update to save changes.May 18, 2019

How do I delete syllabus in canvas?

Click Settings on the course navigation menu. Click the Navigation tab at the top of the page. Click the Gear icon that appears to the right of the syllabus item. Select Disable to drop the Syllabus link into the hidden items in the bottom panel.

Can you hide a course in canvas?

In the Global Navigation menu (on left), click Courses and then All Courses. To favorite a course or courses, click the empty star next to each course name to add it to the Courses menu. To hide a course, click the filled star next to each course name to remove it from the Courses menu.Jan 20, 2021

How do I delete my courses in Canvas? - Moraine Valley ..

The option to delete is to "Permanently Delete this Course", found on the Settings page in the buttons on the right. Image of Canvas Permanently Delete this Course Button You may permanently delete the manual Master course shells you created yourself. The operative word is 'Permanently'

How do I delete a course as an instructor? - Canvas Community

Click the Delete Course button. Note: Before you delete your course, make sure you have a record of your Course ID number. Administrators can restore deleted courses if they know the Course ID number. You can locate your Course ID number at the end of your course URL (i.e.

How to add or remove a course on my Canvas dashboard

Unfortunately, we don't delete courses from Canvas. We recommend unpublishing the course or simply following the directions above to remove it from your Dashboard.

Course summary below syllabus, how to delete? - Canvas ..

If you go to the Syllabus page and click edit, there is a box below the content of the actual syllabus that says Show Course Summary. If you just uncheck the box next to it, the course summary will go away. 2 Kudos

Is there a way to quickly delete all the content in my ..

The bulk delete option in Canvas is called "reset course content." Please note that once you have reset your course content, all of that content has been permanently removed and cannot be recovered. We do not recommend that you use this option unless absolutely necessary.

How To Delete Course In Canvas - XpCourse

To remove a course from Canvas, use the following steps: Log into KSIS. On the right side of the KSIS Home page, click Faculty Center. On the Faculty Center page click the Course created in Canvas icon next to the course you wish to remove from Canvas. Note: New Canvas related icons have been added to the legend in Faculty Center as shown below:

How do I remove an enrollment from a course? - Canvas ..

Click the user's Options icon, then select the Remove From Course link.

How long does it take to remove a course from Canvas?

Removing a course from my dashboard Your Canvas Dashboard displays your active courses. ... Additionally, if you have dropped a course, it may take up to 24 hours for your enrollment status to update in Canvas. If a dropped course still displays in your Dashboard after this time, you should confirm with your institution that you are fully ...

How to remove a student from Canvas?

STEP 1: In Canvas select the course and class you want remove the student (s) STEP 3: Open the more menu by clicking on the kebab icon. STEP 4: Select " remove from course ". STEP 5: From the Actively Learn roster, click " remove students". STEP 6: Confirm you want to remove students and click continue.

How to delete all content in Canvas?

From the course navigation menu, select Settings. In the "Settings" sidebar at the right, select Delete All Course Content.

Description Field

This is an editable description field that allows instructors to provide additional details about their course such as an introduction to course assignments and activities, video clips, and images.

Assignment List

The assignment list is automatically populated based on the Assignments and Quizzes that have been published to your course. Assignments will be listed in order of due date.

Due Date Calendar

The due date calendar is automatically populated based on Assignments and Quizzes that have been published to your course. Assignment due dates are highlighted.

Weighting Summary

This is a summary of how assignments are weighted for the course. It is automatically populated based on how instructors have weighted their Assignment Groups. If an instructor has not set up weighted Assignment Groups, this field will say “Assignments in this course are not weighted.”

Remove Old Zoom Meetings from Imported Course Content

When importing Canvas course content from an old course site to a new one, you may have noticed that old Zoom meetings are also being added to the new course.

How do I avoid importing old Zoom meetings into a new course?

Please refer to this Canvas Guide on importing course content. For the step “Select Migration Content,” be sure to choose the second option to “Select specific content.”
